Haxx's Hardheads Organization in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Haxx's Hardheads

Haxx's Hardheads, led by the formidable Lord Marakios Willem Haxx, are the enforcers of tax collection across the Viscounty of Verbobonc. Their reputation is built on the ruthless and efficient collection of taxes, adhering to the spirit of the law as interpreted by their leader. As the Lord Mayor and a wealthy merchant, Lord Haxx embodies a blend of nobility and mercantile pragmatism, using his position to benefit his interests while maintaining a facade of civility and adherence to St. Cuthbert's teachings.   The group’s methods are marked by their assertiveness and lack of leniency, often leading to confrontations with those who resist their collection efforts. The organization's relationship with the Billets of Church of St Cuthbert remains unclear, though it could range from cooperative to merely transactional, given Lord Haxx’s personal devotion to the deity. Haxx's Hardheads symbolize the complex interplay of power, law, and personal gain in the Viscounty of Verbobonc.
  • Haxx's Hardheads is an organization named after its founder and leader, Lord Marakios Willem Haxx.
  • Lord Haxx serves as the Lord Mayor of Verbobonc City and the Viscount’s tax collector.
  • Haxx's Hardheads enforce tax collection throughout the Viscounty of Verbobonc.

Lord Haxx

  • Lord Haxx is a prominent figure in Verbobonc, known for his wealth, influence, and affiliation with the Gentle Tradewinds merchant company.
  • He is a power-hungry noble, who often bends the law for personal gain.
  • Despite his ambitious nature, he is a well-mannered individual and a devoted follower of St. Cuthbert.

Tax Collection

  • The primary duty of Haxx's Hardheads is to collect taxes for the Viscounty.
  • Tax is a small percentage of a person's wealth, with inventories conducted to assess this.
  • Tax collectors have the authority to overcollect if they suspect someone of hiding wealth, within certain legal boundaries.

Interactions and Enforcement

  • Haxx's Hardheads are known for their aggressive approach to tax collection.
  • Resistance to tax collection is not tolerated, except by the nobility.
  • During collections, they confiscate weapons and valuables, often taking a significant portion of individuals' possessions.
  • Tax collectors maintain strict inventories of confiscated items.
  • Non-compliance is met with force, as demonstrated by the treatment of other groups who have resisted.

Relationship with Billets of St. Cuthbert

As a follower of St. Cuthbert, Lord Haxx may have some affiliation or understanding with the Billets of St. Cuthbert.
  • The exact nature of this relationship is not detailed but could involve cooperation in upholding the law or shared interests in the Viscounty.
One of the men shouts through his visor, “Throw down your arms and submit to a search and a lawful tax collection…or face the wrath of House Haxx!”

House Haxx tax collectors

These are the House Haxx tax collectors, and they are not in the mood to talk. Haxx's Hardheads, known for their unyielding enforcement of tax laws, confront adventurers with a mix of intimidation, mockery, and aggression. Their responses to various excuses or affiliations range from grudging respect for certain groups to outright hostility and violence. Regardless of the adventurers' status or location, the Hardheads prioritize their duty to collect taxes for House Haxx and the Viscount, often exceeding legal boundaries. Their interaction with adventurers reveals their ruthless approach, where might and authority overshadow fairness and legality.   The tax collectors expect the characters, teamsters and engineers to lay down their arms and submit to a search, inventory and tax determination. If the characters are wounded, so much the better; the tax collectors think it’s more likely that wounded characters will comply. Dead PCs are stripped entirely of valuables, but only after the tax collectors have dealt with the living.


If the characters submit to a search, the tax collectors first take anything that is or resembles a weapon, and puts it into a large sack. Then, anything else that looks remotely valuable is stripped from the characters and tossed in the sack. The tax collectors intend to take most, but not all, of the worldly possessions of the characters. In addition to taking all cash on hand the characters, and choose a few items that you think the tax collectors would think valuable and the characters would probably hate to lose. Remember, these tax collectors are mean and greedy, so be mean and greedy.   As two or three of the tax collectors put the items in the sack, most of the others stand guard and glare suspiciously at the characters. One tax collector keeps a careful inventory in a ledger he removes from a small strongbox.


If the characters resist, the tax collectors point to the bodies of the adventuring group spread out on the ground below, unconscious and bloody (but clearly alive), to show what happens to those who resist a “lawful tax collection.” The tax collectors do not want to hear arguments or excuses. Some excuses the characters might use are answered as follows:

Haxx's Hardheads: Interrogations and Responses

Adventurers' Questions and Hardheads' Responses
Question: “How much is the tax?”
Response: The tax collectors assert that the tax amount depends on the adventurers' possessions, necessitating an inventory. They emphasize that the tax is typically a small percentage of a person's wealth, hence the need for an inventory to assess accurately.
Tax Collector: "That depends on what you're carrying. We'll need a full inventory to decide the right amount. You know the drill, a small percentage of your wealth."
Question: “Hey, you’re taking everything I’ve got…”
Response: The Hardheads respond with mockery, stating they are only taking what the law allows. They justify their actions by claiming the right to overcollect if they suspect hidden wealth, albeit this is a liberal interpretation of the law, and they often exceed legal limits.
Tax Collector: (Laughing) "We're only taking what’s lawful, friend. Though, if you're hiding wealth, we have the right to overcollect. It’s all legal, trust me."
Question: “But that’s not legal.”
Response: The tax collectors dismissively suggest taking the matter to Lord Haxx, implying that such complaints are futile and unlikely to result in any restitution.
Tax Collector: "Legal, shmegal. Go ahead, complain to Lord Haxx. See if he refunds you a single copper. (Laughs) Har, har!"
Question: “But I’m affiliated with House Haxx!”
Response: Affiliation with House Haxx grants a favorable status. The tax collectors demand only one gold piece as tax and expect the affiliated adventurer to assist in the collection process. Refusal or hesitance to aid may arouse their suspicion and hostility.
Tax Collector: (Evaluating) "A comrade of House Haxx, eh? Alright, your tax is just one gold piece. And you'll help us with these others, won't you?"
Question: “But I’m affiliated with the Mounted Borderers!”
Response: The Hardheads show a degree of respect for members of the Mounted Borderers, taxing only 5% of the cash on hand and sparing them further harassment. However, this leniency does not extend to their companions.
Tax Collector: "Alright, Borderer, we respect your service. We’ll take just 5% of your cash. Your friends, though, they're not so lucky."
Question: “But I’m affiliated with [another organization]!”
Response: The tax collectors are indifferent to affiliations with other organizations, retorting that the adventurer's allies can provide financial aid if needed. They proceed with their aggressive collection tactics regardless.
Tax Collector: "Good for you. Got friends to bail you out, huh? Doesn't change a thing here."
Question: “I’m going to report you!”
Response: Threats of reporting are met with violence. The Hardheads incapacitate the complainer, interpreting resistance as a challenge to their authority. They are unconcerned about being reported, as overzealous collection is often rewarded by Lord Haxx.
Tax Collector: (Nods to another collector) "Seems we've got a resister to lawful tax collection here..." (They move to subdue the adventurer)
Question: “But we’re not on House Haxx land!”
Response: This excuse is particularly despised by the tax collectors. They smugly state that Lord Haxx’s authority for tax collection extends throughout the entire Viscounty, not limited to his own holdings.
Tax Collector: "Doesn’t matter. Lord Haxx's reach for tax collection spans the entire Viscounty. Everywhere is our domain for collection."
“Throw down your arms and submit to a search and a lawful tax collection…or face the wrath of House Haxx!”
by 3orcs
House Haxx

Tax Collectors

Standard Tax Collector
  • human fighter level 1
  • HP 5, AC 15 (chainmail, helm)
  • AL LN; Spd 30 ft.
  • Str 13, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 9, Wis 8, Cha 11
  Possessions: Studded Leather mail, round shield, truncheon, House Haxx tabard.   Sergeant Tax Collector 
  • human fighter level 3
  • hp 18, AC 15 (chainmail, helm)
  • AL LN; Spd 30 ft.
  • Str 13, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 9, Wis 8, Cha 11
Possessions: Chain mail, round shield, truncheon, House Haxx tabard, writ of authority.    One of the tax collectors carries a small strongbox containing several hundred gp and a carefully-written ledger recording the amounts as taxes collected on behalf of Lord Haxx.  
Government, Law Enforcement

Cover image: by 3orcs


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