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Solonor Thelandira

Keen-Eye, the Great Archer, the Forest Hunter

Solonor Thelandira, God of Archery, Hunting, Wilderness Survival   Solonor Thelandira emerges from the rich tapestry of elven mythology as the embodiment of hunting, archery, and the art of survival in untamed lands. This revered deity guides his followers through the wilderness, teaching the balance between the hunter and the hunted, and ensuring the harmony of nature is preserved. As the guardian of all who traverse the vast and perilous wilds, Solonor's influence transcends the boundaries of elven realms, touching the lives of all who respect the natural world.

The Essence of Solonor

Solonor Thelandira is depicted as a resplendent figure, clad in hues of the forest, wielding a bow that never misses its mark. His presence embodies the harmony of life and the inevitability of death, symbolizing the natural cycle of the world. Through his actions, Solonor teaches that hunting is not an act of destruction but a sacred duty to maintain balance, where every arrow loosed and every track followed respects the spirit of the wild.
  • Depicted as an elven figure with a bow that symbolizes balance in nature.
  • Represents both the harmony of life and the inevitability of death.
  • Teaches that hunting is a sacred duty to maintain the balance of nature.

Alliances and Enmities

Within the celestial courts, Solonor maintains a camaraderie with the Seldarine, especially highlighted in his possible brotherhood with Fenmarel Mestarine. Despite his benevolent relationships, a gentle tension simmers between Solonor and Rillifane Rallathil, rooted in differing philosophies towards hunting. Allied with deities who cherish the natural order, Solonor stands as a bulwark against those who would despoil the earth, with his enmity for Lolth underscoring a fierce protection of the wilderness.
  • Shares a camaraderie with the Seldarine, particularly Fenmarel Mestarine.
  • Holds a gentle tension with Rillifane Rallathil due to different hunting philosophies.
  • Stands against deities favoring despoliation, especially opposed to Lolth.

Realm of the Sylvan Archer

Solonor's domain in Arvandor reflects the infinite beauty and complexity of nature itself, centered around the enigmatic Pale Tree. This sacred space serves as a bastion of tranquility and a reservoir of ancient wisdom, where the rhythms of the natural world resonate with the essence of fate and destiny.
  • Dwells in Arvandor, near the mystical Pale Tree.
  • His domain is a bastion of tranquility and ancient wisdom.
  • Watches over life's threads, influencing the future with his divine archery.

Dogma of the Wild

The teachings of Solonor Thelandira advocate for a deep and abiding respect for the natural world, emphasizing the critical balance that must be maintained through responsible stewardship and ethical hunting practices. Followers are encouraged to view themselves as integral components of the natural order, destined to protect and preserve rather than dominate and destroy.
  • Advocates for respect and stewardship of the natural world.
  • Emphasizes ethical hunting and the protection of natural order.
  • Guides followers to see themselves as part of nature's intricate web.

Followers of the Hunt

Solonor's worshippers form a diverse congregation, united by a profound respect for nature and a shared commitment to the principles of balance, fairness, and survival. Rangers, hunters, and others who live by the bow and the track look to Solonor for guidance, finding solace and strength in his teachings. Beyond the elven forests, his influence extends to those of all races who seek harmony with the wild, fostering a community that transcends boundaries in defense of the natural world.
  • Consists of rangers, hunters, and others living closely with nature.
  • Worship transcends racial and geographical boundaries, uniting diverse followers.
  • Encourages living in harmony with the wild and protecting it from harm.

Clerical Order of the Forest

The clergy of Solonor Thelandira, adorned in the colors of the earth and sky, embody the spirit of the wilderness in their ceaseless travels and tireless stewardship. Through rituals performed under the moon's watchful eye and teachings spread from the deepest forests to the highest peaks, these clerics ensure the wisdom of Solonor is preserved and propagated. They are the mediators between the wilds and the civilized lands, ever vigilant in their sacred duty to guide and protect.
  • Clerics wear earth-toned robes and travel to spread Solonor's teachings.
  • Perform rituals under the moon, emphasizing the journey and learning from nature.
  • Act as guardians of the wilderness, teaching respect and conservation.

Sacred Groves and Ceremonies

Temples to Solonor Thelandira, nestled in the heart of ancient woodlands, stand as testaments to the enduring power of the natural world. Here, amid the sacred groves where the divine presence of the Sylvan Archer permeates every leaf and stone, followers gather to offer their respect through rituals that celebrate the eternal cycle of life and death. These ceremonies, marked by offerings of hunting trophies and prayers for balance, reaffirm the covenant between the elven god and those who walk his path.
  • Temples located in ancient forests, embodying Solonor's presence.
  • Rituals celebrate the cycle of life and death, with offerings of hunting trophies.
  • Ceremonies reinforce the bond between followers and the elven god, promoting balance and respect for nature.
  Elven Pantheon
Holy symbol: silver arrow with green fletching, and his sacred animal is the stag
Realm: Olympian Glades of Arborea
Domains: Animal, Celerity, Chaos, Good, Plant, War, Weather
Speciality Cleric
  • Cleric of the 5th track: specialiaze in the Longbow
Divine Classification
Intermediate god
Chaotic good
Quotes & Catchphrases
"By arrow's flight and bow's bend, balance we maintain."
"Hunt not for glory, but for the preservation of balance and harmony."
Solonor Thelandir holy symbol by 3orcs
Solonor hierarchy clergy
  • Fletcher: Novices in Solonor's clergy, learning the basics of survival and archery.Bowyer: Skilled crafters of bows, symbolizing their growing connection with Solonor.
  • Archer: Proficient hunters who embody the god's teachings on balance and precision.
  • Gray Wolf: Protectors of the wild, embodying cunning and strength in their stewardship.
  • Snow Tiger: Solitary and fierce defenders of sacred lands, embodying the silent power of the hunt.
  • Grizzly Bear: Mighty guardians of nature's sanctity, representing strength and endurance.
  • Blood Hawk: Scouts and messengers for Solonor's will, symbolizing swiftness and vision.
  • Fire Falcon: Elite hunters capable of taking down the most formidable foes, representing fierce determination.
  • Gold Eagle: Senior clerics who oversee large territories or significant temples, embodying leadership and wisdom.
  • Hawkeye: The highest rank, representing the pinnacle of archery skill, wisdom, and divine connection.

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Solonor Thelandir by 3orcs


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