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The Pomarj, a large, rugged peninsula in the central Flanaess, is a land steeped in violence, betrayal, and dark power. Once a region of human baronies, it has become a stronghold for orcs, goblins, and other malevolent forces. The history of the Pomarj is a grim tale of conquest and subjugation, with its once-proud cities now ruled by the iron fist of Turrosh Mak, the self-proclaimed leader of the Orcish Empire of the Pomarj. This article delves into the lands, history, and current state of this infamous region. 

Geographic Overview

A Land Shrouded in Darkness
The Pomarj is a large, foreboding peninsula that juts into the Sea of Gearnat. It is bordered by the Suss Forest to the northwest, the Woolly Bay to the northeast, and the Azure Sea to the south and east. The region is a mix of rocky hills, treacherous cliffs, and dense, dark forests, all haunted by the presence of malevolent creatures and the remnants of a once-thriving human civilization.  
Key Geographical Features
  • The Suss Forest: This ancient, evil-infested forest forms the western border of the Pomarj. It is a place of dark magic and malevolent creatures, serving as a natural barrier between the Pomarj and the civilized lands to the west.
  • The Woolly Bay: To the north, the Woolly Bay is a vital waterway, though it is plagued by pirates and slavers who use the Pomarj as a base of operations.
  • The Azure Sea: The eastern and southern coasts of the Pomarj are defined by the Azure Sea, which provides both a lifeline and a threat, as ships are often attacked by the pirates and mercenaries employed by the region’s warlords.
  • The Hills of the Pomarj: The interior of the Pomarj is dominated by rugged hills and rocky outcrops, making it a difficult terrain for any organized military force to traverse.

Historical Background

The Fall of the Human Baronies
The history of the Pomarj is marked by the rise and fall of human civilization, followed by the ascendance of orcs and goblinoids who now rule the land.
The Hateful Wars (498-510 CY)
The Hateful Wars were a coalition of forces from Celene, the Ulek States, and other neighboring regions to expel the orcs, goblins, and other evil humanoids from the Lortmil Mountains. The human barons of the Pomarj, however, refused to join this alliance, fearing that it would lead to their reabsorption into the Principality of Ulek. Their decision to remain neutral would have dire consequences.
The Night of Bloody Spears (513 CY)
In the aftermath of the Hateful Wars, the surviving orcs and goblins fled the Lortmils and poured into the Pomarj. The first to fall was the city of Highport, which was overrun after six brutal assaults on its gates. The fall of Highport marked the beginning of the Pomarj’s transformation into a bastion of evil. This event is remembered as the Night of Bloody Spears.
The Decline of the Pomarj (513-574 CY)
Over the next few decades, the Pomarj descended into chaos. The once-powerful human baronies were destroyed or driven into hiding, and the region became a haven for orcs, goblinoids, human bandits, pirates, and slavers. The last human stronghold, the hidden city of Suderham, was eventually captured and turned into a base of operations by the notorious Slave Lords.

The Rise of Turrosh Mak

The Orcish Empire of the Pomarj: In 574 CY, a powerful orc chieftain named Turrosh Mak emerged as the dominant force in the Pomarj. Uniting the various humanoid tribes under his banner, Mak established the Orcish Empire of the Pomarj, with plans to expand his control over the surrounding lands.
Turrosh Mak’s Rise to Power
Turrosh Mak, a cunning and ruthless leader, succeeded in uniting the disparate orc and goblin tribes of the Pomarj. He capitalized on their hatred of humans and used his military acumen to consolidate power, eventually proclaiming himself the ruler of the Orcish Empire of the Pomarj.
The Expansion of the Empire
Under Turrosh Mak’s leadership, the Pomarj began to expand its influence beyond its borders. Mak’s forces invaded the Wild Coast and even threatened the Principality of Ulek. His empire, however, remains tenuous, relying on the loyalty of various orc and goblin warlords who could turn against him at any moment.
The Role of the Scarlet Brotherhood
It is rumored that the Scarlet Brotherhood, a secretive and malevolent organization, has offered its support to Turrosh Mak. This alliance has given the Pomarj access to additional resources and military expertise, further solidifying Mak’s hold on the region.

Society and Culture

A Brutal Existence
Life in the Pomarj is harsh and brutal, defined by the law of the strong. The society that has developed under Turrosh Mak’s rule is one of constant conflict, where power is the only currency that matters.
Orcish Dominance
Orcs are the dominant race in the Pomarj, with goblins and other humanoids serving as their subordinates. The orcish culture is one of war and conquest, and even within the ranks of Mak’s armies, there is constant infighting as warlords vie for power and influence.
Human Slavery
The few humans who remain in the Pomarj live as slaves, toiling in the mines or serving as fodder for the orcish war machine. Human life is cheap in the Pomarj, and the death of a slave is barely noticed by their masters.
Piracy and Banditry
The coasts of the Pomarj are plagued by pirates, who use the region’s many hidden coves and bays as bases from which to launch raids on passing ships. Inland, banditry is rampant, with rogue warbands preying on any who dare travel the roads of the Pomarj.

Military Power

The Forces of the Orcish Empire The Pomarj can field large numbers of non-human troops, making it a significant threat to the surrounding lands.
Troop Composition
The Pomarj’s armies are primarily composed of orcs, goblins, and other humanoids, supplemented by ogres, trolls, and other monstrous creatures. These troops are known for their ferocity and lack of discipline, but under Turrosh Mak’s leadership, they have become a formidable force.
Training and Organization
Many of the Pomarj’s troops are trained at Stoneheim, where they are drilled in the arts of war and taught to obey Mak’s commands without question. The training is brutal, but it produces soldiers who are loyal and deadly.
Lack of Naval Power
Despite its access to the sea, the Pomarj lacks a formal navy. Instead, it relies on pirates and mercenaries to harry the shipping lanes and disrupt trade in the Sea of Gearnat and the Azure Sea.

Relationships and Diplomacy

A Pariah Among Nations
The Pomarj is viewed with fear and loathing by its neighbors, who see it as a blight on the Flanaess. Despite this, Turrosh Mak has managed to form alliances with some of the region’s darker forces.
Relations with the Scarlet Brotherhood
The rumored alliance between the Pomarj and the Scarlet Brotherhood is a cause for concern among the free nations of the Flanaess. The Brotherhood’s resources and expertise could make the Pomarj an even greater threat.
Tensions with the Ulek States
The Ulek States, particularly the Principality of Ulek, have been the most vocal opponents of the Pomarj. The two regions have a long history of conflict, and the recent aggression from Turrosh Mak has only deepened the enmity between them.
Hostility with Celene
The Faerie Kingdom of Celene views the Pomarj as a grave threat to the stability of the region. However, Queen Yolande, Her Fey Majesty’s isolationist policies have prevented Celene from taking direct action against Turrosh Mak, much to the frustration of her advisors and allies.


The Pomarj is a land of darkness and despair, where power is the only law and evil reigns supreme. Under the rule of Turrosh Mak, the region has become a significant threat to the surrounding lands, with its armies poised to strike at any moment. While the future of the Pomarj remains uncertain, one thing is clear: as long as Turrosh Mak holds power, the peninsula will continue to be a source of fear and instability in the Flanaess.

Orcish Empire of the Pomarj

Orcish Empire of the Pomarj by 3orcs

Key Locations in the Pomarj

A Land of Ruin and Power
The Pomarj is home to several key locations, each with its own dark history and significance.
Once a thriving human city, Highport is now the capital of the Pomarj and the seat of Turrosh Mak’s power. The city is a squalid, dangerous place, filled with orcs, goblins, and other unsavory characters. The docks of Highport are notorious for their pirate ships, which harry the shipping lanes of the Woolly Bay and the Azure Sea.
Located in the rugged interior of the Pomarj, Stoneheim is a fortress city where many of Turrosh Mak’s troops are trained. It is a harsh, militaristic place, with little in the way of comfort or luxury. The city’s forges work day and night, producing weapons and armor for Mak’s armies.
The hidden city of Suderham was once the last bastion of human power in the Pomarj. It fell to the Slave Lords in 574 CY, who turned it into their base of operations. The city is now a dark and twisted place, where slaves are bought and sold, and the worst of the Pomarj’s criminals hold sway.
The Suss Forest
The Suss Forest, which borders the Pomarj to the northwest, is a place of dark magic and ancient evil. It is home to many malevolent creatures and is said to be cursed by the gods. Few who enter the forest return, and those who do are often changed, their minds broken by the horrors they witnessed.
Alliance, Military
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Economic System
Barter system
Neighboring Nations
Pomarj Herald by Anna Meyer
Pomarj by Anna Meyer

Cover image: Pomarj by 3orcs


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