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The Wild Coast

The Wild Coast, a rugged and tumultuous region east of the Viscounty of Verbobonc, is a land where freedom and lawlessness intertwine. Known for its five independent city-states—Safeton, Narwell, Fax, Badwall, and Eldredd—the Wild Coast is a haven for outcasts, adventurers, and those who shun the rigid structures of more civilized lands. Its proximity to the Gnarley Forest and the encroaching Pomarj orcish empire makes it a place of constant tension and conflict.

Geography and Locations

The Wild Coast spans a diverse landscape, featuring rolling hills, dense forests, and treacherous fens. Its varied geography has made it a refuge for those seeking to escape the reach of larger powers, as well as a place where danger is never far away.
  • Coastal Regions: The western edge of the Wild Coast is lined with rugged cliffs and narrow beaches, where the city-states of Safeton and Narwell thrive on trade and fishing. These coastal areas are known for their harsh winds, particularly the "Safeton Physic," a powerful southeasterly wind that blows disease and detritus away from the cities during the late summer months.
  • The Wild Plains: Inland, the Wild Plains stretch across the central region, characterized by open fields and scattered woodland. This area is a patchwork of petty noble estates, bandit fiefs, and fiercely independent farming communities. The plains are a battleground where control shifts frequently, often through violence or treachery.
  • The Gnarley Forest: To the north, the Wild Coast borders the ancient and mysterious Gnarley Forest. This dense woodland is a natural barrier, home to sylvan elves, treants, and other mystical creatures. The forest is both a sanctuary and a place of dread, where even the bravest adventurers tread lightly.
  • The Suss Forest and Welkwood: To the south, the Wild Coast's boundaries are marked by the Suss Forest and the Welkwood. These forests are darker and more foreboding than the Gnarley, with the Suss Forest in particular known for its haunted reputation. Tales of lost Suloise cities and malevolent spirits are common among those who live near these woodlands.
  • Rivers and Waterways: The Wild Coast is crisscrossed by several rivers, including the Jewel River to the south. These waterways are crucial for trade and travel, but they also serve as conduits for bandits and orcs to launch raids deeper into the region.

Politics and Governance

The Wild Coast has never been a unified nation, and its political landscape is as fragmented as its geography. The region's history is one of rebellion and independence, with its inhabitants fiercely defending their autonomy against external powers.
  • City-States: The Wild Coast is dominated by five city-states, each with its own ruler and system of government. These city-states are:
  • Safeton: Known for its strong military presence, Safeton is under the protection of Greyhawk and serves as a bulwark against the orcs of the Pomarj.
  • Narwell: A city of thieves and bandits, Narwell maintains an uneasy peace through alliances and subterfuge.
  • Fax: The least stable of the city-states, Fax is a hotbed of political intrigue and power struggles.
  • Badwall and Eldredd: Smaller than their northern neighbors, these cities are more insular but no less dangerous, each ruled by local lords with a tenuous grip on power.

Historical Influence

Over the centuries, portions of the Wild Coast have fallen under the control of various powers, including:
  • Celene: The elven kingdom of Celene has occasionally exerted influence over the northern parts of the Wild Coast, particularly the Gnarley Forest, though this has waned in recent years.
  • The Prince of Ulek: The dwarven princes of Ulek have also laid claim to parts of the Wild Coast, particularly in the south near the Jewel River, though their control has always been contested.
  • The Gynarch of Hardby: The Gynarchs of Hardby have occasionally extended their influence over the coastal cities, particularly in times of war.
  • The Free City of Greyhawk: Greyhawk has had the most consistent influence over the Wild Coast, particularly in Safeton and Narwell, where it maintains a military presence to protect its trade routes from orcish raids.
  • Independence and Rebellion: Despite these external influences, the inhabitants of the Wild Coast have always managed to regain their freedom. They are experts at rebellion but seem incapable of sustaining a unified nation. Each city-state operates independently, often with little regard for its neighbors, and alliances are fragile at best.
  • Sanctuary for the Hunted: The Wild Coast is known throughout the Flanaess as a place of sanctuary for the hunted, albeit a highly dangerous one. It is a land where outcasts, criminals, and adventurers can find refuge, but survival is never guaranteed. The racially mixed peoples of the Wild Coast are well known as mercenaries and adventurers themselves, often selling their services to the highest bidder.

Society and Culture

The Wild Coast’s society is a melting pot of races and cultures, where mercenaries, bandits, freebooters, and adventurers coexist in a fragile balance.
  • Mercenaries and Adventurers: The people of the Wild Coast are known for their martial prowess, often selling their services as mercenaries to the highest bidder. The cutthroat environment breeds individuals who are as cunning as they are deadly.
  • Law and Order: Law in the Wild Coast is tenuous at best, with each city-state enforcing its own rules. Outside these cities, the rule of law is often dictated by whoever holds the most power, whether they be bandits or local lords.

Threats and Challenges

The Wild Coast is a land of danger, where threats lurk around every corner.
  • Orcish Invasion: The greatest threat to the Wild Coast is the expanding orcish empire from the Pomarj. Annual invasions have put the region on high alert, with many communities bolstering their defenses and forming uneasy alliances with Greyhawk and other powers.
  • Banditry and Lawlessness: The internal threat of banditry is ever-present. With no central authority to enforce order, the roads between city-states are plagued by roving bands of thieves and cutthroats.

Economy and Trade

Despite its chaotic nature, the Wild Coast is an important trade route, particularly for those seeking to avoid the more heavily taxed and regulated routes through Greyhawk and Verbobonc.
  • Fishing and Seafaring: The coastal cities rely heavily on fishing and seafaring, with Safeton in particular being known for its dangerous but profitable sea trade.
  • Mercenary Work: Many inhabitants make their living as mercenaries, selling their services to the highest bidder in the various conflicts that plague the region.
Relations with Verbobonc and the Gnarley Forest
The Wild Coast’s relationship with the neighboring Viscounty of Verbobonc and the Gnarley Forest is complex and often strained.
  • Gnarley Forest: The inhabitants of the Wild Coast view the Gnarley Forest with a mixture of respect and fear. While some see it as a potential ally against the orcs, others fear the ancient magic and creatures that dwell within its depths.
  • Verbobonc: Relations with Verbobonc, Viscounty are tenuous, with the viscount maintaining a wary eye on the Wild Coast. The potential for bandit raids and the ever-present threat of orcish invasion make the Wild Coast a volatile neighbor.
Wild Coast
The Wild Coast, a rugged and tumultuous region east of the Viscounty of Verbobonc, is a land where freedom and lawlessness intertwine. Known for its five independent city-states—Safeton, Narwell, Fax, Badwall, and Eldredd—the Wild Coast is a haven for outcasts, adventurers, and those who shun the rigid structures of more civilized lands.

Notable Figures

The Wild Coast has produced many legendary figures, whose exploits are known throughout the Flanaess.
  • Mordenkainen: One of the most powerful wizards of the Flanaess, Mordenkainen’s origins lie in the Wild Coast. His early years in this harsh land shaped him into the cunning and resourceful figure he would later become.
  • Robilar: A warrior known for his strength and cunning, Robilar made a name for himself as one of the Wild Coast’s most formidable adventurers.
  • Tenser: Another legendary wizard, Tenser’s early exploits in the Wild Coast laid the foundation for his later rise to prominence.
Geopolitical, City-state
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Neighboring Nations
Opinions on Bandit Problems
  • A Merchant: "Traveling through the Wild Coast? You’re braver than most. Bandits are the least of your worries; it’s the orcs you should fear."
  • A Militia Captain from Safeton: "Bandits are a nuisance, but they pale in comparison to the orcish threat. We need to focus on fortifying our defenses."
  • A Farmer from Narwell: "Bandits? They’re a fact of life here. It’s the price we pay for our freedom, but sometimes I wonder if the price is too high."
  • A Greyhawk Militiaman: "We patrol the roads, but it’s like trying to hold back the tide. The bandits are too numerous, and they know the land better than we do."
  • A Local Bandit Leader: "The Wild Coast has always been a place for those who live by their wits and their swords. If you can’t defend what’s yours, you don’t deserve to keep it."

Cover image: Bandit Ambush on Merchant Caravan by 3orcs


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