Ulaa Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Stonewife

Ulaa, goddess of Hills, Mountains, and Gemstone   Ulaa, revered as the guardian of the rugged highlands and the hidden riches beneath the earth, embodies the strength, resilience, and beauty of the natural world. Her followers find solace in the towering peaks and seek fortune among the veins of precious stones that lie hidden beneath. This extensive article explores the lore, worship, and divine mandate of Ulaa, the Stonewarden.


Ulaa's origins are deeply rooted in the earth itself, born from the primordial essence of Oerth. She is a deity of protection, wealth, and the unyielding strength of the mountains.
  • Depiction: Ulaa is often depicted as a robust dwarven woman with the delicate facial features of a gnome, symbolizing her connection to both races. In her hands, she wields the mighty hammer Skullringer, a tool and weapon of divine power.
  • Holy Symbol: Her holy symbol, a mountain with a ruby heart, signifies her dominion over earth's bones and the hidden treasures within.


Ulaa's form and attributes reflect her divine domain—unyielding strength, a deep connection to the earth, and a nurturing heart for those who respect the land's gifts.
  • Appearance: With her dwarven stature and gnomish traits, Ulaa bridges the worlds of two of Oerth's most earthbound peoples, embodying their shared values of craftsmanship, stewardship, and valor.


Ulaa's divine relationships underscore her role within the pantheon and the mortal realms she influences.
  • Consort: As the wife of Bleredd, the god of metal, mines, and smiths, Ulaa's union represents the harmonious blend of natural wealth and crafted artifice.
  • Allies: Her alliance with Beory, the Oerth Mother, strengthens her connection to the world and its natural beauty.


The Iron Hills and the Seven Heavens serve as Ulaa's celestial domains, reflecting her dual nature as both a guardian of the earth's treasures and a warrior of the heavens.
  • Iron Hills: In the Outlands, her realm embodies the rugged splendor and enduring strength of the mountains she protects.
  • Seven Heavens: Her presence in this celestial plane emphasizes her role in the cosmic battle against evil, alongside her husband Bleredd.


Ulaa's teachings guide her followers to respect the earth, value hard work, and defend the land against greed and corruption.
"Honor the earth and its gifts, for they are the foundation upon which all life builds."
"Protect the mountains and hills, for they are the bastions against chaos and destruction."
"Treasure the gemstones as embodiments of the earth's beauty and power, not merely as objects of wealth."


Ulaa is venerated by those who live in and around the mountains—miners, smiths, and mountain folk—who see in her the embodiment of the earth's majesty and bounty.
  • Races: Dwarves, Gnomes, humans, and other benevolent races.
  • Regions: Particularly revered in the Ulek States, especially the Principality of Ulek.

Clergy and Temples

Ulaa's clerics serve as protectors of the mountainous realms, educators of the earth's sacred ways, and guardians against exploitation and evil.
  • Roles: They safeguard the mountains, educate on sustainable mining, guide travelers, and combat slavery and evil.
  • Temples: Often carved into the mountains themselves, these sanctuaries are adorned with gemstones and depictions of Ulaa's victories.
The worship of Ulaa is marked by ceremonies that resonate with the deep, ancient rhythms of the earth.
  • Services: Include rhythmic hammering on stone, chanted hymns, and the display of gemstones, celebrating the beauty and strength of the earth.


Ulaa stands in opposition to those who would defile or exploit the earth's riches for selfish ends, making her a staunch adversary of deities and entities that embody greed, destruction, or the unnatural manipulation of the earth.   Through her worship, Ulaa instills in her followers a deep respect for the natural world, a commitment to protection and stewardship, and an appreciation for the deep, unbreakable bonds between the people and the land they hold sacred.
Holy Symbol: a mountain with a ruby heart
Realm: Mount Celestia and the Outlands
Domains: Earth, Good, Law
Cleric Specialty spells
  • Cleric of the 1st order: + 1 damage vs special enemy race per 4 levels, detect invisible (objects) (W3)
  • Cleric of the 4th order: dig (W4)
  • Cleric of the 7th order: passwall (W5)
  • Cleric of the 10th order: transmute stone to flesh (W6)
  • Cleric of the 12th order: immune to Elemental (earth) attacks
    Divine Classification
    Intermediate god
    Lawful good
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    "With Hammer and Heart, We Forge Our Destiny."
    "From the Deepest Vein to the Highest Peak, Ulaa Guides Our Path."

    Cover image: by 3orcs
    Character Portrait image: Ulaa the Stonewife by 3orcs


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