B12 Tower of Sir Ingish Blackhand Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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B12 Tower of Sir Ingish Blackhand

A Legacy in Verbobonc

The Tower of Sir Ingish Blackhand is a prominent landmark within the bustling cobblestone streets of the Business Quarter in the city of Verbobonc. This four-story edifice, crowned with a peaked roof, serves as a beacon of history, commerce, and arcane mystery, encapsulating the essence of its owner's storied past and present endeavors.

Exterior Description

Nestled among the vibrant commercial life of Verbobonc, the tower's imposing structure is a testament to the legacy of Sir Ingish Blackhand, a once wealthy merchant who has since semi-retired. The building's architecture, with its sturdy base and towering presence, reflects the strength and resilience of its owner. The ground floor, welcoming the hustle and bustle of the market district, houses an eccentric shop known for its rare magic items, inviting adventurers and scholars alike to explore its wonders.  
As you navigate the lively cobblestone streets of the Business Quarter in the city of Verbobonc, your gaze is drawn to an imposing structure that rises above the bustling market life—a tall tower with a peaked roof, commanding attention amidst the commerce and chatter. This is the Tower of Sir Ingish Blackhand, a landmark that blends the historical with the mystical.   The building's sturdy stone base anchors it firmly among the shops and stalls, while its height speaks to a legacy that stretches far above the ordinary. The ground floor presents an inviting facade to the commercial district, with wide, welcoming doors that seem to beckon adventurers, scholars, and curious onlookers alike. Through the large glass windows, you catch glimpses of the treasures within—shelves laden with mysterious artifacts and the soft glow of magical items illuminating the interior.   The exterior walls, weathered by time and elements, are adorned with intricate carvings that hint at the arcane—a visual testament to the tower's connection to the realms of magic and mystery. Here, the world of commerce meets the esoteric, and the air is thick with the promise of discovery.

The Tower's Levels

Ground Floor: The Arcane Bazaar
  • Shop of Wonders: The ground level is an emporium of rare magic items and spell components, from live crickets to rare plants and animals.
  • Owlbear Corner: Dominated by a huge, stuffed owlbear, this corner is a testament to the shop's range of offerings.
Second Floor: The Vault of Mysteries
  • Special Vault: Home to a large iron vault with a magic glyph, safeguarding valuable magic items. Unauthorized access teleports the intruder to a secret chamber below.
Third and Fourth Floors: Storage and Living Quarters
  • Storage Space: These floors are devoted to storing a plethora of goods, from mundane supplies to potentially unsorted magical treasures awaiting evaluation or sale.
  • Living Quarters: The private living space of Sir Ingish and his family, adorned with artifacts and mementos of past adventures.

Notable People

Sir Ingish Blackhand: Although retired, he remains an influential figure in the merchant and archaeological communities, offering his wisdom on matters of historical significance. Citheranal: Sir Blackhand’s half-elven wife, managing the day-to-day affairs of the shop, she represents the bridge between the arcane legacy of the tower and the bustling life of the city.

Goods and Services

  • Spell Components: The shop boasts an extensive collection of spell components, excluding only the most expensive gems and metals.
  • Magic Items: Specializing in rare and magical finds, the shop has a selective but impressive inventory of artifacts and magic items.
Pricing and Quality
  • Cost: Prices are kept at average rates, with a free spell component pouch offered with every purchase over 30gp.
  • Rare Finds: Sir Blackhand’s interest in unique magical items means the shop offers top dollar for live magical creatures and trades in high-value artifacts and magic items.

Special Features

The Vault's Security
  • Magical Protection: The vault on the second floor features a magical glyph that teleports unauthorized individuals to a secret chamber, demonstrating the ingenious security measures protecting the tower's treasures.


The Tower of Sir Ingish Blackhand is more than just a landmark; it is a hub of magical commerce, a repository of arcane knowledge, and a living piece of Verbobonc's rich history. Through its doors walk adventurers, scholars, and dreamers, all seeking a part of the magic that Sir Ingish Blackhand has brought to the heart of the city. With every rare item sold and every tale told, the tower continues to weave its spell over Verbobonc, standing as a testament to the enduring legacy of its owner and the enchanting mysteries that lie within its walls.
Sir Ingish Blackhand Wiz 7
Alternative Names
Tower, Mage
Parent Location
Characters in Location

Items for sale

Spell Components
  • Phoenix Feather - Used in high-level fire spells and resurrection rituals. Price: 75 gp
  • Frost Wyrm Scale - Essential for ice-based spells and crafting frost resistance potions. Price: 60 gp
  • Basilisk Eye - A key ingredient in petrification and anti-petrification spells. Price: 90 gp
  • Mandrake Root - Vital for potent healing and restoration potions. Price: 50 gp
  • Glowing Mushroom Spores - Used in light and illusion spells. Price: 20 gp
  • Ethereal Essence - A rare component for spells crossing into the Ethereal Plane. Price: 120 gp
  • Vampire Bat Wing - Necessary for necromancy spells and dark rituals. Price: 35 gp
  • Griffon's Talon - Used in flight spells and potions of levitation. Price: 80 gp
Magic Items
  • Cloak of Elvenkind - Grants the wearer enhanced stealth in natural settings. Price: 4,000 gp
  • Ring of Spell Storing - Can store up to five levels worth of spells to be used at a later time. Price: 5,000 gp
  • Boots of Striding and Springing - Triples the wearer's jump distance and increases movement speed. Price: 3,500 gp
  • Wand of Magic Detection - Detects spells and magical items within 60 feet. Price: 1,500 gp
  • Bag of Holding - A small pouch that can hold objects much larger than its size would suggest. Price: 2,500 gp
  • Amulet of Health - Increases the wearer's Constitution score. Price: 4,500 gp


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