House Sarcina Organization in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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House Sarcina

House Sarcina stands as one of the most storied and influential noble families within the Viscounty of Verbobonc. Their ascent to prominence is deeply intertwined with the region's history, economic developments, and the shifting political landscapes. This article delves into the rich tapestry that constitutes House Sarcina's past and present, shedding light on its members' motivations, political alliances, and the delicate balance they maintain within the Court of Lords and beyond.

Family History and Rise to Prominence

  • Origins: House Sarcina's roots trace back to economic connections with Furyondian nobility, from which it descends. Their rise began notably after Verbobonc's annexation by Furyondy, leveraging the economic boom that followed.
  • Historical Controversies: Initially, their ascent was marred by controversies and unpopular dealings, casting a shadow over their reputation. However, these events have since faded into the annals of history, with few in contemporary Verbobonc harboring ill will towards the family.
"Our house champions economic growth and security, advocating for policies that benefit all of Verbobonc."

Current Standing and Politics

  • Lady Kathryn Sarcina: The current matriarch, Lady Kathryn Sarcina, embodies the family's charm and intelligence. Widowed and childless, she remains a central figure in Viscounty's social and political circles.
  • Relationship with Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart: Lady Kathryn's rumored association with Wilfrick's younger son, Horrus, stirred much speculation and hope for unification between Verbobonc and Furyondy, much to the chagrin of Veluna's southern nobles and some of Verbobonc's own.
  • Position in Court of Lords: House Sarcina commands significant respect and influence within The Council of Lords of Verbobonc, bolstered by Lady Kathryn's unparalleled wit and beauty. Their stance often sways political decisions and alliances within the Viscounty.
"Our potential alliance with Furyondy signifies our strength and the unification of our lands, despite the murmurs of dissent."

Political Alliances and Rivalries

  • Veluna and Furyondy: The house's potential to forge a stronger bond between Verbobonc and Furyondy through Lady Kathryn's marriage to Horrus (prior to his disappearance) alarmed Veluna, fearing a reduction in its influence over the Viscounty. 
  • Relationship with Other Nobles: While highly regarded for their contributions and standing, House Sarcina's ambitions and the prospect of their increased power through alliance with the Viscount's family have created underlying tensions with other noble families.
"House Sarcina commands respect through contributions and wisdom, not through intimidation or fear."

Motivations and Aspirations

  • Search for Horrus: Lady Kathryn's dedication to finding Horrus, including employing adventurers for the task, underscores a personal mission that transcends political motivations, highlighting her loyalty and love.
  • Economic Prosperity: Beyond personal quests, House Sarcina is deeply invested in the economic development and prosperity of Verbobonc, advocating for policies and alliances that bolster trade and security.
  • Preservation of Legacy: Ensuring the continuation of their lineage and maintaining their esteemed position within the Viscounty's hierarchy remains a paramount concern for House Sarcina, driving their political and social endeavors.


House Sarcina's narrative is a compelling account of resilience, strategic marriages, and political acumen, playing a pivotal role in shaping the Viscounty of Verbobonc's destiny. As they navigate the complexities of alliances, rivalries, and personal quests, their story remains central to the unfolding history of Verbobonc, embodying the intrigue and dynamism that characterizes the region's nobility.

"Unity in Grace, Strength in Alliance – House Sarcina, Shaping Verbobonc's Destiny"

Sarcina coat of arms by 3orcs
Geopolitical, Great house
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Cover image: by 3orcs


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