Marakios Willem Haxx Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Marakios Willem Haxx

Lord Mayor Haxx

The Political Landscape of Verbobonc: An Insight into its Mayor and Major Lords
The city of Verbobonc, a hub of commerce and a beacon of relative independence within the Archclericy of Veluna, is governed by a complex web of political figures and noble families, all under the overarching authority of Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart. Central to this intricate network is the current Lord Mayor, Marakios Willem Haxx, a figure both controversial and influential in the city’s governance and beyond.

Lord Mayor Haxx

  • Background and Rise to Power: Lord Haxx's journey to prominence began with his family's shipping business, The Gentle Tradewinds. His adept maneuvering in the spheres of commerce and politics catapulted him into a position of power and wealth.
  • Business Tactics: His control over The Gentle Tradewinds has not only been financially fruitful but has also served as a political tool. His ability to influence tariffs and duties has made it challenging for those not aligned with him to operate efficiently in Verbobonc.
  • Relationship with ‘The Family’: Lord Haxx’s strategies have inadvertently aided the clandestine operations of The Battirovka Family, a group engaged in smuggling and other illicit activities. His favoritism and price inflations have created a market for The Family’s services.
  • Personal Beliefs and Goals: Driven by a desire for power and wealth, Haxx is a pragmatic individual who believes in the spirit of the law and personal codes as means to maintain a civilized society. His approach to governance and business is marked by a ruthless pursuit of his objectives, often at the expense of others.

The Council of Lords

  • Composition and Role: Comprising various noble families of Verbobonc, the Council of Lords serves as an advisory and regulatory body under the Viscount. Their influence varies, with some having more autonomy and power than others.
  • Influence on Local Governance: The council plays a significant role in local governance, with their decisions impacting everything from trade regulations to societal norms within the Viscounty.
  • Individual Lords and their Ambitions: Each lord on the council has their own set of ambitions and interests, which often leads to a dynamic and sometimes contentious political environment. Their alliances, both overt and covert, shape the political landscape of Verbobonc.

Relationship with Viscount Wilfrick

  • Dynamic with the Viscount: The relationship between the lords, especially Lord Haxx, and Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart is complex. While they operate under his jurisdiction, there are instances of conflict and power struggles.
  • Viscount’s Approach to Governance: Viscount Wilfrick’s leadership style and his approach to managing the various political entities within his domain significantly impact the functioning of the city and its surrounding areas.

Lord Haxx personality

A Study in Ambition and Decorum
In the intricate tapestry of Verbobonc's politics, one figure stands out with a unique blend of ambition, shrewdness, and impeccable manners - Lord Mayor Marakios Willem Haxx. His personality is a paradoxical mix of ruthless ambition and strict adherence to personal codes of conduct.
"True leaders must be willing to make difficult choices for the greater good."

The Power-Hungry Noble

  • Ambition and Wealth: At his core, Lord Haxx is driven by a relentless desire for power and wealth. His ascent to prominence within the noble hierarchy of Verbobonc is a testament to his calculated, strategic maneuvers in both the political and business arenas.
  • Manipulation of the Law: Haxx's respect for the law is not rooted in justice but in the opportunities it presents for personal gain. He expertly navigates legal loopholes, bending the law to favor his interests and those of his associates.
  • Objective for Power and Wealth: Haxx is driven by a desire for power and affluence, constantly seeking ways to expand his influence in Verbobonc's political and economic spheres.
  • Manipulative Strategy: Preferring to operate from the shadows, Haxx strategically maneuvers within the system, influencing decisions and outcomes without direct engagement. This approach keeps him at a safe distance from potential scandals or backlash.
  • Utilization of Position: Haxx believes that those in power should only exert their influence when it contributes to societal order. His perception of order, however, is often skewed to align with his interests.
  • Pragmatic Approach to Means and Ends: He is not particular about the means employed to achieve his goals, as long as they lead to his desired ends. This pragmatism reflects a moral flexibility that serves his ambitions.

Devotion to St. Cuthbert

  • Faith and Morality: Despite his ambitious nature, Lord Haxx is a devoted follower of St. Cuthbert, a deity revered for wisdom, dedication, and zeal. This dichotomy adds a layer of complexity to his character, as he balances his religious beliefs with his worldly pursuits.
  • Moral Justifications: His devotion to St. Cuthbert provides him with a moral framework, within which he justifies his actions. He views his pursuit of power and wealth as a path aligned with his faith, rationalizing his decisions under the guise of religious righteousness.
  • Background in Faith: Raised as a fighting monk in the Church of St Cuthbert, Haxx later found his true calling in business and aristocracy, although he retains his skills in combat.

A Paragon of Manners

  • Public Persona: In public, Lord Haxx is the epitome of decorum. He exudes a demeanor of calm composure and is known for his impeccable manners.
  • Respect and Eloquence: Never one to talk down to anyone, regardless of their status, Haxx understands the power of respect and eloquence. His ability to maintain a courteous façade even in the most contentious situations earns him both admiration and wariness from his peers.
  • Private Reprimands: In contrast to his public demeanor, Haxx is known to sharply criticize and chastise incompetence or failures in private settings.

Political Influence and Business Acumen

  • New Noble House: The House of Haxx, though relatively new, has quickly risen to prominence. This ascent is largely attributed to Lord Haxx's financial success with The Gentle Tradewinds, his shipping company.
  • Strategic Alliances: His wealth and position as Lord Mayor afford him significant influence. He strategically aligns himself with key figures, using his business acumen to enhance his political clout.
"Our merchant marines bring glory and wealth, and our integrity maintains our standing."


In summary, the city of Verbobonc is not just a commercial powerhouse but also a center of intricate political maneuvering. Lord Mayor Marakios Willem Haxx stands as a testament to the blend of commerce and politics, wielding his influence to shape the city according to his vision. The Council of Lords of Verbobonc, with their varied interests and allegiances, adds layers of complexity to the governance of this vibrant city. Together, they navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by their allegiance to Viscount Wilfrick, ensuring that Verbobonc remains a pivotal city in the region. 

Tax Collector

House Haxx, under the leadership of Lord Mayor Marakios Willem Haxx, holds the influential role of tax collector for the Viscounty of Verbobonc. To enforce tax collection and maintain order, Lord Haxx employs a specialized group known as Haxx's Hardheads. This formidable unit is integral to ensuring compliance with the Viscounty's tax laws, leveraging their authority to secure the financial obligations owed to the city and, by extension, fortifying the economic and political power of House Haxx within Verbobonc. His organization is called Haxx's Hardheads
“Throw down your arms and submit to a search and a lawful tax collection…or face the wrath of House Haxx!”
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Year of Birth
530 46 Years old
blonde and trimmed beard
Aligned Organization
As you approach, you find yourself standing before Lord Haxx, the influential Lord Mayor of Verbobonc. He is a heavyset man, his stature indicating a life of comfort and power. His Flan heritage is apparent in his features - a soft, boyish face framed by blonde hair and set with deep brown eyes that hold a keen intelligence. Despite his somewhat aloof demeanor, there's an undeniable charisma about him, most evident in his masterful command of the common tongue. His voice carries a confident, persuasive tone that hints at his prowess in negotiation and leadership.   Lord Haxx stands dressed not in armor, but in richly adorned clothes, their luxurious fabrics and intricate designs suggesting origins from faraway lands. The finery he wears speaks of his wealth and status, setting him apart in any gathering. He moves with a grace that belies his size, a remnant of his training as a fighting monk in the Church of St. Cuthbert.   As he speaks with you, his tone is respectful and measured; Lord Haxx is known never to talk down to anyone in public. However, you've heard rumors of his less forgiving nature in private, especially when dealing with incompetence. While he was raised to be a warrior of the church, his true passion lies in the realms of business and aristocracy, preferring the power of words over physical combat. Yet, there's an underlying sense that he could hold his own in a fight if pushed to it. His presence is commanding, leaving no doubt about his influential role in the politics and commerce of Verbobonc.

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Lord Haxx by 3orcs


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