Legal Edicts of Verbobonc: The Codified Justice System in the Viscounty Document in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Legal Edicts of Verbobonc: The Codified Justice System in the Viscounty

"Legal Edicts of Verbobonc: The Codified Justice System in the Viscounty" serves as a comprehensive guide to the legal framework and judicial principles governing the Viscounty of Verbobonc. It encompasses a broad range of legal statutes and ordinances that dictate the administration of justice within the region. The laws outlined in this document cover various aspects of governance, societal norms, and legal procedures, ensuring order and fairness in the Viscounty. This legal guide plays a pivotal role in maintaining the rule of law, addressing civil and criminal matters, and upholding the rights and responsibilities of its citizens. The document is instrumental for anyone seeking to understand the legal intricacies and societal expectations within Verbobonc.  

High Crimes and Low Crimes

In the legal system of the Viscounty of Verbobonc, crimes are classified into two categories: high crimes and low crimes. This categorization impacts how different societal classes are treated under the law.  

Classification of Crimes

  • High Crimes and Low Crimes: The legal system distinguishes between more severe (high) and less severe (low) crimes.

Accusation and Jurisdiction

  • Commoners: Can be accused of any crime by law enforcement agents or nobles, within their jurisdiction.
  • Nobles: Immune to accusations of low crimes; can be accused of high crimes only by those with the Right of High Justice.

Legal Authority

  • Right of Low Justice: Pertains to everyday law enforcement. Those with this right can charge and arrest non-nobles for any crime, based on witnessing the crime or confession.
  • Right of High Justice: Exclusive to the Viscount, noble house heads, and top representatives. This right allows charging and prosecuting any individual, including nobles, for high crimes.

Player Characters and Legal Rights

  • Player characters typically do not possess the Right of High Justice, barring special regional documentation.
This summary provides a basic understanding of the legal hierarchy and crime classification in the Viscounty of Verbobonc. The actual legal process, including trials and sentencing, adheres to these foundational principles.

Laws in the game

In the "Cults of Greyhawk" Dungeons and Dragons campaign, the enforcement of laws during gameplay is primarily the responsibility of the Dungeon Master (DM). The DM acts as the adjudicator of legal matters within the game. When a player character is on the verge of committing a crime, the DM is expected to warn the player about the potential legal consequences of their actions. If the player persists, the DM must consider if the authorities in the game world would be aware of the crime. If so, the player should be informed that their actions will have consequences which will be addressed after the session. Continuous criminal actions by a player may lead the DM to immediately adjudicate the situation and potentially remove the character from the session temporarily. This approach ensures that the game's narrative and its world's legal system are respected while maintaining an enjoyable experience for all players.   See the Table below for more details on authority and jurisdiction of various Viscounty organizations.

Legal Jurisdiction of Verbobonc Organizations

Knights of the Faithful DefenderHigh JusticeAll Verbobonc
Mounted BorderersLow JusticeAll lands within Verbobonc except Verbobonc City
Gentlemen of the WatchLow JusticeVerbobonc City
Gnarley RangersLow JusticeGnarley Forest
Noble House GuardsLow JusticeAppropriate Noble Lands
Mayors, Sheriffs, and ConstablesLow JusticeThe local settlement they have been appointed to.

Crimes and Punishment Chart

Crimes and Punishment Chart

The Crimes and Punishment Chart is a comprehensive summary of the legal system in the Viscounty of Verbobonc, as outlined in the document "Legal Edicts of Verbobonc: The Codified Justice System in the Viscounty" It categorizes various offenses into specific crimes, ranging from minor infractions like Obstructing Traffic to major felonies like Treason and Murder. Each crime is paired with its corresponding legal punishment, which includes fines, jail time, or even death. This chart serves as a quick reference guide for Dungeon Masters and players in a Dungeons and Dragons campaign, helping them understand the potential consequences of characters' actions within the game's legal framework. It is designed to add a layer of realism and depth to the campaign by providing a structured approach to law enforcement and justice in the fantasy setting.

Aiding and Abettinglow100 gp. to 500 gp
Arsonhigh500 gp. fine/2 years jail
Assaultlow10-150 gp. fine/7 days-4 years jail
Banditryhighforfeiture of all possessions, 100 gp x goods
Brawlinglow5 cp. fine/1 day jail
Briberylow10x value, public whipping
Burglarylow10 gp. fine/14 days jail
Blade Drawinglow5 gp. fine/5 days jail
Blasphemyhighpublic whipping
Destruction of Noble Propertyhigh1-25 gp. fine/2-20 days jail
Disturbing the Peacelow1 sp.-1 gp. fine/1-5 days jail
Disrespect to Verbobonc Authoritieslow1-20 gp. fine/1-6 days jail
Blade Drawinglow5 gp. fine or 5 days jail/hard labor
Election Fraudhigh50 gp. fine/1 month jail
Forgerylowconfiscation, loss of finger
Grave Robbinglowconfiscation, 1000 gp
Impersonation of NobleHighforfeiture items, death
Intrusion of Privacylow5 sp. fine/2 days jail
Kidnappinghigh20 days-5 years jail
Magical Item Uselow10 gp. fine/5 days jail
Murderhigh2-8 years jail (1st offense), death (2nd offense)
Obstructing Trafficlow1 sp. fine/1 day jail
Obstructing Justicelow1 gp.-100 gp. fine/1 day-2 months jail
Petty Theftlow5 gp. or 14 days of jail
Permit Fraudlow25 gp. + permit value/1 month jail
Perjuryhigh600 gp
Rapelow2-36 months jail
Resisting Law Officerlow5 sp.-50 sp. fine/1 day jail per unpaid sp.
Seditionhigh10 years jail or banishment; confiscation
Selling Improper Goodslow5 sp. fine/2 days jail; confiscation
Smugglinghigh50 gp. fine or 2 months in jail/hard labor, confiscation of goods
Spell Casting in Publiclow10 gp. fine/5 days jail
Taking Bribeslow1-50 gp. fine/1 week-4 months detention; position action
Tax FraudhighTax amount fine + real taxes/1 day jail per unpaid sp.
Theftlow1500 gp. fine/2 years jail
TreasonhighDeath/20 years jail or banishment; confiscation
Trespassinglow25 gp. fine/5 days to 3 months jail
Unlawful Entrylow25 gp. and 5 days to 3 months of jail


The document titled "Legal Edicts of Verbobonc: The Codified Justice System in the Viscounty" serves as a comprehensive guide outlining the legal framework within the Viscounty of Verbobonc in the "Cults of Greyhawk" Dungeons and Dragons campaign. It classifies crimes, delineates legal authorities, and details the processes for law enforcement. This document is crucial for maintaining the campaign's legal consistency and is used by the Dungeon Master to adjudicate legal situations involving player characters, ensuring adherence to the campaign's lore and rules.
"In the heart of Verbobonc, justice prevails not by the sword's edge alone, but through the scales of fairness and the unwavering resolve to uphold the law."
by 3orcs

The Penal Code

The law in the feudal world is not equal for everyone. A nobleman won’t be punished as harshly as a plebeian for committing the same crime. A crime of a plebeian against a nobleman is regarded as much more serious than the same offence against his equal.
Vellum / Skin
The Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc as the primary enforcers of law within the Viscounty, adhere to the legal system.
  1. High Crimes and Low Crimes: The Vigils Wardens understand the distinction between high and low crimes. They are vigilant in identifying and addressing crimes, whether they involve commoners or nobles. However, they are aware that they cannot accuse nobles of low crimes and only those with the Right of High Justice can accuse nobles of high crimes.
  2. Legal Authority: Vigils Wardens typically hold the Right of Low Justice, allowing them to handle day-to-day law enforcement. They can charge and arrest non-nobles for any crime, provided they either witness the crime or obtain a confession. They enforce the law impartially and strive to maintain order, but they cannot extend their authority to fine or remove player characters (PCs) from play without proper cause.
  3. Enforcement of Laws: In the game setting, the Dungeon Master (DM) enforces laws through the actions of the Vigils Wardens. The DM, acting as the Wardens, may warn players when they are about to commit a crime. If players persist, the DM, through the Wardens, may adjudicate the consequences, which could range from fines to jail time, depending on the severity of the offense.
  4. Interaction with Adventurers: When adventurers encounter the Vigils Wardens, the Wardens act according to the law. They do not tolerate resistance to lawful tax collection or other legal processes. The Wardens are firm but fair in their dealings, and they expect compliance from all citizens and travelers within their jurisdiction.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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