Ingish Blackhand Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Ingish Blackhand


The Wizardly Merchant of Verbobonc

Sir Ingish Blackhand is a figure of considerable repute and mystery within the city of Verbobonc. Once a wealthy merchant, Sir Ingish has transitioned into semi-retirement, focusing his considerable talents and interests on the realms of wizardry, magic, and the collection of rare artifacts. His tower shop in the Business Quarter stands as a testament to his enduring legacy and fascination with the arcane.

Physical Description

Sir Ingish Blackhand, once a formidable merchant now turned arcane connoisseur, carries the bearing of a man who has traversed both the realms of commerce and magic with equal finesse. His appearance is marked by a distinguished blend of scholarly insight and merchant's pragmatism. One can imagine him with keen eyes that miss no detail, a visage etched with the wisdom of his years, and hands that, while named 'Blackhand,' are perhaps more accustomed to the delicate handling of arcane artifacts than the dark deeds the name might imply. His attire likely melds the practical with the mystical—robes that bear the subtle insignia of his magical expertise interwoven with elements that nod to his merchant past.

Ingish Blackhand Tower

His four-story tower, with its peaked roof and ground floor open to the bustling market, serves as both a living space and a shop of magical wonders.

Motivation and Personality

  • Passion for the Arcane: Beyond mere commerce, Sir Ingish is driven by a deep-seated love for magic and its mysteries. His transition from merchant to wizard reflects his desire to explore the depths of arcane knowledge.
  • Selective Engagement: While retired from active merchant life, he remains a key figure in Verbobonc's commercial and arcane circles, engaging only in matters of great significance to him.

Family and Relationships

Citheranal, His Wife
  • Background: Born into an elven family from the Verbobonc Elven Enclave, Citheranal is a half-elven woman of grace and wisdom, managing the day-to-day affairs of their shop.
  • Role: She acts as the intermediary between Ingish and the world, guarding his time and interests with discernment.

Political and Arcane Associations

  • Silver Consortium: Sir Ingish maintains a robust relationship with this school of magic, leveraging these connections to identify and appraise magical items.
  • Lords of Verbobonc: As a respected member of the city senate, his voice carries weight, especially on matters of archeological or historical import.

Skills in Wizardry and Magic

  • Exceptional Wizard: Sir Ingish is known for his profound skills in wizardry, with a particular talent for identifying and appraising rare artifacts and magical items.
  • Artifact Knowledge: His understanding of rare artifacts is unmatched, making him a go-to authority for adventurers and collectors alike.

The Shop's Offerings

  • Magic Items and Spell Components: The shop is renowned for its extensive collection of spell components and a curated selection of magic items, reflecting Sir Ingish's interests and expertise.
  • Special Vault: A testament to his wizardly prowess, the shop houses a special vault protected by magical glyphs, safeguarding the most precious items.

Legacy and Influence

Sir Ingish Blackhand stands as a pillar of the Verbobonc community, bridging the worlds of commerce, wizardry, and politics with a finesse born of years of experience and study. His tower shop is not just a commercial establishment but a portal to the magical and the mysterious, reflecting the depth of his interests and the breadth of his influence. Whether through his contributions to the city senate, his interactions with the Silver Consortium, or his guidance to those seeking rare magical artifacts, Sir Ingish remains a figure of immense respect and intrigue in Verbobonc.
Sir Ingish Blackhand Wizard 7
Neutral Good
Year of Birth
523 53 Years old
Wizardly Merchant
keen grey
sleek white streaked brown hair and full beard
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Every artifact has its tale, every spell its price."

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: by 3orcs


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