B16 The Packard’s Trough Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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B16 The Packard’s Trough

The Packard’s Trough: A Notorious Tavern in Verbobonc

Nestled in the cobblestone streets of the Business Quarter of Verbobonc, The Packard’s Trough is a tavern with a reputation that precedes it. As you approach, the exterior reveals a structure weathered by time, with a facade that whispers tales of the myriad patrons it has witnessed over the years.

Outside Description

  • The tavern's signage, barely hanging on, creaks as it sways, featuring a roughly painted trough filled to the brim, not with water, but with an assortment of weapons and mugs.
  • The building, constructed from dark stone and aged timber, blends into the bustling quarter, yet stands out for those seeking the thrill or refuge it offers.
  • The only windows and the door is stout and studded with iron—at least they take security seriously.
  • Sounds of raucous laughter, clinking glasses, and the occasional scuffle spill out from the cracked windows, inviting those with a penchant for adventure or misadventure.

Inside the Tavern

The inn looks worse on the inside, and it stinks of sweat. The air is heavy with acrid pipe smoke and stale alcohol, and it mingles in your nostrils with the body odor of myriad patrons. The dim light, cast by a dingy pair of oil lamps and a slowly-dying fire in the hearth, obscures stains of every hue imaginable. The bartender eyes you as you enter, puffing heavily on a wooden pipe carved to resemble a serpentine dragon, before returning to the glass they are “cleaning” with a dirty rag. The bar is stocked, floor to ceiling, with bottles of liquor both mundane and otherwise. The dust caking the bottles indicates some have been here years, if not decades. The patrons assembled here resemble the venue—worn, standoffish, and coated in a layer of grime.
  • Long, sturdy wooden tables and benches fill the space, scars and carvings adorning their surfaces, a testament to the memories created here.
  • A large, well-worn bar stretches across one side, behind which Packard, the proprietor, serves up strong drinks and questionable advice with equal enthusiasm.

Packard: The Man Behind the Bar

  • Character: A grizzled veteran of many undisclosed conflicts, Packard’s eyes have seen more than most would dare to imagine. His rugged exterior masks a sharp wit and a keen understanding of the darker sides of human (and non-human) nature.
  • Political Relationships: His tavern's reputation as a hub for discreet dealings has inevitably entangled him with the Thieves Guild of Verbobonc. While not directly involved in their operations, Packard’s Trough serves as a common ground for meetings between guild members and those seeking their services.
Eavesdropping for Lore in a Busy Tavern
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Whatever is happening with pipe and mug, or in conversation around the table, can wait. The voice is furtive and conspiratorial, mesmerizing, and no strain is too great for eavesdropping. Arcana in story, famous characters and places mixed with new knowledge from a past demanding pursuit. A scrap of cartography, a rubbing of language carved on a stone, some smokey old mariner or a delicious courtesan found out what now has to be proven credible or incredible.[/quote]   Packard purchased this tavern just after The Battle of Emridy Meadows there was a devastating landslide of work by the assassins guild in Dyvers. He moved here to escape the wrong side and been working closely with anyone that needs digression. Many secretive meetings happen here in the dark corners.

Leona Trevil

Leona Trevil the bar wench and concubine madame
Leona is Baklunish/aerdi mix and the head waitress and madame for the girls of the inn. She collects all money from the girls. Keeps a watchful eye on them. The two bouncers are quick to run when she yells. She also sells information to anyone with enough coin. Hardly no conversations that happen in this tavern escapes her girls or herself.
"I grew up an orphan on the streets of Dyvers. I would of died there it it wasn't for the kindness of an old man named Lowgroth the Bent. Packard rescued and gave me coin to get out of the city. I followed the mighty Velverdyva west and came here. When I met Mindsey I knew this was where I belonged."

Mercanary Brigands in Tavern

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You enter the tavern. The bartender watches you from behind the counter. Against the firewall is a table at which sat three men. Copper coins glittered in the Lamplight, spilled Ale on the table top. The men held cards in their hands. The man with his back against the wall wearing a scorched leather cap, greasy leathers and un-shaven scared face looked up to meet your eyes. He gestured you to an empty chair, "have a seat, friend, join the game."   The two other men, in greasy leathers, glare and scowl at everyone like prey. Their hands never far from their sheathed blades, finger tips resting or caressing the well polished pommels. Occasionally one will lean in to whisper in the others ear while looking at another of the inn's patrons. The waitress comes sauntering around to bring another round of tankards. The men leer and take a playful swipe at her bum. With much practice she bounces away, "You know you have to talk to Leona first." The oversized barbarian turns to stare at the men from over at the bar. They notice and immediately behave themselves.

Assassin / thief comes into a bar.

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You look up at the average looking trim man enters the bar. He does not seem to be someone who would stand out in any observers memory. His pale complexion and sandy colored hair marks him as suel mix. Which in itself was not unusual what caught your attention however was the horn handled, silver pommels of a long knives tucked into the man's narrow belt. Those weapons or anything but flan, and stamped on the ends are cross-hatched patterns recognizable to all within the trade as a mark of an assassin. The man swaggered into the tavern as if he owned it, and none of the locals were inclined to disagree with him. He reached the bar and ordered an ale from Packard. Obviously the man wanted to be marked, precisely but someone like you a rogue. Although he did not look your way, you know you've been marked by him. It was no more than a feeling, but one you'd learn to trust.

Join Tonk card game

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Three men playing Tonk. The leader (Dallin), showing off his physique wears a few pieces of mismatched, ill-fighting armor. He has tan skin and hazel eyes. His blond hair is cropped short. He has a thick blond beard. The second one (Lancion) seems slow and clumsy. He wears a few pieces of mismatched, ill-fighting armor. He has light skin and green eyes. His blond hair is cropped short and handlebar mustache. The third (Kai), wears unassuming merchant clothing. He has tan skin and brown eyes. He has short, thinning, straight black hair.
"Im Dallin, do not be put off by my diligent friends Lancion and Kai. They are poor conversation and not a hint of humor between the two of them."
“Every problem is a gift—without problems we would not grow.”
“There’s no shortage of remarkable ideas, what’s missing is the will to execute them.”
"If you really want a look at the solid facts of a thing you must strain off the sentiment first."

Dallin Lormer

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Male human bandit
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  • Appearance: Dallin wears a few pieces of mismatched, ill-fighting armor. He has tan skin and hazel eyes. His blond hair is cropped short. He has a thick blond beard. His clothes show off his physique.
  • Personality: He believes it is important to be successful and settled in all debts. He believes freedom can be sacrified for safety and security. He worships the goddess of secrets and lies, and his alignment is neutral evil (NE).
Tavern Inn Meal and Stabling cost
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location
Characters in Location
Leona Treil by 3orcs
Leona Trevil the bar wench and concubine madame  

Bouncer Gob

"A goblin with one hand nailed to a tree would be more of a threat than you"
  • Barbarian 5th level
  • HP 50, AC 14
  • Str 17, Con 16, Dex 13, Int 9, Wis 9, Cha 7
  • Fist 1d2+2
  • Studded Leather

Poor Meals

The food and drink available at taverns
is as varied as the establishments
themselves. These two pages presents
lists of suitable food and drink divided
by the quality of the establishment.
The table immediately below also
presents the average cost of food and
drink for sale in taverns.

Ale (gallon)2 sp
Ale (mug)4 cp
Wine (common; pitcher)2 sp
Wine (fine; bottle)10 gp

Poor1 sp
Common3 sp
Good2 gp

1Carrot and acorn soup with bread
2Vegetable stew
3Pease pudding
4Chickpea stew with kale
5Beans and greens soup with rye bread
6Pea and carrot soup with oatcakes
7Vegetable soup with bread
8Pea soup on baked potato
9Potato soup with mixed greens
10Pea and beet stew
11Acorn cakes with beet soup
12Oat gruel with turnips
13Bean soup with onion
14Cheesy millet balls with carrot
15Beet soup with bread
16Mixed greens pottage with potato
17Carrot soup with ground chickpeas
18Fried beet and potato cake
19Potato and acorn stew with bread
20Baked potato with onions and bread

1Water (cold)
4Mint tea
5Nettle tea
6Dandelion coffee
7Small ale
8Small beer
9Sour wine
10Sage tea
11Chamomile tea
12Plain barley water
13Lavender verbena tea
14Water (hot)
15Rosemary tea
16Watered cider
17Watered perry
18Fennel tea
19Raspberry leaf tea
20Birch sap tea

1Rolled seaweed stuffed with rice and vegetables
2Fishcakes with cabbage
3Black pudding with turnip and bread
4Marrow stuffed with barley and herbs
5Spiced beets with onion and potato
6Roast chickpeas with laver bread
7Mushroom porridge
8Turnip and pea pie
9Onion flan
10Bean stew with onion bread
11Cracked wheat pilaf
12Turnip stew
13Mixed root stew with kale
14Bean and barley pottage
15Homity pie
16Chicken soup with bread
17Fish soup with rice and beans
18Beet stew
19Umble pie with cabbage
20Cabbage soup with beets

Cover image: by 3orcs


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