Olman Ethnicity in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Olman of Greyhawk

A Study of Ancient Culture and Resilience
The Olman people, with their deep roots in the ancient history of Oerth, embody a rich tapestry of cultural, spiritual, and societal traditions. Their journey from Hepmonaland to the Amedio and beyond tells a story of survival, adaptation, and the indomitable spirit of a civilization that once commanded a vast empire.

Historical Journey

Olman Historic Time Line
  • Ancient Beginnings: Originating in Hepmonaland under the yoke of the Torhoon Empire, the Olman's story begins with enslavement. Their liberation, led by the hero-god Kulkatlan, marked the dawn of their quest for freedom and identity.
  • Migrations and Empire Building: Post-liberation, the Olman established city-states that flourished but were later abandoned due to disaster. Their migration to the Amedio through the Tilva Straight and across the Densac Gulf saw the rise of a new empire amidst conflicts with Yuan-ti, Tabaxi, and the forces of nature.
  • Decline and Dispersion: The eventual decline of their empire due to civil war and supernatural upheaval led to a reversion to a more simplistic lifestyle, scattering the Olman across the Amedio Jungle and Olman Isles.

Religion and Worship

  • Diverse Pantheon: The Olman worship a range of deities, from Kulkatlan, embodying freedom and celestial power, to Zoztzl, the malevolent god of death. Their gods represent natural forces, celestial phenomena, and ancestral memory, intertwined with their daily lives and cultural practices.
  • Temples and Ritual Spaces: Their step pyramids, aligning with the cardinal directions, serve as gateways to the divine, facilitating rituals that connect them with the elemental and the ethereal. These sacred spaces are central to community life, hosting ceremonies that reinforce their bond with the gods.

Society and Governance

  • Tribal Structure: Transitioning from an imperial civilization to tribal communities, modern Olman society is led by hereditary chiefs who are also clerics. This blend of spiritual and temporal authority underscores the matriarchal nature of their governance.
  • Matriarchal Leadership: In contemporary Olman society, leadership is reserved for women, particularly clerics who guide their communities with spiritual insight. This structure reflects the community's reverence for the divine feminine and the crucial role of women in maintaining social and spiritual harmony.

Physical and Cultural Expressions

The Olman, with their rich history and deep cultural roots in the lands of the Flanaess, embody a distinct aesthetic that reflects their heritage and the natural world around them. Their physical appearance, traditional tattoos, jewelry, and clothing styles offer a window into their identity, values, and social structures.

Lifestyle and Magic

  • Community and Raiding: The Olman's lifestyle is characterized by close-knit village life and occasional raiding for resources. Captured individuals are often assimilated, illustrating a complex approach to community expansion and integration.
  • Magical Traditions: Favoring illusions and divination, Olman magic is rooted in understanding the natural world and the unseen forces that shape their reality. Elite warrior orders, such as the Eagles and Jaguars, embody the martial prowess and spiritual depth of their culture.

Current Status

  • Survival and Resistance: With their ancient cities in ruins, the Olman now live in dispersed communities throughout the Amedio Jungle and on the Olman Isles. Some tribes continue to resist external domination, particularly from the Suel's Scarlet Brotherhood, through guerrilla warfare.
  • Cultural Persistence: Despite the challenges of modernity and external pressures, the Olman maintain their traditions, spirituality, and social structures. Their resilience in preserving their heritage while navigating the complexities of the contemporary world highlights their enduring spirit.

The Olman Empire

A Dual Governance System
  • Monarchy and Theocracy: In its zenith, the Olman Empire was governed by a sophisticated system where hereditary emperors and warlords shared power with a religious hierarchy composed of clerics and astrologers. This blend ensured that both the worldly and spiritual needs of the Olman were met, with each realm influencing the other.
  • Emperors and Warlords: These figures wielded considerable temporal power, overseeing the expansion of the empire, the administration of its vast territories, and the maintenance of order. Their authority was often seen as divinely sanctioned, further blurring the lines between secular and sacred rule.
  • Clerics and Astrologers: The spiritual leaders of the Olman Empire played crucial roles in guiding the society's moral and ethical direction, interpreting the will of the gods, and advising the temporal rulers on matters of state and cosmic significance. Astrologers, with their deep understanding of celestial movements, were believed to possess insights into the future, further informing the empire's decisions.

Olman Spirituality and Societal Organization

The Olman people's religion and societal structure offer a fascinating glimpse into a culture deeply intertwined with the natural and supernatural worlds. Their pantheon, societal roles, and the practice of magic paint a rich tapeletstry of a civilization that reveres the forces of nature, ancestral wisdom, and divine guidance.

Religion and Worship

  • Pantheon of the Divine: The Olman pantheon encompasses a range of deities that personify natural forces and cosmic principles. Kulkatlan, the feathered serpent god of freedom and the sky, stands at the forefront, symbolizing liberation and the expansive canopy of the heavens. Huracan, Tlatlan, and Kakchik represent the tempestuous and nurturing aspects of nature, from storms to rain and the mysteries of the night sky.
  • Zoztzl, the Dark Aspect: The cult of Zoztzl, the bat-winged god of death, presents the darker side of Olman spirituality. Feared and shunned by the mainstream Olman society, Zoztzl's followers engage in rites that starkly contrast with the rest of the Olman religious practices, highlighting the complex relationship between life, death, and the divine in Olman belief.
  • Sacred Architecture: Olman temples, majestic step pyramids, serve as gateways to the divine, anchoring the spiritual life of the community. These structures, aligned with the cardinal directions, embody the Olman's deep connection to the cosmos, serving as sites for rituals, offerings, and communion with the gods.

Society and Culture

  • Community Life: The Olman society is predominantly tribal, with most activities centered around the village. While men undertake raids and hunting, embodying the warrior spirit of their ancestors, women manage agriculture, childrearing, and maintain diplomatic ties with neighboring settlements.
  • Matriarchal Leadership: In the absence of a scholarly magical tradition, the Olman rely on sorcerers and warlocks, acknowledging the power of magic in understanding and influencing the world. The exclusion of men from the priesthood and the leadership roles assumed by female clerics underscore the matriarchal nature of Olman society.
  • Magic and Warfare: Illusion, subterfuge, and divination dominate Olman magical practices, reflecting a preference for understanding and navigating the unseen forces. The elite warrior orders, the Eagles and Jaguars, epitomize the martial prowess and spiritual discipline valued by the Olman, revered across all social strata for their bravery and skill.
Elite Olman Warrior by 3orcs
Olman Historic Time Line
Physical Appearance
  • Skin Tone: The Olman's skin is a rich copper-brown, mirroring the vibrant earth of their Mesoamerican-inspired homeland.
  • Hair: Consistently straight and black, their hair is a marker of Olman heritage, often worn long by both men and women.
  • Eyes: Almond-shaped and ranging from medium brown to nearly black, their eyes reflect the depth of the Olman soul and their resilience through the ages.
Tattoos and Body Art
  • Tattoos: For Olman men, tattoos are not merely decorative but serve as a personal diary etched onto the skin. These extensive tattoos chronicle significant life events, victories, losses, and milestones.
  • Noble Adornments: Among the Olman nobility, large nose and ear rings made of jade or gold are symbols of status and connection to their ancestral traditions.
  • Material and Symbolism: The choice of jade and gold, materials revered for their beauty and spiritual significance.
Clothing and Decoration
  • Simplicity and Elegance: Olman clothing is characterized by its simplicity, favoring single colors and functional designs like split skirts, loincloths, and shawl-like upper garments.
  • Decorative Flourishes: The Olman excel in adorning their attire with a myriad of decorations—beads, stones, feathers, bones, metal, and wood.
  • Ceremonial Attire: For ceremonial occasions, the Olman don elaborate headdresses and other items that showcase their craftsmanship and connection to the divine.

Olman Traits (optional rules)

The Essence of Jungle Mastery
The Olman, as an ancient civilization thriving within the dense jungles of the Amedio region and the Olman Islands, possess unique traits that reflect their profound connection with their environment and their rich cultural heritage.
Core Traits
  • Ability Score Increase: Reflecting their agility and attunement to the environment, the Olman's Dexterity and Wisdom scores each increase by 1, showcasing their ability to navigate the complexities of jungle life and the wisdom gained from their deep-rooted traditions.
  • Languages: Mastery of both Common and Olman languages allows the Olman to communicate within their communities and engage with outsiders, bridging their ancient civilization with the broader world.
Specialized Skills
  • Children of the Forest: Proficiency in Nature or Survival skills underscores the Olman's symbiotic relationship with their homeland. Their deep understanding of the natural world or their ability to endure and thrive in the wild is enhanced, doubling proficiency bonuses if these skills are acquired from other sources.

Birthright: Unique Racial Feats

  • Atlan’s Mark: This feat signifies the spiritual and physical resilience of those marked by Atlan, god of the Underworld. The elaborate tattoos that cover their skin are not just artistic expressions but also provide them with enhanced resistance to necrotic damage and bolster their will to survive, evident in improved Death saving throws.
  • Grim Determination: Bearing the scars of slavery, Olman who escape such fates emerge with a strengthened constitution and heightened awareness of manipulation. This trait enhances their resilience, granting proficiency in Insight and improved defense against intimidation, a testament to their unbreakable spirit.
  • Jungle Warriors: Millennia of existence in the jungle have made the Olman unparalleled masters of this environment. Their constitution is fortified, and their proficiency with the jungle's flora, fauna, and terrain is unmatched, making jungle terrain as familiar as their own heartbeat.

Articles under Olman

Cover image: by 3orcs


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