Packard Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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His black hair is greasy and uncared for. He snorts whenever he laughs or is feeling confident. He is however nostalgic and wants to reunite with his old comrades. He tends to agree with only himself unless someone else's opinion sounds like he can profit from it. He tries to control his temper but he can't always stop himself from what he feels what must be done.


Blunt and forthright, Packard does not mince words. He's known for his dry humor and a no-nonsense approach to tavern management.

Political Relationships

His tavern's reputation as a hub for discreet dealings has inevitably entangled him with the Thieves Guild of Verbobonc. While not directly involved in their operations, Packard’s Trough serves as a common ground for meetings between guild members and those seeking their services.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is an exceptionally muscular looking Aerdi/suel mix. He wears tunic with a bar tenders vest. Beneath his clothing is a huge mess of scar tissue. He has dyed his greying silver hair a little too much giving a sharp silver color. His brown eyes dart around the room hyper actively observing anyone and anything.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He was raised happily, as a normal child born to his mother and father. His mother taught him the rudiments of the literacy, while his father instructed him in the blade He became part of the deadliest team of assassins in recent memory from Dyvers. A botched job caused the group to be disbanded. He remains aloof and afraid to be himself due to all the ideals others have placed upon him. This is not his true name but he has changes it and his looks to hide here in Verbobonc.

Personality Characteristics


Working with the Family to score big and move further away in the realms to retire.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

A grizzled veteran of many undisclosed conflicts, Packard’s eyes have seen more than most would dare to imagine. His rugged exterior masks a sharp wit and a keen understanding of the darker sides of human (and non-human) nature.
Packard 9th level Assassin
  • HD 9, HP 50, AC 15
  • Str 13, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 9 
Current Location
Year of Birth
533 43 Years old
Dark brown
raven black
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Where secrets are safer than gold, and loyalty's bought, not sold."
Ruled Locations
Packard comments
“Something different about you… I can tell. I hope you’re not here to cause trouble.”
“The meals I serve aren’t exactly what I’d call a Jarl’s feast, but they’ll fill your belly."
“The hard part about being a bartender is figuring out who is drunk and who is just stupid…”
"By looking at you, now I know what you get when you scrape out the bottom of the barrel"

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Packard by 3orcs


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