Iuz Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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the Old One, the Evil

Iuz, demigod of Deceit, Pain, Oppression, and Evil
Lord of Evil, Lord of Pain, Fiend of the North, Child of the Evil One, Master of the Dread and Awful Presences, the Old, Old Wicked, His Most Profane Eminence

The Demigod of Evil Incarnate

Iuz, known as "the Old One" and "Old Wicked," is a figure of malevolence and tyranny in the pantheon of Greyhawk, embodying deceit, oppression, pain, and wickedness. His dominion, the Empire of Iuz, stands as a testament to his dark influence on Oerth.


  • Forms: Iuz can manifest as a seven-foot tall, red-skinned demon or as a diminutive, old human with dangerous spittle.
  • Symbol: A grinning human skull, often depicted with blood-red highlights.


  • Parentage: Son of Graz'zt and Iggwilv, with a complex web of demonic relations including alliances with Zuggtmoy and Pazuzu.
  • Enemies: Countless, notably Vecna, St. Cuthbert, and adventurers who have sought his end.


  • Dorakaa, City of Skulls: Iuz rules from this dread city, a bastion of his dark power.


  • Might Makes Right: The belief that power justifies exploitation.
  • Deceit as Virtue: Guile is lauded as the mark of a true ruler.
  • Pain and Suffering: Inflicting torment is seen as a divine pleasure.


  • Empire Expansion: Followers aim to spread Iuz's dominion.
  • Secrecy: Outside his empire, worship is hidden, reflecting his domain of deceit.


  • Titles: Known as Liars or Oppressors, reflecting their roles in Iuz's twisted culture.
  • Practices: Engage in constant conflict to prove their strength, seek powerful magic and trophies to demonstrate their worthiness.
  • Attire: Rusty black or white robes stained with blood, often adorned with bones. Weapons of choice include greatswords, whips, and flails.


  • Concealed Locations: Temples are hidden, mirroring Iuz's preference for deceit and secrecy.
  • Design: Fortified structures, often adorned with symbols of Iuz's power and the bones of his enemies.
  • Altars: His altars are built of bones and include many skulls.


  • Ceremonies of Pain and Power: Dark rituals celebrating pain, deceit, and the subjugation of the weak.
  • Trophies of Conquest: Rituals often involve presenting powerful magical items or the remains of vanquished foes as offerings to Iuz.
Iuz's existence is a blight upon the lands of Oerth, his empire a realm of suffering and darkness. His followers, driven by a doctrine that glorifies deceit and cruelty, perpetuate his will, seeking to expand his dominion of evil. The struggle against Iuz unites many who stand against oppression, making him a central figure in the ongoing battle between good and evil in the world of Greyhawk.

History of Iuz

  • Origins: A cambion, born of the demon prince Graz'zt and the Witch Queen Iggwilv.
  • Transformation: Iuz's handsome cambion form was split during a battle, giving him the ability to appear as a gnarled old man or a demonic figure.

Iuz: The Rise of a Demigod of Evil

Iuz's history is a chronicle of deceit, conquest, and ambition, marking him as one of the most feared entities in the Flanaess. His journey from cambion to demigod encapsulates a relentless pursuit of power and dominion over others.
Early Years
  • Conception and Early Life: Born around 460 CY after Iggwilv's ensnarement of Graz'zt, Iuz first rose to power in the Howling Hills around 479 CY.
  • Rise to Power: Using cunning and brute force, Iuz expanded his territory, earning the title "Lord of Pain" through ruthless campaigns.
  • Demonic Transformation: During an attack by Graz'zt on Iggwilv, Iuz was split into two forms, leading to his dual appearance as either a decrepit human or a demonic figure.
  • Empire Expansion: Iuz's empire grew rapidly, aided by his mother's magic and his own cunning, establishing Dorakaa as a city of horrors.
Path to Divinity
  • Deification Efforts: Iuz worked tirelessly to elevate himself to godhood, harnessing the power of captured beings and allying with Zuggtmoy.
  • Imprisonment and Return: Trapped in Zagig's Godtrap in 505 CY, Iuz was eventually freed in 570 CY, only to return to a fractured empire he swiftly reclaimed.
  • Consolidation of Power: Upon his return, Iuz focused on reasserting his control over Dorakaa and his empire, eliminating impostors and reestablishing his reign of terror.
  • Political Landscape: King Belvor IV of Furyondy initially ignored Iuz's return, prioritizing internal unity over external threats. Meanwhile, Iuz dedicated himself to securing his dominion, ensuring no opposition could rise against him.
Flan Pantheon
Holy Symbol: a grinning human skull, or a human skull with blood-red highlights
Realm: Prime Material (Oerth)
Domains: Chaos, Evil, Mind, Suffering, Trickery, Tyranny
Speciality Clerics
  • Cleric of the 3rd order: Change Self
  • Cleric of the 5th order: +2 to saves vs. spells of good-aligned spellcasters
  • Cleric of the 7th order: Fear
  • Cleric of the 9th order: Enervation
  • Turn Undead: Command at +1 level
  • Divine Classification
    Demi god
    Chaotic evil
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    "Power is not given; it is taken by those strong enough to wield it and cruel enough to keep it."   "My reign is eternal, my cruelty boundless. I am the shadow that cools your heart and the hand that extinguishes hope."
    Iuz symbol by 3orcs

    Cover image: by 3orcs
    Character Portrait image: Iuz the Old One by 3orcs


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