Hanali Celanil Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Hanali Celanil

Hanali Celanil, God of Love, Romance, Beauty, Fine Arts, Artists
The Heart of Gold, Winsome Rose, Archer of Love, Kiss of Romance, Lady Goldheart

The Radiance of Aesthetic Grace

Hanali Celanil is the personification of elven beauty and romantic love, a divine figure adored for her endless pursuit of passion and her guardianship over the aesthetic. She blesses her followers with the joys of love and the pleasures of life's beauty, all the while embodying the ever-changing essence of grace. Her gifts of charisma and affection are coveted by elves, who see her as the keeper of their most treasured experiences.

Deity of Desire

  • Celestial Beauty: Hanali's form is that of elven perfection, with a visage that inspires love and devotion through her mere presence.
  • Divine Blessings: Her ability to bestow enhancements of charisma on her followers is a revered and sought-after boon.

Ties That Bind in the Celestial Court

Within the elven pantheon, Hanali Celanil's relationships are both amicable and occasionally strained due to her whimsical nature. She acknowledges Corellon Larethian's leadership while fostering her own alliances with deities of love and beauty across various pantheons, showcasing her diplomatic and cooperative spirit.
Connections of the Heart
  • Seldarine Dynamics: She navigates the complex relationships within the elven pantheon with the grace and tact befitting a goddess of her stature.
  • Cross-Pantheon Friendships: Hanali extends her influence through friendships with deities from other realms, such as the halfling goddesses Cyrrollalee, Sheela Peryroyl, and Aphrodite.

The Evergold

A Realm of Splendor
Arvandor, the plane of Arborea, is home to Hanali's exquisite domain, a place where love and beauty crystallize into tangible forms. Her Evergold, a crystal fountain of breathtaking beauty, is a focal point of her power, granting her and those she favors an awe-inspiring charisma.
Sanctuary of the Senses
  • Palatial Grounds: Her celestial abode reflects the aesthetic she so dearly champions, serving as an inspiration to all who value beauty and art.

The Faithful

Children of the Aesthetic
Elves and half-elves alike turn to Hanali Celanil in search of love's sweet rapture and the elevation of beauty in their lives. Her followers include not only the common folk but also artists and lovers, all united in their pursuit of the joy and satisfaction that come from life's most heartfelt experiences.
Cult of the Exquisite
  • Elven Devotees: Her followers seek to embody her values, elevating love and beauty in the world around them.
  • Charismatic Quest: They undertake quests in her name, striving to create and preserve beauty or to accomplish great deeds for love's sake.

The Clergy of the Heart's Whim

Hanali's clerics are as vivacious and passionate as the goddess they serve. They dress in gold, celebrating the splendor of personal beauty and the artistry of fine attire. Their mission is to nurture love and beauty wherever they flourish and to protect young lovers under their divine patroness's gaze.
Shepherds of Romance
  • Joyous Guardians: They orchestrate celebrations of love and beauty, acting as custodians of the elven spirit.
  • Venerated Roles: Their duties extend to presiding over marriages and other ceremonies of affection and devotion.

Temples of the Enamored

Temples dedicated to Hanali Celanil are places where beauty is both worshipped and created. They are often adorned with fountains and springs, signifying the goddess's presence and the flowing, ever-changing nature of love itself.
Sanctuaries of Splendor
  • Fountains of Worship: The presence of water features symbolizes the fluidity of affection and the clarity of true love.

Ceremonies of the Silvered Heart

The full moon is a time of sacred celebration for Hanali's followers, with the offering of beautiful objects symbolizing the goddess's dominion over all that is aesthetically pleasing. These holy days, known as "Secrets of the Heart," are occasions for the blossoming of romance and the revelation of inner beauty.
Rituals of Rapture
Festivals of the Full Moon
  • Evening Festivities: Celebrants embrace the full moon's light, partaking in rituals that enhance their emotional connections and illuminate their true beauty. Through her divine influence, Hanali Celanil weaves the fundamental elven values of love and beauty into the fabric of her followers'
  • Secrets of the Heart: Monthly celebrations under the full moon serve as both a revelation of feelings and a communion with the divine allure, allowing love to bloom and inner beauty to manifest visibly among the faithful.
  Elven Pantheon
Holy symbol: Gold Heart
Realm: Olympian Glades of Arborea
Domains: Chaos, Community, Domination, Good, Magic, Nobility, Protection
Speciality Clerics
  • Clerics of the 1st love: +10% reaction bonus to all humans and elves
Divine Classification
Intermediate god
Chaotic good
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In Beauty, Truth; In Love, Freedom"
"Let Hearts Be Our Compass"
"By Moonlight, Love's Truest Glow"
Hanali Celanil holy symbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Hanali Celanil by 3orcs


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