Suloise Suel Ethnicity in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Suloise Suel

Suloise (Suel) Human Race of Greyhawk

  The Suloise, or Suel, represent a distinct and fascinating ethnic group of humans within the expansive lore of the Greyhawk setting. Their history, culture, and physical characteristics, combined with their unique religious practices and intricate involvement in human politics, provide a rich tapestry for exploration.


The Suloise people trace their origins back to a cataclysmic event, the Rain of Colorless Fire, which obliterated the Suel Imperium around -447 CY. This event forced the Suloise to migrate en masse from their homeland, now the desolate Sea of Dust, to various regions across the Flanaess. This migration intensified after the twin disasters of the Invoked Devastation and the Rain of Colorless Fire in -422 CY, leading to the widespread dispersal of the Suloise people throughout the continent.
  • Migration and Settlement: The Suloise spread throughout the Flanaess, settling in lands as diverse as the icy mountains of the northeast and the humid jungles of the Thillonrian Peninsula.
  • Interactions with Other Races: Throughout their migration, the Suloise encountered and often competed with native Flan, migrant Oeridians, and various non-human races like elves and dwarves.


The culture of the Suloise is marked by a proud and often opinionated demeanor, shaped significantly by their tumultuous history.
  • Legacy of the Suel Imperium: While the decadence and cruelty of the Suel Imperium have been diluted over time, the Scarlet Brotherhood among others, continues to uphold the imperium's elitist and manipulative practices.
  • Intellectual Pursuits: The Suloise have a strong inclination toward mental and magical endeavors, with many becoming powerful wizards.
  • Family and Lineage: Modern Suloise place great importance on family, though often in a narrow sense that includes only immediate family members.

People and Society

The Suloise people have always been human, with their history and society interwoven with both nonhuman and supernatural elements. Within the borders of the Suel Imperium, diverse races coexisted, some of which were subjugated, others revered, or feared.
  • Nonhuman Residents: Dwarves were enslaved by the Suloise, demonstrating the empire's might and the Suel's dominance over other races. Moreover, the Suloise magics brought forth unique races such as derro, skulks, and su-dopplegangers, further showcasing their arcane prowess and willingness to manipulate life itself to serve their ends.
  • Hostile Races: Wars against the Fiery Kings saw the Suloise combatting goblins, hobgoblins, and orcs. Interestingly, these hostile humanoids were later employed as mercenaries in the conflicts against the Baklunish, illustrating the pragmatic side of Suel strategy.
  • Suel Liches: Some of the most powerful Suloise mages transcended mortality to become liches. This rare transformation highlights the depth of Suel magic and its practitioners' quest for power and immortality, regardless of the moral or ethical implications.


The Suloise pantheon is diverse, reflecting the complex moral and ethical landscapes of its followers.
  • Suel Pantheon: Includes deities such as Beltar, Fortubo, Jascar, and Wee Jas, with a range from benevolent to malevolent, and from lawful to chaotic.
  • Ancestral Worship: In addition to their gods, the Suloise also show a profound respect for their ancestors, mirroring the depth of their cultural traditions.

Geography and Locations

Originally from a land bounded by mountain ranges and lush greenery, the Suloise now inhabit various regions across the Flanaess, including:
  • The Sea of Dust: The original homeland, now a desolate wasteland.
  • Frost, Ice, and Snow Barbarians: Areas where unmixed Suloise populations are most prevalent.
  • Duchy of Urnst and the Scarlet Brotherhood: Regions with significant Suloise influence.

Human Politics

The Suloise have played a significant role in shaping the political landscape of the Flanaess.
  • Noble Leadership: Many groups of Suloise migrants were led by nobles, who have continued to influence the politics of their new lands.
  • Suloise Organizations: Some, like the Scarlet Brotherhood, engage openly in plots against other peoples of the Flanaess, driven by a belief in Suloise supremacy.

Suloise Organizations

The intricate tapestry of the Suloise people is further enriched by the existence of several organizations that have played significant roles in shaping the politics, culture, and arcane pursuits within and beyond the Flanaess. Among these, the Scarlet Brotherhood and the Silent Ones stand out for their influence and mystique.

Scarlet Brotherhood

The Scarlet Brotherhood, undoubtedly the most infamous and secretive society of the Suloise, has its stronghold on the Tilvanot Peninsula. Despite its initial secrecy, the Brotherhood's extensive involvement in the affairs of the Flanaess' nations has rendered it less obscure.
  • Headquarters and Influence: Based on the Tilvanot Peninsula, the Scarlet Brotherhood has extended its reach across the Flanaess, embedding itself deeply into the geopolitical landscape. While it holds a prominent position in Shar, it falls short of governing control but wields significant influence over the peninsula's affairs.
  • Objectives and Operations: The organization is known for its pursuit of Suel supremacy, often engaging in political manipulation, espionage, and even direct intervention to steer the course of nations in favor of Suloise heritage and dominance.

The Silent Ones

Shrouded in even deeper mystery are "Those Who Must Not Speak," more commonly referred to as the Silent Ones. They operate from the enigmatic Silent Tower, situated in the Kingdom of Keoland, and are enveloped in rumors and speculation.
  • Headquarters and Mysteries: The Silent Tower in Keoland serves as the nerve center for the Silent Ones. Their secretive nature has led to rampant speculation about their objectives, with rumors suggesting a quest for forbidden magics and ancient Suloise artifacts.
  • Goals and Secrecy: The true ambitions of the Silent Ones remain obscured, known only to themselves. Their reputation for vanishing those who seek to uncover their secrets or infiltrate the Silent Tower only adds to their enigmatic presence. What is clear is that the Silent Ones reveal only what they wish, and only when they deem it appropriate.
Suel Noble by 3orcs
Related Organizations
Physical Characteristics
The Suloise are noted for their distinctive physical appearance, which includes:
  • Skin Tone: Ranging from pale to nearly albino.
  • Hair: Wiry, often curly or kinky, with shades of light red, blond, and platinum blonde.
  • Eyes: Colors vary from pale blue to violet, with deep blue and gray being possible.
  • Stature: Males average between 6’ to 6’3” tall, females between 5’10” to 6’ tall.

Suloise Traits (Optional)

A Glimpse into Heritage and Power
The Suel people, descendants of the ancient Suloise Imperium, carry a legacy marked by pride, intellect, and a deep connection to arcane forces. These optional traits for Suloise characters within the World of Greyhawk reflect their unique heritage, cultural practices, and the natural aptitudes that distinguish them from other human races.

Reputation and Cultural Disposition

  • Character Traits: The Suel are often viewed as proud, opinionated, selfish, and blunt, traits that are most pronounced within the ranks of the Scarlet Brotherhood.
  • Diversity in Pursuits: While those in the Thillonrian Peninsula exhibit a warlike nature, Suel descendants in regions like the Scarlet Brotherhood and the Sheldomar Valley are inclined towards mental pursuits and magic, often rising to significant power as wizards.
Inherent Abilities
  • Ability Score Increase: Reflecting their sharp intellect and forceful personalities, Suloise individuals see an increase in Intelligence and Charisma scores by 1.
  • Linguistic Heritage: Suloise characters possess the ability to speak, read, and write the chief language of the Suel Imperium is called Suloise.

Arcane Heritage

  • Proficiency in Knowledge: Suloise individuals gain proficiency in the Arcana or History skill, with the option to double their proficiency bonus if they gain proficiency through another source. This trait underscores their deep-rooted connection to magic and history.
Birthright (Optional Rules)
Suloise characters may choose from one of the following bonus racial feats, each reflecting aspects of their storied past and divine connections:
  • Blood of Kord: This trait signifies a lineage touched by the god Kord, enhancing the individual's martial prowess, particularly in the heat of rage, with incremental increases in rage damage bonus at various levels.
  • Pure Bloodline: Representing a lineage of unblemished Suloise purity, this trait enhances Intelligence or Charisma and grants proficiency in Intimidate. Additionally, it allows the casting of Detect Magic once per rest, reflecting a direct connection to the arcane legacy of the Suloise Imperium.
  • Vatun’s Touch: Signifying a special bond with the god Vatun, this trait grants increased Constitution, resistance to frost damage, and immunity to the adverse effects of cold climates, embodying the resilience and divine favor bestowed upon the Suloise people.
Suloise wizard by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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