Rhennee Rhenn-folk Ethnicity in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Rhennee Rhenn-folk

The Rhennee (Rhenn-folk) Nomads of the Waterways

The Rhennee, or Rhenn-folk, are a distinctive and enigmatic group within the World of Greyhawk, known for their nomadic lifestyle aboard river barges and their unique cultural identity that blends elements of Native American and Middle Eastern/Arabic cultures. This article explores their history, culture, and the dynamics of their society.

History and Origins

  • Otherworldly Origins: The Rhennee claim to hail from a place called Rhop on another world, having arrived in the Flanaess through accidental planar travel around 150 CY.
  • Settlement and Adaptation: Initially settling in the Adri Forest, the Rhennee were driven by hostility to adopt a nomadic lifestyle on the waterways of the Flanaess.

Language and Culture

  • Rhopan Language: The Rhennee speak Rhopan, a language influenced by other tongues and the cant of thieves, preserved through oral tradition.
  • Cultural Practices: Dressing in muted colors and valuing simplicity, Rhennee adults often wear homemade leather armor. Their culture emphasizes insularity and a strong adherence to tradition, with strict taboos against marrying outside their community or teaching Rhopan to non-Rhennee.

Seaborne and Landbound

A Cultural Dichotomy
The Rhennee's adaptation to life on the Flanaess' waterways has given rise to a distinctive seaborne culture that defines their identity. However, within this nomadic society exists a lesser-known faction that has chosen a divergent path, highlighting the complexities and variations within Rhennee culture.
  • Nomadic Life: Most Rhennee live on barges, expertly navigating the great rivers and lakes of the Flanaess, embracing a love for adventure and independence.
  • Community Structure: Rhennee society is organized into closely knit families and clans, with disputes resolved through contests and celebrated with singing, dancing, and storytelling.

The Seaborne Rhennee

  • Barge Living: Central to Rhennee culture is their life on barges, where each vessel serves as a home for individual families. These floating homes are meticulously maintained, reflecting the pride Rhennee take in their way of life and their skills in carpentry and navigation.
  • Community and Mobility: Living on the waterways fosters a sense of community among the Rhennee. The mobility offered by barge life allows them to follow the rhythms of trade and the seasons, ensuring their livelihoods while maintaining a degree of independence from the politics and conflicts of the lands they pass by.

The Attloi: Rhennee of the Land

  • Wagon Trains: A small but notable group of Rhennee, known as the "Attloi," diverges from the traditional waterborne lifestyle. Instead, they travel the lands of the Flanaess in hard-covered wagon trains, embracing a nomadic existence similar in spirit but different in execution from their seafaring kin.
  • Cultural Tensions: The Attloi are often viewed with skepticism and disdain by the majority of Rhennee, who see the seaborne life as the true expression of their culture. Despite this internal division, both groups claim the title of Rhennee, or "true folk," asserting a shared heritage and identity despite their differences in lifestyle.

Cultural Unity and Division

  • Shared Heritage: Both the seaborne Rhennee and the Attloi are united by a common heritage, language, and set of traditions that trace back to their mysterious origins. This shared identity forms the backbone of their cultural pride and sense of community.
  • Divergent Paths: The existence of the Attloi underscores the diversity within the Rhennee culture, highlighting how adaptations to different environments can lead to variations in lifestyle while still maintaining a connection to a common identity.


  • Distribution: Rhennee can be commonly found in cities like Dyvers, Veluna, Furyondy, the County of Urnst, the Shield Lands, Perrenland, and the Free City of Greyhawk, often facing stereotypes and prejudice.

Worship and Beliefs

  • Spirituality: The Rhennee have a rich spiritual life, though details of their religious practices are closely guarded, reflecting their mysterious origins and deep connection to their ancestral traditions.

Human Politics

  • Interaction with Other Societies: While some regions like Veluna and the County of Urnst welcome them, in many areas, Rhennee face discrimination and exploitation due to cultural differences and stereotypes.
  • Social Taboos: The Rhennee maintain a code of conduct that differentiates between their own people and outsiders, allowing for deception and theft against non-Rhennee as survival tactics.

Economic Subsistence

  • Livelihood: The Rhennee economy revolves around ferrying goods and passengers, fishing, hunting, crafting (notably leather goods), and occasionally engaging in illegal activities such as theft and smuggling.

The Rhennee

Life on the Waterways
The Rhennee, with their unique cultural identity and nomadic lifestyle, present a fascinating aspect of the World of Greyhawk. Their distinct approach to life, attire, and mastery of the waterways set them apart from the settled civilizations of the Flanaess, emphasizing their love for freedom and adventure.
Attire and Armor
  • Muted Colors: Rhennee attire is characterized by its muted colors, which may reflect their pragmatic approach to life on the move and possibly a desire to blend into the natural surroundings of the rivers and lakes they call home.
  • Homemade Leather Armor: Each adult male possesses a set of homemade leather armor, showcasing the Rhennee's craftsmanship and self-reliance. This armor is not only of good quality but also symbolizes the readiness of the Rhennee to defend their families and barges.
  • Functional Clothing: The cut and style of Rhennee clothing prioritize functionality over fashion. This practical approach ensures that their attire is suited to the demands of a life spent navigating the waterways, engaging in trade, and occasionally encountering danger.
Mastery of the Waterways
  • Inland Sailing and Navigation: The Rhennee are unparalleled masters of inland sailing and navigation. Their deep understanding of the Flanaess' river systems enables them to traverse these waterways with an ease that few can match.
  • Nomadic and Adventurous Life: A strong love for their nomadic lifestyle drives the Rhennee. The freedom to move with the currents, explore new regions, and engage with diverse communities along the banks fuels their spirit of adventure.
  • Barge Homes: Most Rhennee make their homes on large barges, which serve as both transport and dwelling. These barges, averaging about 60 feet in length and 15 feet in width, are marvels of Rhennee ingenuity and craftsmanship, designed to accommodate the needs of a traveling family or clan.
Living on the Move
  • Community and Family: Life on a barge fosters a tight-knit community among the Rhennee. These floating homes are spaces of unity, where families gather to share meals, stories, and plan their journeys.
  • Adaptation and Survival: The choice of a nomadic life on the waterways is as much about embracing freedom as it is about survival. The Rhennee have adapted to the challenges of this lifestyle, from maintaining their barges to securing resources and navigating the complexities of interacting with land-bound societies.

Organization and Governance

  • Leadership: Rhennee groups are led by "nobles" or "lords" who oversee the collective of barges, though their social structure remains fluid and governed by superstitions rather than rigid laws.

Navigating Trust and Prejudice

The Rhennee's Place in the Flanaess
The Rhennee, with their rich culture and nomadic lifestyle, face a complex relationship with the settled communities of the Flanaess. Their unique way of life, coupled with widespread stereotypes and prejudice, positions them on the fringes of many societies, welcomed by few but marginalized by many.

Trust and Distrust

  • Stereotypes and Prejudice: Widely regarded with suspicion, the Rhennee are often labeled as thieves or worse, a perception fueled by their distinct culture and insular nature.
  • Communities of Welcome: Despite widespread mistrust, a few rare communities and cities, such as Veluna, The County of Urnst, Dyvers, and Perrenland, offer the Rhennee a degree of acceptance and the opportunity to engage in trade and social interaction without facing immediate prejudice.

Exploitation and Harassment

  • Economic and Social Challenges: In many areas, Rhennee face exploitation and harassment, from being subjected to extra taxes and trade restrictions to being jailed for lacking permits that are often unfairly demanded.
  • Persecution in the Duchy of Urnst: The situation is particularly dire in the Duchy of Urnst, where the Rhennee suffer persecution at the hands of the Duke's elite cavalry, the Bar Rampant, illustrating the extreme measures taken against them based on prejudice and fear.

Cultural Insularity and Standards

  • Insularity: In response to external pressures and discrimination, the Rhennee have become increasingly insular, adhering strictly to their cultural norms and practices to preserve their identity.
  • Social Taboos: Strong taboos within Rhennee culture, including prohibitions against marrying outside their community or teaching their language to non-Rhennee, reinforce their insularity and serve as a defense mechanism against assimilation and loss of identity.
  • Treatment of Outsiders: Rhennee cultural standards permit deceptive practices against outsiders, such as lying, cheating, and stealing, as survival tactics. However, these actions are forbidden within their own community, underscoring a complex moral code that distinguishes between in-group and out-group interactions.

Magic Among the Rhennee

A Blend of Cosmic Power and Subtle Artifice
Magic within the Rhennee culture occupies a unique niche, distinctively shaped by their beliefs, values, and societal norms. Eschewing conventional forms of magic, the Rhennee have cultivated a practice that intertwines the cosmic with the cunning, creating a blend of genuine magical talent and skillful deception.
Arcane Skepticism and Divine Avoidance
  • Divine Magic: The Rhennee collectively refuse to engage with divine magic, aligning with their broader cultural ethos of independence and perhaps a skepticism of deities who they feel are distant from their nomadic ways.
  • Arcane Caution: While not outright rejecting arcane magic, the Rhennee approach it with caution. Their historical experiences or cultural narratives may underline a wariness towards the powers and consequences that arcane practices can unleash.
The Art of Deception
  • Sleight-of-Hand: The Rhennee's "magic" often manifests not through spellcasting but through sleight-of-hand and legerdemain. This skillful artifice allows them to create the illusion of magic, fooling the unwary and bolstering their reputation as enigmatic wanderers.
  • Cosmic Power: Beyond mere trickery, the Rhennee tap into a cosmic, universal power. This force is non-anthropomorphic, suggesting a deep, underlying connection with the fabric of the universe rather than the worship of deity figures.
Wise Women and Magical Practice
  • Vetha: The Vetha, or wise women, are the primary practitioners of genuine magic within Rhennee society. Serving as advisors to the leaders of the barge families, their counsel is highly valued and rarely disregarded.
  • Sorcery and Illusions: These wise women may embody roles such as sorcerers, bards, or witches, with a preference for charms, illusions, and divination. Their magic is subtle, focusing on enchantments that deceive or confuse, reflecting their cultural predilection for misdirection and subtlety.
  • Cultural Goods: Spells that appeal to the desires or fears of outsiders, like love potions or minor protective charms, are particularly favored. These are often sold, playing into the Rhennee's reputation for cunning and resourcefulness.
Gender and Magic
  • Gender Norms: While technically possible for Rhennee men to practice magic, cultural norms discourage them from doing so. This division underscores a gendered aspect of magical practice within Rhennee society, where the mystical and arcane are predominantly the domain of women.

Rhennee Beliefs

Superstition and Spirituality Beyond the Divine
The Rhennee's approach to religion and spirituality sets them apart within the diverse tapestry of the World of Greyhawk. Eschewing the worship of gods and the practice of divine magic, the Rhennee instead navigate their world through a complex web of superstitions and a deep reverence for the spirits of nature.

Disdain for Divinity

  • No Deity Worship: The Rhennee distinguish themselves by a collective disdain for gods of all kinds. This aversion extends to the practice of divine magic, which they entirely reject, marking a stark contrast to the prevalent religious practices in the Flanaess.
  • Superstitious Nature: Despite their disregard for formal religion, the Rhennee are deeply superstitious. They see portents and omens in the everyday, interpreting natural events and personal encounters as signs with significant meanings.
Ancestral Respect
  • Honoring Ancestors: The Rhennee hold their ancestors and former tribal leaders in high esteem. While they do not engage in worship, they honor these figures through storytelling, the preservation of memories, and the celebration of their contributions to Rhennee culture.
  • Ancestral Guidance: This respect for ancestors underscores a belief in the continuity and interconnectedness of the Rhennee community across generations, guiding principles that inform their decisions and traditions.
Animistic Reverence
  • Spiritual Connection to Nature: The Rhennee acknowledge and revere animistic spirits, particularly those embodying natural phenomena and landmarks. Such spirits, like the "Lady Deep" of Nyr Dyv, are recognized as vital forces within the world, though not objects of worship.
  • Respect Without Worship: This reverence is characterized by a recognition of the spirits' power and presence rather than religious devotion. The Rhennee engage with these spirits through rituals and offerings meant to honor and acknowledge them, fostering a harmonious coexistence with the natural world.


The Rhennee's spirituality is a reflection of their broader cultural values: independence, a deep connection to the natural world, and a complex understanding of fate and fortune. By disavowing formal deities and instead embracing a rich tapestry of superstition and animistic reverence, the Rhennee navigate their lives on the waterways of the Flanaess with a sense of spiritual autonomy and respect for the forces that shape their world. Their unique approach to spirituality offers a window into a culture that values the wisdom of ancestors, the guidance of omens, and the subtle power of nature's spirits, carving out a distinct identity in a land filled with gods and magic.
Rhenee Merchant by 3orcs
Physical Characteristics
  • Appearance: Rhennee people typically have olive to tan complexions, curly black or dark brown hair.
  • Eyes: eyes that range from blue and gray to hazel. 
  • Build: Their physical stature is short but strong and wiry.
Related Organizations
Rhennee Barge by 3orcs

Rhennee Traits (Optional Rules)

Navigators of Rivers and Fate
The Rhennee, distinguished by their life on the waterways and their insular culture, possess unique abilities that reflect their nomadic lifestyle and deep-rooted traditions. These optional traits offer a glimpse into the skills, powers, and heritage that define the Rhennee people within the World of Greyhawk.
Core Traits
  • Ability Score Increase: The Rhennee's dexterity and charisma increase by 1, reflecting their agility and personal charm, crucial for navigation and trade.
  • Languages: Rhennee are fluent in Rhopan and understand Common. However, by tradition, they do not speak Common, a practice that underscores their cultural insularity.
  • Travellers: Proficient in Vehicles (water), Rhennee excel in navigating the rivers and lakes of the Flanaess. Those known as the "Attloi" gain proficiency in Vehicles (land), showcasing their adaptability. This proficiency can be doubled if gained from another source, highlighting their expertise.
Birthright (Optional Racial Feats)
  • Evil Eye: This ability allows a Rhennee to cast a spell mimicking animal friendship, charm person, or hold person without somatic or material components. The effectiveness of this gaze is moderated by the target's saving throw, incorporating the caster's charisma. Failure to resist results in the spell's effects, while success grants immunity to all Rhennee's Evil Eye for 24 hours, but leaves the caster temporarily blinded.
  • Second Sight: Some Rhennee are gifted with prophecy and foresight, capable of casting augury as a 3rd-level cleric once per long rest. At 5th level, they can also cast legend lore once per day, reflecting their deep connection to the mystical aspects of their culture.
  • Well Travelled: Rhennee's extensive travels furnish them with a wealth of knowledge about local customs and stories. This trait increases their intelligence by 1 and grants proficiency in History and Insight, making them savvy negotiators and observers.
Cultural Insights
These traits not only provide mechanical benefits to Rhennee characters but also deepen the lore surrounding this intriguing group. Their ability to navigate both waterways and social interactions, combined with mystical abilities like the Evil Eye and Second Sight, paints a picture of a people deeply connected to both the tangible and intangible worlds. The Rhennee's adherence to tradition, as seen in their selective use of language and their specific racial feats, reflects a complex society where navigation, trade, and mysticism play integral roles. Through these traits, the Rhennee emerge as masters of their fate, steering their barges and their destinies with equal prowess.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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