Gareth Mornshield Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Gareth Mornshield

Sir Commander

Commanding Officer of the Viscounty's Heavy Footmen: Sir Gareth Mornshield Sir Gareth Mornshield stands as a pillar of strength and reliability within the military ranks of Verbobonc. His leadership qualities, coupled with his tactical acumen, make him an indispensable commander of the heavy footmen. His contribution goes beyond mere military prowess, as he plays a vital role in shaping the future defenders of the Viscounty and upholding the ideals of duty and honor.  

Background and Personality

  • Sir Gareth Mornshield, a seasoned warrior in his late 40s, commands the Viscounty’s heavy footmen.
  • Known for his unwavering loyalty to the Viscount and a strong sense of duty, Sir Gareth embodies the virtues of courage and honor.
  • A tactical thinker, he is respected by his men for his fairness and ability to lead by example.
  • Despite his stern exterior, he is approachable and often mentors younger soldiers, imparting wisdom and combat skills.

Physical Appearance

  • Sir Gareth is a tall, broad-shouldered man with a commanding presence.
  • His hair, once dark, is now peppered with grey, a testament to his years of service.
  • He maintains a neatly trimmed beard, and his deep-set eyes reflect both wisdom and determination.
  • Typically clad in well-maintained armor, he carries the insignia of the Viscounty, and his helm is adorned with a plume that signifies his rank.

Military Record

  • A veteran of the Battle of Emridy Meadows and several skirmishes along the borders of the Viscounty, his experience makes him an invaluable asset.
  • Skilled in both offensive and defensive strategies, he has enhanced the fighting capabilities of the heavy footmen.
  • Under his command, the unit has developed a reputation for discipline and effectiveness, particularly in formation combat.

Command and Training

  • Leads 100 pikemen and 150 light footmen, primarily spearmen, stationed at Castle Greyfist’s barracks.
  • Emphasizes rigorous training and drills to ensure his troops are well-prepared for any confrontation.
  • Advocates for adaptability on the battlefield, training his men to respond swiftly to changing combat scenarios.

Relationship with the Viscount and Political Standing

  • Maintains a strong rapport with the Viscount, often consulted for military advice and strategies.
  • His loyalty and achievements have earned him a degree of influence in military and defense matters within the Viscounty.
  • Regarded as a key figure in maintaining the security and stability of Verbobonc, particularly against external threats.
Commander Gareth Mornshield
  • 9th level Fighter
Lawful Neutral
Year of Birth
528 48 Years old
dark blue
brown peppered with grey

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Sir Mornshield by 3orcs


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