House Rhynehurst Organization in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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House Rhynehurst

House Rhynehurst is a prominent noble house controlling significant holdings along the western edge of the Viscounty of Verbobonc. Their seat, the town of Rhynehurst, sits at the confluence of the Celeb’vara and Velverdyva Rivers, making it a prime location for trade. The Rhynehursts are known for their relaxed rule, support of the arts, and their welcoming attitude towards the Rhennee Rhenn-folk riverfolk.

Historical Background

House Rhynehurst has a rich history marked by rebellion, resilience, and cultural prosperity.
  • Keoish Occupation: During the Keoish occupation, the Rhynehursts were driven into hiding but continued to lead resistance efforts from the Iron Wood.
  • Artel Rhynehurst’s Rebellion: In 438 CY, Artel Rhynehurst led a successful rebellion during the Growfest festival, with the aid of Sir Elistad Krompox, ultimately driving out the Keoish forces.
  • Post-Rebellion Prosperity: After the rebellion, the town of Rhynehurst grew significantly, becoming a vibrant center for trade, arts, and culture.
Even with the Influx of Krompox’s Southern Holdings
Despite the acquisition of Krompox’s southern holdings, Rhynehurst faced significant challenges but ultimately flourished through resilience and community spirit.
  • Despoiled Lands: After the Keoish occupation, the lands were despoiled and looted, requiring significant rebuilding efforts.
  • Rebuilding and Prosperity: The sturdy and proud people of Rhynehurst worked diligently to rebuild their lands, leading to a prosperous and thriving community.
  • Town Growth: The town of Rhynehurst has grown exponentially, becoming the largest it has ever been, bustling with trade and cultural activities.
  • Bawdy and Colorful: Rhynehurst is known for its vibrant and bawdy atmosphere, attracting bards and performers from all over Verbobonc. 
  • Art and Wine: The town is renowned for its wine and artistic contributions, making it a cultural hub second only to Verbobonc, City.
  • Riverwalk Society: The famed Riverwalk Society of performers is based in Rhynehurst, adding to the town’s lively and intriguing ambiance.

Political Influence

House Rhynehurst wields significant influence due to its historical legacy and cultural contributions.
  • Loyalty to the Viscount: The Rhynehursts are loyal to Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart and supportive of the Mounted Borderers and the Church of St. Cuthbert.
  • Economic Power: Their control of trade at the confluence of the Celeb’vara and Velverdyva Rivers grants them economic leverage in the region.

Estates and Holdings

House Rhynehurst's estates are well-tended and strategically located.
  • Town of Rhynehurst: A bustling trade town at the confluence of the Celeb’vara and Velverdyva River's, known for its vibrant arts scene and welcoming attitude towards the Rhennee.
  • Rhynehurst Lands: Fertile lands surrounding the town, producing fine wine and supporting a robust local economy.
"A thriving community is built on the joy of good wine, the beauty of music, and the hard work of its people."


House Rhynehurst maintains complex relationships with other noble houses and key figures in Verbobonc.
  • House Haxx: Respectful but wary relationship due to differing political philosophies.
  • House Milinous: Strained relations due to Milinous' strict military stance, contrasting with Rhynehurst’s relaxed rule.
  • House Chondell: Cooperative in trade matters, benefiting from mutual economic interests.
  • Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart: Loyal relationship, with active support for the Viscount’s policies and initiatives.

Current Affairs

House Rhynehurst is actively involved in various ongoing projects and events that shape their current status.
  • Cultural Growth: Continuing to support the arts, including the Riverwalk Society of performers based in Rhynehurst.
  • Economic Expansion: Enhancing trade routes and increasing the production of their famed wines.
  • Legal and Political Maneuvering: Recently dealing with the legal exoneration of Garilon Rhynehurst and maintaining a delicate balance with local unsavory elements.

Lore and Description of Location

House Rhynehurst’s lands are both beautiful and culturally rich, reflecting the house’s values and history.
  • Rhynehurst Town: A colorful, lively place known for its arts and trade, located at a strategic confluence of two rivers.
  • Fertile Lands: Well-tended fields producing fine wine, supporting a relaxed and prosperous lifestyle for its residents.
"Our cultural richness and thriving trade are the pillars that support our strength and resilience."

Politics of Verbobonc

House Rhynehurst plays a significant role in the political landscape of Verbobonc through their loyalty and cultural influence.
  • Loyal to Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart: Actively supports the Viscount’s policies and initiatives, particularly those involving the Mounted Borderers and the Church of St Cuthbert.
  • Cultural Diplomacy: Uses cultural events and the arts to influence and maintain positive relations with other noble houses and key figures.
Office of the Harbormaster and Merchant Trade
House Rhynehurst has significant influence over merchant trade in Verbobonc, particularly through their strategic location and trading practices.
  • Harbormaster Relations: Maintains strong ties with the W2 Office of Harbormaster to ensure smooth and profitable trading operations.
  • Merchant Trade: Their trading town’s strategic location at the confluence of two rivers allows for robust and efficient trade routes, enhancing their economic power.

Trade Throughout the Viscounty of Verbobonc

House Rhynehurst’s strategic control of key trade routes and cultural influence underscore their economic dominance.
  • Securing Trade Routes: Investments in security and infrastructure ensure safe and efficient movement of goods throughout the Viscounty.
  • Economic Contributions: Their holdings and trade operations significantly contribute to the regional economy, fostering growth and stability.


House Rhynehurst, under the leadership of Lord Wendell Rhynehurst, stands as a vibrant and influential force in the Viscounty of Verbobonc. Their strategic location, cultural contributions, and economic power make them a respected noble house. Through Wendell’s relaxed and charismatic governance, House Rhynehurst continues to thrive, maintaining a delicate balance of influence and cultural enrichment in Verbobonc’s political and economic landscape.

"Harmony in Trade, Strength in Culture"

House Rhynehurst Key Figures
The Rhynehurst family is characterized by its colorful and diverse members, each contributing to the house’s legacy.
  • Lord Wendell Rhynehurst: The current head of the house, Wendell is a portly, jolly old bard who loves entertaining guests. He is beloved by his people but rumored to permit and enjoy illegal gladiatorial fights.
  • Egret Rhynehurst: The eldest son and a Knight Commander in the Mounted Borderers. Dour and serious, Egret is completely tone-deaf.
  • Braden Rhynehurst: The second son, a paladin in the Church of St Cuthbert, who disdains the lawlessness in his father's lands but remains loyal to his family.
  • Mylindar Rhynehurst: The clever and strikingly pretty daughter who handles much of her father’s financial affairs.
  • Garilon Rhynehurst: The youngest son, a foppish and arrogant young noble who was recently cleared of murder by adventurers. He is the only one of Wendell’s children to follow in his footsteps as a bard.
  • Curles: A male human bard with a charming smile and quick wit, Curles is Lord Wendell Rhynehurst's personal head of entertainment. Curles avoids politics, focusing on ensuring visitors enjoy the local flavor of Rhynehurst.
Geopolitical, Great house
Parent Organization
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House Rynehurst Receiving Visitors
Curles, the Charming Bard
  • Role: Curles is Lord Wendell Rhynehurst's personal head of entertainment, responsible for ensuring guests enjoy their time in Rhynehurst.
  • Description: A male human bard with a charming smile and quick wit, Curles is known for his engaging personality and entertaining skills.
Personality and Duties
  • Charm and Wit: Curles is a master of social interactions, using his charm and wit to entertain visitors and make them feel welcome.
  • Avoiding Politics: Curles avoids political involvement, focusing on his duties to entertain and amuse guests.
  • Encouraging Local Flavor: He meets visitors at local inns, encouraging them to sample the local wine and women, embodying the bawdy spirit of Rhynehurst.
  • Loyal Defender: Despite his carefree demeanor, Curles is fiercely loyal to the Viscount, the Mounted Borderers, and the Church of St Cuthbert, taking offense if they are insulted.
  • Philosophy: When questioned about living a carefree life amidst suffering, Curles responds with a shocked expression, stating, "If we change the way we live, the giant won."

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character flag image: House Rhynehurst coat of arms by 3orcs


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