Elves of Greyhawk Species in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Elves of Greyhawk

Guardians of the Flanaess

In the world of Greyhawk, the elves, or "olve" in Flan, stand as timeless sentinels over the lands east of the Crystalmist Mountains. With their slight stature, averaging 5 feet, and fair complexions, elves have been integral to the tapestry of this realm for centuries, witnessing the rise and fall of empires and the ebb and flow of magic.

Historical Overview

History of Greyhawk Elves. The history of the elves, or "olves" as known to the Flan, stretches back millennia, predating many human civilizations in the Flanaess. Initially dwelling in the Crystalmists, elves have established city-states that have, over time, allied or warred with the Dwarves (dwur) and contended against giant nations. The catastrophic War of Light and Dark, a pivotal conflict against the drow facilitated by a betrayal involving the Suel Imperium, led to a mass migration of elves across the Flanaess and the eventual fracturing of their society. This war also saw the advent of the eladrin to aid the elves, birthing the distinct gray elves.
  • Ancient Presence: Elves have dwelled in these lands for countless centuries, their history intertwined with the very essence of the Flanaess.
  • Retreat to Seclusion: With the advent of human kingdoms and the pressure from nonhuman races, elves gradually withdrew to forest realms and upland strongholds, safeguarding their ancient ways.

Dominant Elven Realms

  • Current Strongholds: Elves hold sway in regions like Celene, Sunndi, Highfolk, the Vesve Forest, and the Lendore Isles, testament to their resilience and strategic diplomacy.

Cultural and Magical Affinities

Elven society values individual freedom within a loosely organized structure of various families under leaders such as Dukes or Princes. Decisions, especially those concerning interactions with other races or elven bands, are often made through communal discussions to garner widespread support. Equality reigns in elven society, with no distinction in roles or leadership based on gender. Elven daily life varies from hunting and meditating in wilderness settings to engaging in trade in more urbanized areas. Elves have a unique architectural style, favoring tree-houses or lodges intricately carved from wood.
  • Philosophical Outlook: Elves are deeply attuned to the rhythms of life and nature, dedicating themselves to the appreciation of beauty and the arts.
  • Magical Inclination: With a particular fondness for illusions and charms, elves are master crafters of magical garments, weapons, and armor.

Elven Relations

Elves generally maintain good relations with humans and halflings, while their interactions with dwarves and gnomes can vary from cordial to distant. The Grugach, or wild elves, prefer isolation, eschewing contact with other races. Wood elves are known to be more open, often serving as mediators between different elven subraces and other communities.

Half-Elves: Caught Between Worlds

  • Hybrid Heritage: Half-elves embody the union of human and elven lineages, often finding themselves in a liminal space between both cultures.
  • Adventurous Spirits: Their unique position in society sees them disproportionately represented among adventurers, navigating a path distinct from their full-blooded kin.

Physical and Racial Characteristics

  • Ethereal Appearance: Elves are renowned for their delicate features and slender builds, with varying hair and eye coloration across subraces.
  • Lifespan and Vitality: Elves enjoy extended lifespans, witnessing the passage of ages with a serene detachment that belies their innate strength.
  • Primordial roots: Elves saw the rise of other races-the crawl of humanity from the primordial ooze. They are older than many trees and will live to see generations of trees and humans alike. Yet they hide this innate power beneath a delicate exterior; many thus assume they are harmless.

Unique Traits

  • Distinctive Features: The absence of canine teeth and the presence of pointed ears are hallmarks of their ancient and unevolved form, lending them a unique place in the world's biodiversity.
  • Sensitivity to Beauty: Elves' appreciation for aesthetics is deeply ingrained, influencing their social interactions and cultural expressions.
  • Pointed Ears and Sensitive Hearing: Elves' pointed ears are not just a hallmark of their race but also afford them sensitive hearing, capable of detecting nuances in sound beyond human perception.
  • Lack of Canine Teeth: Elves have a distinct dental structure with no canine teeth, a trait that highlights their unique evolutionary path.
  • Skin and Beauty: With typically pale skin, elves embody an ethereal beauty, and their culture holds no concept of ugliness—physical or otherwise.

Elven Names

Elves are considered children until they declare themselves adults, some time after the hundredth birthday, and before this period they are called by child names.   On declaring adulthood, an elf selects an adult name, although those who knew him or her as a youngster might continue to use the child name. Each elf’s adult name is a unique creation, though it might reflect the names of respected individuals or other family members. Little distinction exists between male names and female names; the groupings here reflect only general tendencies. In addition, every elf bears a family name, typically a combination of other Elvish words. Some elves traveling among humans translate their family names into Common, but others retain the Elvish version.
High Elves of Greyhawk by 3orcs
Elf Table of Contents
Elves of Greyhawk by 3orcs
1,500+ years
Average Height
Female:4'7-5'7ft Male: 5-6ft
Average Weight
Female:75-105Lb, Male: 85-115Lb

Elf Names

Child Names: Ara, Bryn, Del, Eryn, Faen, Innil, Lael, Mella, Naill, Naeris, Phann, Rael, Rinn, Sai, Syllin, Thia, Vall Male Adult Names: Adran, Aelar, Aramil, Arannis, Aust, Beiro, Berrian, Carric, Enialis, Erdan, Erevan, Galinndan, Hadarai, Heian, Himo, Immeral, Ivellios, Laucian, Mindartis, Paelias, Peren, Quarion, Riardon, Rolen, Soveliss, Thamior, Tharivol, Theren, Varis   Female Adult Names: Adrie, Althaea, Anastrianna, Andraste, Antinua, Bethrynna, Birel, Caelynn, Drusilia, Enna, Felosial, Ielenia, Jelenneth, Keyleth, Leshanna, Lia, Meriele, Mialee, Naivara, Quelenna, Quillathe, Sariel, Shanairra, Shava, Silaqui, Theirastra, Thia, Vadania, Valanthe, Xanaphia   Family Names (Common Translations): Amakiir (Gemflower), Amastacia (Starflower), Galanodel (Moonwhisper), Holimion (Diamonddew), Ilphelkiir (Gemblossom), Liadon (Silverfrond), Meliamne (Oakenheel), Naïlo (Nightbreeze), Siannodel (Moonbrook), Xiloscient (Goldpetal)

Cover image: by 3orcs


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