Flandal Steelskin Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Flandal Steelskin

Flandal Steelskin, God of Mining, Smithing, Fitness
Master of Metal, Lord of Smiths, the Armorer, the Weaponsmith. the Great Steelsmith, the Pyromancer

The Essence of Gnomish Craftsmanship

A Glimpse into Flandal's World
Flandal Steelskin stands as a paragon of strength and skill within the gnome pantheon, embodying the spirit of craftsmanship, mining, and physical prowess. With his skin as blue as mithral and his flaming coal-like eyes, Flandal represents the zenith of gnomish metallurgical and crafting tradition. His legendary ability to detect ore and his creation of magical artifacts, like Garl Glittergold's axe Arumdina, position him as the patron deity of gnome warriors, miners, and metalworkers.

Divine Comrades and Confidants

Flandal's relationships within the pantheon are mostly harmonious, characterized by his friendly ties with fellow deities except for Urdlen. His collaboration with Moradin underscores a shared passion for smithing and metalwork. Flandal's role in forging Arumdina has also cemented a special bond with Garl Glittergold, granting him an influential position within the gnomish gods.
  • Unified Pantheon: Flandal Steelskin is a key figure within the gnome pantheon, maintaining amicable relations with most of its members, led by Garl Glittergold.
  • Exception to Unity: His relationship with Urdlen, the gnome god known for its malevolence and destruction, stands as the sole exception, marked by tension and discord.
  • Cross-Pantheon Alliance: Flandal's craftsmanship and domain over metalworking forge a strong alliance with Moradin, the dwarven deity of creation and patron of smiths, highlighting a shared dedication to the craft.
  • Advisor to Garl: As the smith behind Garl Glittergold’s intelligent axe, Arumdina, Flandal not only showcases his unmatched skill but also secures a position of influence and counsel with the leader of the gnome gods.

The Mithral Forge

A Celestial Workshop
Residing in the Mithral Forge located in Bytopia's Golden Hills, Flandal oversees a realm that epitomizes the gnomish pursuit of perfection in metallurgy and crafting. This divine workshop is not just a home but a symbol of Flandal's endless quest for discovering new ores and refining the art of smithing.

Doctrines of the Forge Master

Dogma: The Tenets of Creation and Strength
Flandal's dogma emphasizes mastery over the earth's bounty, advocating for the respectful and innovative use of metal and ore to improve gnomish life. It champions physical fitness and readiness, reflecting Flandal's belief in the strength of body and craft as the foundation of security and prosperity.

The Followers

Miners, Smiths, and Warriors
Worshippers of Flandal are those who delve deep into the earth in search of its hidden treasures and those who transform these treasures into items of beauty and utility. They are also the warriors who defend these pursuits, embodying Flandal's ideals of strength and resilience.


Guardians of the Gnomish Craft
Clerics of Flandal Steelskin are distinguished by their red leather armor and steel helms, symbols of their dedication to the forge and battle. They serve as both spiritual leaders and practical guardians of gnomish mining operations, embodying Flandal's principles through their craft and combat prowess.
Regalia of the Forge
  • Red Leather Armor: Symbolizing the fire of the forge, the clerics don vibrant red leather armor, both a mark of their calling and protection.
  • Steel Helms: Their heads are crowned with steel helms, embodying their connection to the metals they so reverently work and protect.
  • Warhammer: Favored for its symbolic and practical use in both crafting and combat, the warhammer serves as their chosen weapon.
Roles and Responsibilities
  • Miners and Smiths: True to their deity’s portfolio, Flandal’s clerics actively engage in mining and smithing, embodying the divine craft.
  • Protectors of Miners: They ensure the safety of gnomish miners, utilizing their skills to prevent accidents and harm within the mines.
  • Craftsmanship: Beyond their protective duties, they are renowned as fine craftsmen, particularly of weapons, channeling their divine blessings into their creations.
Divine Training
  • Strength and Stamina: Clerics of Flandal undergo rigorous physical training, enhancing their strength and stamina to levels often underestimated by other races.
  • Underground Proficiencies: Their training extends to developing skills crucial for underground navigation and detection, aiding in their mining endeavors and ensuring the well-being of their kin.
Worship and Followers
  • Popularity Among Smiths: Flandal's worship is especially prevalent among gnome smiths, with a significant number of cleric/fighters dedicating themselves to his teachings.
  • Devoted Communities: In certain areas, communities of gnomes predominantly follow Flandal, with his clerics leading in both spiritual matters and the physical labor of mining and smithing.
The Laughter of Other Races
  • A Hilarious Sight: The sight of Flandal's clerics, robust in their dedication yet comical in their intense physical exertions, often draws laughter from other races, underscoring the unique charm and resilience of the gnomish spirit.

Sanctuaries of Steel

Temples: Forges of Worship
Temples dedicated to Flandal are often underground forges, where the roar of the furnace and the ring of the hammer on anvil serve as acts of devotion. These sacred spaces are centers of learning, crafting, and strength, reflecting the core aspects of Flandal's deity.

Ceremonies of the Anvil and Hammer

Rituals: The Solstice Forge
Annually, on the Summer Solstice, weapons forged in Flandal's honor are ritually sacrificed, symbolizing the bond between the deity and his followers. This act reaffirms their commitment to honing their skills and offering their best work in tribute.

Holy Days

The Summit of Craftsmanship
The Summer Solstice, beyond its astronomical significance, is a day of celebration for Flandal's worshippers. It marks a time of communal gathering, where feats of crafting, strength, and endurance are displayed, honoring the Forge Master's teachings.   Flandal Steelskin's domain encompasses the deep connections between the physical and the crafted, the strength of the body, and the resilience of the spirit. Through his guidance, gnomes find not only the path to unparalleled craftsmanship but also the means to protect and enrich their communities.
  Gnome Pantheon
Holy symbol: flaming hammer
Realm: Twin Paradises of Bytopia
Domains: Creation, Earth, Fire, Good, Oracle, Strength
Speciality Clerics
Divine Classification
Immediate god
Neutral good
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Under the Hammer, All Things Are Forged"
"From the Earth, We Draw Strength"
Flandal Steelskin holy symbol by 3orcs
The hierarchy within the clergy of Flandal Steelskin
  • Tinsmith: Initiates start their divine journey with tin, a metal that symbolizes the beginning of their craft and spiritual path.
  • Bronzesmith: As clerics advance, they work with bronze, demonstrating an increased understanding of alloying and the complexities of their faith.
  • Brasssmith: Mastery of brass marks a further deepening of skill, indicating a cleric’s ability to blend different aspects of their deity’s teachings.
  • Coppersmith: The work with copper signifies a solid foundation in both crafting and the clerical duties, symbolizing warmth, conductivity, and a deeper connection to the earth.
  • Silversmith: Transitioning to silver reflects a cleric's purity, adaptability, and refinement in their craft and spiritual devotion.
  • Electrumsmith: Handling electrum, a naturally occurring alloy of gold and silver, represents the blending of celestial light with earthly matter, marking a higher understanding and balance.
  • Goldsmith: Mastery of gold, a symbol of perfection, opulence, and the divine, signifies a cleric’s attainment of great wisdom, skill, and closeness to Flandal.
  • Platinumsmith: Working with platinum, the most precious of metals, represents the pinnacle of earthly crafting and a near-complete merging of the cleric's will with that of Flandal's.
  • Steelsmith: The final rank, embodying the ultimate strength, resilience, and versatility, symbolizes the cleric’s full embodiment of Flandal Steelskin’s divine essence and mastery over the spiritual and material realms.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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