V1-3 Castle Greyfist, Citadel of the Viscount Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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V1-3 Castle Greyfist, Citadel of the Viscount

V1 Viscount's Outer Grounds

Greyfist Castle and its surrounding grounds serve as a symbol of power and security in Verbobonc. The intricate design and formidable defenses of the castle reflect the complex political landscape and the challenges faced by Viscount Wilfrick in maintaining order and sovereignty in the region.   Narration in 2nd person: Narration Castle Greyfist 

The Grounds

  • The Viscount's Outer Grounds are meticulously maintained, with lush gardens and well-tended pathways leading to Greyfist Castle.
  • The landscape is a blend of natural beauty and strategic design, offering both aesthetic appeal and defensive advantages.

Castle Walls and Defenses

  • The curtain walls around Greyfist Castle are 32 feet high, with four robust round towers extending to 40 feet.
  • Towers are equipped with ballistae and manned by 10 troops each, ensuring a strong defensive position.
  • The walls are constantly patrolled by groups of elite warriors, adding to the castle's formidable defenses.

Castle Entrance

  • The main entrance is fortified with a 20-foot high gateway, accessible via a ramp and drawbridge.
  • Additional defenses include a sturdy door, portcullis, and murder holes for repelling invaders.
  • The gate tower is permanently guarded by 20 troops, with 6 elite warriors securing the outer gate.
  • No unauthorized citizens are allowed past the gate.

Tower of the Viscount

  • The central feature of the bailey is the 60-foot tall Tower of the Viscount.
  • The tower has a unique design, circular on the outside but square internally, with rounded corners.
  • It comprises three stories: a ground floor storeroom, a middle floor great hall, and top floor personal chambers of the Viscount.
  • A secret exit from the basement offers a discreet escape route beyond the city walls.

Viscount's Meeting Hall

  • An older structure predating the tower, the meeting hall is used for official Viscounty business.
  • While less grand than the tower, it has been aesthetically enhanced by Viscount Wilfrick, including large arched windows and gnomish-crafted stained glass.

Additional Structures

  • The bailey also contains a stable and a barracks with an attached kitchen, essential for the upkeep of the castle's military forces.
  • A recent addition is a statue of Viscount Wilfrick, symbolizing his leadership and presence within the castle.

V2 Castle Grayfist: Castle of the Viscount

Castle Greyfist stands as a testament to the rich history and cultural diversity of Verbobonc. Its unique elven architectural style not only adds to the city's aesthetic appeal but also plays a significant role in the political landscape. The castle's grand halls and intricate designs serve as a backdrop for the Viscount's rule, impacting the governance and diplomatic relations within the Viscounty. The blend of human and elven elements in its construction symbolizes the unity and strength of Verbobonc, making Greyfist a revered and influential landmark in the region.

Historical and Architectural Overview

  • Castle Greyfist, a rectangular structure, is prominently situated on a hill in the center of Verbobonc.
  • Renowned as a remarkable example of preserved elven architecture within the city.
  • The castle's design includes a complex of buildings and gardens, meticulously arranged for aesthetic natural vistas.
  • Characterized by slender towers connected by arched bridges, a typical feature of elven construction in Verbobonc.

Interior Design and Layout

  • Rooms and halls boast high ceilings, enhancing the feeling of spaciousness and grandeur.
  • Numerous windows adorn the walls, allowing natural light to fill the interior spaces.
  • Hallways are narrow, and staircases often lack banisters, catering to the elven preference for unobstructed movement.
  • The primary building materials include wood and light-grained stone, giving the castle a distinct, ethereal appearance.

The Great Hall and Throne Room

  • The Great Hall is a centerpiece of the castle, spacious and elegantly adorned, often used for formal gatherings and ceremonies.
  • The throne room, an embodiment of elven craftsmanship, features intricate carvings, elegant tapestries, and artistic embellishments.
  • Both the Great Hall and the throne room are designed to impress visitors and underscore the Viscount's authority and taste.

Impact on Local Lords and Politics

  • The elven architecture of Greyfist symbolizes a harmonious blend of human and elven cultures in Verbobonc, enhancing the Viscount's prestige.
  • Its grandeur and historical significance command respect among the local lords and nobility.
  • The castle serves as a focal point for political meetings and decisions, influencing the political dynamics of the region.
  • The elven elements of the castle appeal to the elven population and strengthen diplomatic ties with elven communities, such as those in Celene.

V3 Barracks and Stables

Knights of the Faithful Defender

  • Home to the Knights of the Faithful Defender, also known as the White Guard, these 20 elite heavy cavalry are skilled horsemen and fighters.
  • The High Guard's duties include protecting the Viscount, investigating potential threats, and executing special tasks assigned by the Viscount.

Mounted Borderers High Guard of the Viscount

  • The barracks also house the 1st Company - High Guard of the Viscount, consisting of Mounted Borderers who have distinguished themselves through valor and loyalty.
  • 1st Company - High Guard of the Viscount
  • Duty - Verbobonc City and the Viscount Directly
  • Headquarters – Castle Grayfist, Verbobonc City
  • Commanding Officer – Ryiis el Lendreer, Knight Bannerette

Viscounty Standing Army Heavy Footmen

  • Elite 100 pikemen and 150 light footmen (mostly spearmen).
  • Commanding Officer of the Viscounty's Heavy Footmen: SirGareth Mornshield
by 3orcs
Narration in 2nd person: Narration Castle Greyfist

V1 Viscount's Outer Grounds

Greyfist Castle and its surrounding grounds serve as a symbol of power and security in Verbobonc. The intricate design and formidable defenses of the castle reflect the complex political landscape and the challenges faced by Viscount Wilfrick in maintaining order and sovereignty in the region.  

V2 Castle Grayfist: Castle of the Viscount

Castle Greyfist stands as a testament to the rich history and cultural diversity of Verbobonc. Its unique elven architectural style not only adds to the city's aesthetic appeal but also plays a significant role in the political landscape. The castle's grand halls and intricate designs serve as a backdrop for the Viscount's rule, impacting the governance and diplomatic relations within the Viscounty. The blend of human and elven elements in its construction symbolizes the unity and strength of Verbobonc, making Greyfist a revered and influential landmark in the region.  

V3 Barracks and Stables

by 3orcs
In the heart of Verbobonc lies Castle Greyfist, a bastion of authority and power within the Viscounty. Gaining entry to this formidable fortress is no simple task, as access is highly regulated to ensure security and order within its walls. Below is a synopsis of the conditions under which one may be granted permission to enter Castle Greyfist:

Nobility Access

  • Any member of the nobility can access the castle up to the great hall without prior arrangement.
  • Nobles are expected to present themselves and any accompanying party at the gate for identification.


  • Individuals summoned by the Viscount or any high-ranking official within the castle are granted access.
  • Summons must be verified by the guards at the gate before entry is permitted.

Military Personnel

  • Military officers of a certain rank (e.g., Knight Banneret and above) have unrestricted access to the castle.
  • Lower-ranking officers may enter for official business but might be restricted to certain areas.

Appointment by Petition

  • Common citizens and those without noble title or military rank must petition for an appointment.
  • Petitions are submitted to the Castle's Chancellor, who reviews and schedules appointments.
  • The Chancellor's Office is responsible for vetting petitions and granting access based on the nature of the request.

Special Circumstances

  • On rare occasions, special circumstances may grant access to the castle, such as public events hosted by the Viscount.
  • During these events, restrictions may be temporarily lifted or modified to accommodate guests.


  • No unauthorized citizens are allowed past the gate without one of the aforementioned permissions.
  • Security measures, including identity verification and purpose of visit, are strictly enforced at the gate.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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