Estrella Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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A Timeless Guardian of Knowledge
Estrella, a Sylph of great age and wisdom, serves as the primary librarian within the prestigious Silver Consortium of Verbobonc. Her existence predates the city itself, and her appearance, though plain for a Sylph, masks an enthralling presence that captivates all non-fey who interact with her. Estrella is renowned not only for her meticulous care of the vast archives but also for her expansive knowledge, which she dispenses at a premium. Her life and work are shrouded in mystique, adding to the allure of the Consortium's already enigmatic reputation.


Estrella is a sylph who has been a part of Verbobonc's history since before it was a settlement. Her ancient origin and the continuity of her presence give her a unique perspective on the region's history and its myriad transformations.
  • Ancient Origins: Estrella's history intertwines with the very genesis of Verbobonc, her life stretching back to times when the land was untouched by modern settlements.
  • Sylphic Nature: As a Sylph, Estrella possesses inherent qualities of air and spirit, which manifest in her ethereal presence and longevity.


Despite her plain appearance for a sylph, Estrella exudes an enchanting aura that captivates those who encounter her. Her role as the librarian of the Silver Consortium is executed with a grace and seriousness that command respect.
  • Physical Appearance: Estrella appears as a typical Sylph but with less ostentation, having a simple yet captivating allure.
  • Presence in the Library: Her daily operations involve meticulous management and preservation of ancient texts, which she handles with a reverence born of centuries.


Estrella has witnessed centuries of history, from the earliest days of the area that would become Verbobonc to its current status as a bustling city. This long view informs her guardianship of the knowledge within the Consortium's vast library.
  • Timeless Witness: Estrella has witnessed the evolution of Verbobonc from its inception, providing her a unique perspective on its growth and the various powers that have shaped it.
  • Guardian of Lore: Throughout the ages, Estrella has safeguarded the knowledge and secrets of countless civilizations, making the Consortium's library a treasure trove of historical and arcane wisdom.


While she remains aloof from mundane political engagements, Estrella is a pivotal figure in academic and magical circles, providing counsel to scholars and mages. Her neutrality helps maintain her focus on her primary duty as a custodian of knowledge.
  • Advisor to the Wise: Estrella's counsel is sought by mages and scholars, particularly those within the Silver Consortium who respect her depth of knowledge.
  • Neutral Observer: Rarely involved in the political intrigues of the city, she maintains a stance of neutrality, focusing solely on her duties as a librarian.


Estrella maintains a deliberate distance from the political machinations of Verbobonc, focusing instead on her role within the Silver Consortium. Her influence is wielded subtly, through the dispensation of knowledge rather than direct intervention in political affairs.
  • Apolitical Stance: Estrella avoids entanglement in the typical political dynamics of Verbobonc, dedicating herself entirely to the stewardship of knowledge.
  • Influence through Information: While not politically active, her control over vast reserves of information grants her a subtle form of power and influence over those who seek her aid.


Motivated by a profound commitment to the preservation of knowledge, Estrella dedicates herself to protecting the integrity and accessibility of the information housed within the Consortium. Her work ensures that wisdom, once gained, is not lost to future generations.
  • Preservation of Knowledge: Driven by a deep-seated duty to preserve and disseminate knowledge, Estrella sees herself as a guardian against the erosion of history and wisdom.
  • Enlightenment: She aims to enlighten those who seek knowledge, though her services come at a high cost, reflecting the value she places on true learning.


Estrella occupies a crucial position within the Silver Consortium, overseeing the library’s extensive collection and ensuring its growth. Her seniority and expertise make her one of the most respected figures within the organization.
  • Senior Position: As the head librarian, Estrella holds a respected and crucial role within the Consortium, managing its extensive collections and guiding its scholarly pursuits.
  • Respected Elder: Her age and wisdom confer upon her a status that is both revered and daunting to those who know of her true capabilities.


As the head librarian, Estrella is charged with the upkeep and protection of the Consortium’s collections. Her duties include not only the physical care of books and scrolls but also consulting with those who seek to delve into the library’s deeper mysteries—for a price.
  • Custodian of the Archives: Estrella is responsible for the maintenance and expansion of the Consortium’s vast library.
  • Knowledge Consultant: She offers her extensive expertise to those willing to meet her price, providing insights that can scarcely be found elsewhere.
Lawful neutral
Year of Birth
422 154 Years old
Sylph female librarian
sparkling blue
long silver and blues
70 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Knowledge has a price, wisdom is priceless."
"To preserve is to protect; to share is to empower."

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Estrella, the Sylph librarian by 3orcs


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