Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc Organization in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc


Who and What: The Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc, once known as the Gentlemen of the Watch, are the backbone of law and order in the Free City of Verbobonc. This esteemed organization has evolved from its origins as a group of aristocratic night patrollers to a diverse and inclusive body, reflecting the changing dynamics of the city.   History: Founded in 506 CY, the organization originally comprised aristocrats and retired adventurers. The Battle of Emridy Meadows in 570 CY marked a turning point, leading vigilant cooporation with the Mounted Borderers.  

Members of the Watch

  • Composition: The Vigil Wardens primarily consist of commoners, with a sprinkling of aristocrats in leadership roles. This composition underlines the organization's roots in the community and its accessibility to all citizens of Verbobonc.
  • Characteristics: Members are chosen for their innate sense of justice and ability to effectively interact with people. This approach ensures that the Vigil Wardens are not just enforcers but also guardians who understand the community's needs.
  • Ranks: The organization features five ranks, reflecting a system that values individual strengths and skills over a rigid hierarchical structure. This approach allows for flexibility and adaptability in their operations.

High Crimes and Low Crimes

The Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc as the primary enforcers of law within the Viscounty, adhere to the legal system.
  1. High Crimes and Low Crimes: The Vigils Wardens understand the distinction between high and low crimes. They are vigilant in identifying and addressing crimes, whether they involve commoners or nobles. However, they are aware that they cannot accuse nobles of low crimes and only those with the Right of High Justice can accuse nobles of high crimes.
  2. Legal Authority: Vigils Wardens typically hold the Right of Low Justice, allowing them to handle day-to-day law enforcement. They can charge and arrest non-nobles for any crime, provided they either witness the crime or obtain a confession. They enforce the law impartially and strive to maintain order, but they cannot extend their authority to fine or remove player characters (PCs) from play without proper cause.
  3. Enforcement of Laws: In the game setting, the Dungeon Master (DM) enforces laws through the actions of the Vigils Wardens. The DM, acting as the Wardens, may warn players when they are about to commit a crime. If players persist, the DM, through the Wardens, may adjudicate the consequences, which could range from fines to jail time, depending on the severity of the offense.
  4. Interaction with Adventurers: When adventurers encounter the Vigils Wardens, the Wardens act according to the law. They do not tolerate resistance to lawful tax collection or other legal processes. The Wardens are firm but fair in their dealings, and they expect compliance from all citizens and travelers within their jurisdiction.


  • Structure: With a chain of command culminating at the Lord Mayor, the Vigil Wardens operate with a loosely defined structure. This flexibility allows for quick responses to the varying needs of the city.
  • Deployment: The 250-strong force is strategically positioned in key areas of the city, including the docks, merchant quarters, and Artisan’s Row, ensuring comprehensive coverage and effective law enforcement.
  • Operations: The Wardens collaborate with local informants, utilize magic, and employ trained animals, showcasing a modern approach to peacekeeping in a medieval setting.


  • Primary Responsibility: Maintaining peace is the core duty of the Vigil Wardens. They serve as the city's eyes and ears, escalating matters to the magistrates or the Mayor as needed.
  • Powers: Their responsibilities include gathering intelligence, conducting interrogations, interviewing witnesses, making arrests, and requesting Writs of Arrest, providing them with a broad spectrum of tools to uphold the law.

City Defense

  • Role: Besides law enforcement, the Vigil Wardens play a crucial role in defending Verbobonc from threats. Their preparation and vigilance were particularly evident during the Greyhawk Wars.
  • Approach: The Wardens prioritize law enforcement over combat, coordinating with the local militia and Mounted Borderers for larger threats. Their deep understanding of the city and its populace makes them invaluable in times of crisis.

Relationship with Billets of St. Cuthbert

  • Collaboration: The Vigil Wardens maintain a strong relationship with the church of St. Cuthbert, sharing common goals and values. This synergy enhances their effectiveness in maintaining order and pursuing justice.
  • Shared Goals: The overlapping objectives of both organizations ensure a harmonious and effective partnership, especially in law enforcement and criminal pursuits.
  • Interaction with Borderers: Cooperation extends to the Borderers, especially in matters involving the Viscount or criminals who have fled the city. This alliance is crucial for broader security concerns.

Community Engagement

  • Local Knowledge: The Wardens' intimate knowledge of local communities and residents aids them in gathering intelligence and maintaining peace. Their localized approach fosters trust and cooperation within the community.
  • Enforcement Style: While approaches to minor offenses vary among individual Wardens, there is a unanimous commitment to upholding the law for serious crimes. This balance between understanding and enforcement ensures justice is served while maintaining community rapport.
Vigil Wardens of Vewrbobonc by 3orcs

Titles and Duties of the Vigil Wardens


Role and Authority: The Cobwalker stands as a foundational figure within the Vigil Wardens, serving as a frontline authority in the streets of the Viscounty's capital. These individuals are the most visible representation of the law, patrolling the cobblestone streets and alleys, ensuring peace and order are maintained day and night.  
Lifestyle and Residence: Cobwalkers reside within the confines of the watch barracks, a symbol of their dedication and constant vigilance. This arrangement affords them an Adventurous Lifestyle, provided by the state, which signifies their commitment to their duties and the protection they offer to the citizens.   Equipment and Support: Outfitted by the Church of St. Cuthbert, Cobwalkers don the distinctive garb and gear that mark their allegiance and role. The Church's support extends beyond mere equipment, encompassing spiritual guidance and moral support, grounding them in their sacred duty to uphold the law. This distinctive attire not only serves a practical purpose but also instills a sense of pride and belonging among the Cobwalkers. It makes them easily identifiable to the citizens of Verbobonc, representing safety, order, and the rule of law.
  • Garb: The Cobwalkers' attire is a harmonious blend of functionality and symbolic representation. Their primary garment is a long, durable cloak in deep blue, symbolizing vigilance and authority. The cloak is fastened with a clasp bearing the emblem of Verbobonc – a stylized representation of the city's walls and towers against a backdrop of two crossed swords. Underneath the cloak, they wear a leather tunic reinforced with chainmail for protection, dyed in muted earth tones to blend with the urban and natural landscapes of the Viscounty.
  • Emblems and Insignia: Prominently displayed on their left shoulder is the insignia of the Watch, a shield with the Viscounty of Verbobonc emblem of great oak tree surrounded by acorns and oak leaves on a field of green, signifying their role as observers and protectors. This emblem is also replicated on their cloak clasps and on the breast of their tunics.
  • Headgear: Cobwalkers are often seen wearing sturdy, wide-brimmed leather hats, providing protection from the elements. A single feather, usually from a local bird of prey, is tucked into the band of the hat, symbolizing their keen awareness and readiness to act.
  • Weapons: As enforcers of the law, Cobwalkers are equipped with a cudgel and a standard-issue short sword, known for its balance and ease of use in close quarters. The hilt of the sword is ornately crafted with the Watch's insignia. Additionally, they carry a heavy wooden shield, reinforced with iron, bearing the coat of arms of Verbobonc for defense and identification.
  • Additional Gear: To aid in their duties during night patrols, they carry lanterns with magically enhanced flames that burn brighter and longer than normal. Their belts hold various pouches containing essentials like writing materials for reporting, manacles for detaining suspects, and basic first aid supplies.


Respect and Recognition: Peacekeepers are held in high esteem by the populace of Verbobonc. Their presence in any situation commands respect and authority, and they are often looked upon as mediators and protectors. Their reputation for fairness and effectiveness in maintaining peace makes them well-respected figures in the community.   Equipment and Abilities: The Peacekeepers are also outfitted by the Church of St. Cuthbert, but with additional privileges. They have the capability to cast low-level spells granted by St. Cuthbert, a testament to their higher standing and the deeper trust placed in them. These spells enable them to perform their duties with a blend of divine assistance and mundane authority.  


Experience and Training: Constables represent the pinnacle of experience and training within the Vigil Wardens. They are seasoned, having faced numerous challenges and situations in their tenure, and their wisdom and knowledge are invaluable in maintaining the peace in Verbobonc.   Advanced Abilities: With the ability to cast higher-level spells of St. Cuthbert, Constables hold a significant edge in their capacity to uphold the law. These spells, ranging from protective wards to more potent forms of divine intervention, provide them with a range of options to handle complex and dangerous situations that may arise in the city.   Leadership and Guidance: As the most experienced members, Constables often take on roles of leadership and guidance within the organization. Their expertise is not only in enforcement but also in mentoring the younger members, shaping the future of the Vigil Wardens and ensuring their continued effectiveness in serving the people of Verbobonc.   Each rank within the Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc brings with it not just increased responsibilities and capabilities but also a deeper integration and alignment with the values and teachings of St. Cuthbert. This hierarchy ensures that the organization remains effective, respected, and deeply rooted in the spiritual and moral ethos of the city.

High Crimes and Low Crimes

The Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc as the primary enforcers of law within the Viscounty, adhere to the legal system.
  1. High Crimes and Low Crimes: The Vigils Wardens understand the distinction between high and low crimes. They are vigilant in identifying and addressing crimes, whether they involve commoners or nobles. However, they are aware that they cannot accuse nobles of low crimes and only those with the Right of High Justice can accuse nobles of high crimes.
  2. Legal Authority: Vigils Wardens typically hold the Right of Low Justice, allowing them to handle day-to-day law enforcement. They can charge and arrest non-nobles for any crime, provided they either witness the crime or obtain a confession. They enforce the law impartially and strive to maintain order, but they cannot extend their authority to fine or remove player characters (PCs) from play without proper cause.
  3. Enforcement of Laws: In the game setting, the Dungeon Master (DM) enforces laws through the actions of the Vigils Wardens. The DM, acting as the Wardens, may warn players when they are about to commit a crime. If players persist, the DM, through the Wardens, may adjudicate the consequences, which could range from fines to jail time, depending on the severity of the offense.
  4. Interaction with Adventurers: When adventurers encounter the Vigils Wardens, the Wardens act according to the law. They do not tolerate resistance to lawful tax collection or other legal processes. The Wardens are firm but fair in their dealings, and they expect compliance from all citizens and travelers within their jurisdiction.

"Ever Watchful, Justly Bound, For Honor and Order We Stand Our Ground."

Government, Law Enforcement

Vigil Wardens

mandated to enforcement of the Legal Edicts of Verbobonc: The Codified Justice System in the Viscounty    Common Cobwalker
Fighter 2nd level
HD 2, HP 10, AC 12
Str 13, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 11
Leather coat, cudgel, leather cap, rope cuffs
  Common Cobwalker Billet
Cleric 2nd level
HD 2, HP 10, AC 13
Str 13, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 13
Studded Leather, Cudgel, leather cap
  Common Peacekeeper
Cleric 3rd level
HD 3, HP 16, AC 15
Str 13, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 15
Chainmail shirt, Cudgel, steel cap
  Common cleric spells
  • Detect evil
  • Detect Magic
  • First Aid
  • Light
1st level spells
  • Bless
  • Command
  • Cure Light Wounds
  • Shield of Faith
2nd level spells
  • Augery
  • Hold Person
  • Silence


a cudgel is a type of club that is typically a short, thick stick used as a weapon. In the times of old, it was a common weapon for its simplicity and the ease with which it could be made; any sturdy branch or length of wood could serve as a cudgel. It requires no great skill to craft, unlike swords or bows, and thus it was often the weapon of common folk or peasants, both for self-defense and, at times, for less honorable pursuits. In the hands of a skilled fighter, a cudgel could be quite effective.

Vigil's Prevalence and Response Time

In the "Cults of Greyhawk" campaign, the prevalence and response time of the Vigil Wardens (previously known as the Gentlemen of the Watch) in Verbobonc can vary significantly depending on the district in which a crime is committed. Here's a breakdown for each sector. These response times and the presence of the Vigil Wardens reflect the priorities and resources allocated by the city’s administration, along with the unique characteristics and needs of each district in Verbobonc:  

High Quarter

  • Prevalence: High
  • Response Time: Very Fast (1-2 minutes)
Description: The High Quarter, being a hub for the elite and nobility, is heavily patrolled. The Vigil Wardens are highly visible and respond swiftly to any disturbances, ensuring the safety and peace of the area's esteemed residents.  

Business Quarter

  • Prevalence: Moderate to High
  • Response Time: Fast (2-5 minutes)
Description: In the bustling Business Quarter, the Vigil Wardens maintain a strong presence to oversee the numerous commercial activities. They are quick to respond to incidents, especially those involving trade disputes or theft.  

Civic Centre

  • Prevalence: High
  • Response Time: Very Fast (1-3 minutes)
Description: The Civic Centre, being the administrative heart of the city, has a significant presence of the Vigil Wardens. They are particularly alert and respond almost immediately to any criminal activities, given the importance of the area.  

Elven Quarter

  • Prevalence: Moderate
  • Response Time: Moderate (5-10 minutes)
Description: The Elven Quarter, known for its tranquility and self-sufficiency, has a moderate Vigil Warden presence. While response times are reasonably quick, the community often handles minor issues internally.  

Foreign Quarter

  • Prevalence: Moderate
  • Response Time: Moderate (5-10 minutes)
Description: The Foreign Quarter, with its diverse populace, sees a moderate presence of the Vigil Wardens. Response times are average as the Wardens balance the need for security with the sensitivities of various cultural enclaves.  


  • Prevalence: Low to Moderate
  • Response Time: Slow (10-15 minutes)
Description: Ryemend, being more residential and less central, has a lower density of Vigil Wardens. Response times to incidents are slower, but still within a reasonable timeframe.  

Across the Velverdyva River on the Kingdom of Furyondy Side

  • Prevalence: Low
  • Response Time: Slow to Very Slow (15-20 minutes or more)
Description: This area, being outside the immediate jurisdiction of the Vigil Wardens, sees a much lower presence. Response times are notably slower, and often local militias or allied forces may intervene before the Wardens arrive.  

Docks in the Waterfront District

  • Prevalence: High
  • Response Time: Fast (3-5 minutes)
Description: The Waterfront District, critical for trade and susceptible to smuggling, is well-patrolled by the Vigil Wardens. They maintain a fast response time to protect the vital economic interests and prevent maritime crimes.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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