The Priesthood of Iuz Organization in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Priesthood of Iuz

A Chronicle of Unholy Devotion

Delve into the shadowy realm of Iuz, the malevolent demigod of deceit, where the wicked flourish and darkness prevails. His priests, architects of agony and masters of malice, are but the vessels of his vile will.

Priesthood History

The priesthood of Iuz has its genesis in the dark corners of fear and oppression. From the rise of Iuz's petty fiefdom in the Howling Hills to his celestial ascendancy, his clergy have been ever-present, orchestrating malevolence with every step.
  • Birth of Deceit: The fledgling order began amid the chaos of the Old One's early conquests, a creed forged in the crucible of cruelty.
  • Era of Suffering: Throughout Iuz's imprisonment and beyond, the faith metastasized across the Flanaess, feeding on conflict and despair.
  • The Greyhawk Wars: These times of strife provided fertile ground for the priesthood's growth, spreading their dark influence through fear and subterfuge.

Iuz Clergy

Iuz, the demigod of deceit, pain, and oppression, commands a dedicated and fearsome priesthood. This article delves into the various aspects of his dark ministry.
  • Known as "Liars" or "Oppressors," titles worn with honor.
  • They are often multiclassed as wizards or fighters.
  • Survival of the fittest prevails, leading to internal strife as much as external conflict.
  • They masquerade in humble garb outside their realm but don extravagant and bloody vestments among their kin.
The Boneheart
  • A cabal of the most potent spellcasters, they act as the dark mind of Iuz's religious machinations.
  • The upper echelons consist of the Greater and Lesser Boneheart, home to spellcasters serving Iuz.
  • High priestesses Althea and Halga lead, once overseen by the now-fallen High Priest Patch.
The Boneshadow
  • A clandestine circle of six, these agents are the whispering death, ensuring the will of Iuz is enacted from the shadows.
  • Comprises six spies and secret agents, including notable figures like Obmi and Keak.
  • They serve as the Old One's unseen eyes and ears, carrying out covert operations.

Cleric Description

Clerics of Iuz are the embodiment of their deity's despicable dogma, wielding spells and swords in his unholy name. With blackened hearts, they walk the land, cloaked in deceit and draped in the guise of false piety.
  • Garments of Gore: Adorned in robes of rust-red and black, stained with the lifeblood of their sacrifices, they are the harbingers of Iuz's terror.
  • Weapons of Woe: Preferring instruments that inflict prolonged agony, such as whips and flails, the clerics ensure their victims' screams echo through the abyss.


Internally, the hierarchy of Iuz's church is a ruthless pit of vipers, where deceit is a sacrament, and betrayal a benediction. Externally, they are united in their hatred for the forces of good and their fervor for the Old One's ascendancy.


  • Great temples in Iuz's lands contrast with secretive shrines elsewhere.
  • Temples must embody old, dark, and unclean aesthetics.
  • Large-scale rituals and sacrifices are performed in secluded, wilderness areas.


  • Ceremonies feature dung burning, drumming, bell clanging, and chilling litanies.
  • Blood sacrifice is common, encouraged to be as painful and terror-inducing as possible.


Driven by the creed that might is right and suffering a sacrament, the priesthood seeks the glorification of Iuz through tyranny and torment. Each cleric a lord of lies, each temple a bastion of brutality.
  • Divine Dominion: Every act of cruelty, every deceitful deed, is a prayer to the Old One, a step towards his promised dominion over all of Oerth.
  • The Symphony of Suffering: In their twisted hearts, there is no music sweeter than the wails of the damned, no aroma more intoxicating than the scent of fear.


The creed of Iuz is a paean to the perverse, a doctrine of domination and despair. His followers revel in the chaos that strengthens their deity's grip on the world.
  • Strength Through Strife: The strong shall reign over the weak; it is the natural order, as decreed by the Old One.
  • The Ecstasy of Agony: Pain is both a weapon and a delight, a means to subdue the masses and a tribute to their merciless master.
Iuz the Old One by 3orcs
Religious, Cult
Iuz symbol by 3orcs

The Boneheart

The Inner Circle of Iuz's Priesthood
The Boneheart is the nefarious ruling council of Iuz's dark empire, acting as the primary advisory and administrative body in his dominion.
  • Composition: The Boneheart is divided into the Greater Boneheart and Lesser Boneheart, forming the core of Iuz's leadership.
  • Membership: Consisting of evil priests and mages, these powerful individuals are handpicked by Iuz for their wickedness and magical prowess.
  • Regional Rule: Each regional capital within the Empire of Iuz is presided over by a member of the Boneheart, ensuring the Old One's decrees are enacted.
  • Spellcasters' Role: The six spellcasters in each tier are tasked with enforcing Iuz's will through their dark sorcery and ruthless governance.
Lesser Boneheart
  • Characteristics of Members: Primarily chaotic evil humans, these wizards or clerics possess formidable power, ranging from levels twelve to seventeen.
  • Undead Presence: Some members are rumored to be undead, adding a layer of fear and immortality to the council's infamy.
  • Regional Influence: Lesser Boneheart rulers wield their authority with iron fists, maintaining a climate of terror and subjugation in their respective regions.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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