Mages Guild of the Silver Consortium Organization in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Mages Guild of the Silver Consortium

The Mages Guild within the Silver Consortium stands as a selective and prestigious society, fostering advanced arcane study and practice among its members. With stringent entry requirements and structured hierarchies, the Guild offers a range of benefits and imposes specific duties on its members, fostering a community of highly skilled and responsible magic practitioners.  

Titles, Benefits, and Duties

As members advance within the guild, they gain access to various benefits and are assigned specific duties, fostering both personal growth and contribution to the guild's community.
  • Initiate: Entry-level members wear silver robes with a single bar on the sleeve, indicating their school of magic. Initiates receive a 50% discount on 1st-3rd level arcane spells and are expected to perform one week of menial tasks per quarter.
  • Adjunct: Recognized by two bars on their sleeves, Adjuncts enjoy a 75% discount on arcane spells and are required to assist instructors for two weeks each quarter.
  • Instructor: Marked by three bars on their sleeves, Instructors get spells up to 4th level for free and must spend three weeks per quarter teaching or assisting in Master classes. They may opt out by paying 500gp for each week they cannot fulfill their duties.
  • Master: The highest rank within the Guild, signified by four bars on the sleeves. Masters enjoy free access to all spells and can borrow any magic item for a month without cost. There are only eight Masters, one for each School of Magic, and this position is rarely held by adventurers due to its demanding nature.

Facilities and Artifacts

Guild members have access to a broad range of facilities, including specialized libraries and secret rooms for high-ranking members.
  • Artifacts: While artifacts are not sold, an Identify service is available at the public entrance for 100gp per item, free for students.
  • Security and Access: The Guild ensures high security with restricted access beyond the reception area, safeguarding its resources and members.

Mages Guild Facility

The Mages Guild within the Silver Consortium is a hive of arcane activity, research, and experimentation. This area of the Consortium is dense with magical energy, bustling with mages and apprentices deeply engaged in their studies. The guild is adorned with an array of magical and alchemical tools, stacks of rare tomes, and ritual circles, providing an environment that fosters both traditional and innovative magical research.
Facility and Security
  • High Security Measures: The guild areas are secured with permanent wards against all forms of scrying and have additional protections like lead-lined walls to prevent spell penetration. 
  • Experimentation and Research: The clutter of ongoing experiments signifies the guild's dynamic approach to arcane discovery, featuring alchemical setups and complex ritual sites.
  • Restricted Access: Access to the guild’s more sensitive areas is strictly controlled, with arcane traps set to deter unauthorized entry, ensuring that only those with the proper clearance can navigate these spaces.
The Consortium provides various services and facilities to cater to the needs of its patrons, ranging from reading assistance to research support. These include attendants available for reading assistance, scribes for copying materials, and researchers for specific information retrieval, all for a nominal fee.
  • Reading Assistance: Attendants available for 5gp/hour to read for the illiterate.
  • Copying Services: Scribes available for 5gp/page or 30gp/map to copy non-magical materials.
  • Research Support: Researchers available for 30gp/subject (or more for detailed research) to find specific information.

"Knowledge is the True Power." - Highlighting the importance of learning and wisdom in mastering the arcane arts.


Entrance Requirements and Membership

Admission to the Silver Consortium Guild is exclusive, requiring candidates to demonstrate both skill and moral standing within the community.
  • Level Requirement: Applicants must be at least 3rd level in an arcane caster class (Bard, Sorcerer, or Wizard).
  • Community Standing: Candidates must be upstanding citizens of the Viscounty and have performed a notable good deed.
  • Alignment: Applicants must be non-evil.
  • Dues: Members are required to pay monthly dues of 50gp and must check in with the guild at least once a year to share information and maintain their membership.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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