Beory Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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"Oerth Mother"

Beory, greater goddess of the Oerth, Nature and Rain   Beory, revered as the embodiment of the Oerth itself, is a central figure in the pantheon of the Flan people. As the goddess of the Oerth, Nature, and Rain, her essence permeates every aspect of the natural world, from the smallest blade of grass to the mightiest rivers. Her followers, deeply rooted in the druidic traditions, see themselves as guardians of this sacred cycle of life.

History and Description

  • Manifestation: Beory is not just a deity residing in a distant celestial realm; she is the living embodiment of the Oerth, making her unique among the greater powers.
  • Physical Embodiment: Every element of nature is seen as a part of Beory's vast, interconnected body, with the weather serving as her breath and the changing seasons reflecting her moods.


  • Allies in the Pantheon: Beory maintains a harmonious relationship with Ehlonna, the goddess of the woodlands, Ulaa , signifying her integral role in the web of life.
  • Connection with Berei: Berei is often considered an anthropomorphic aspect of Beory, highlighting their shared concern for the natural world.


  • Presence on the Oerth: Beory’s realm is the Prime Material Plane itself, where she interacts directly with the world and its inhabitants.
  • Protective Love: Her love for the planet is unwavering, prompting her to protect it against any form of threat or degradation.


  • Cycle of Life: Beory’s teachings emphasize the importance of maintaining the natural cycles of birth, growth, decay, and rebirth, underscoring the balance between life and death.
  • Stewardship of Nature: Her followers are tasked with protecting the natural world from those who would harm it, advocating for responsible use and conservation.


  • Diverse Following: While primarily worshiped by the Flannae Flan, Beory's followers include humans, elves, halflings, and various fey and woodland creatures, reflecting her universal appeal.
  • Druidic Influence: The structure and ideals of Beory’s priesthood are akin to the druidic orders, focusing on meditation, the nurturing of plant life, and the care of animals.


  • Guardians of Nature: Clerics and druids of Beory dedicate themselves to the protection of their chosen natural habitats, ranging from dense forests to sprawling deserts.
  • Pyramid of Support: The clergy operates in a cooperative, hierarchical manner, with areas of influence overlapping and interconnecting across the natural landscape.

Temples and Rituals

  • Natural Sanctuaries: Temples dedicated to Beory are often indistinguishable from the natural settings they inhabit, serving as centers for meditation, healing, and communion with the natural world.
  • Ritual Practices: Services include meditation, the planting and tending of vegetation, and the care and healing of animals, with no specific garb prescribed for these sacred activities.


Beory, the Oerth Mother, embodies the life force that flows through all things, guiding her followers in the perpetual quest to preserve and protect the natural world. Her presence is felt in every gust of wind, every drop of rain, and every new shoot that breaks through the earth, reminding us of our intrinsic connection to the planet and our responsibility to care for it. In the worship of Beory, we find a profound respect for life in all its forms, a commitment to environmental stewardship, and a deep, abiding love for the Oerth.

Divine Domains

Oerth, Nature, Rain

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A green leaf

Tenets of Faith

"Within the heart of the wilderness, in the murmurs of the forest, and the rhythm of the rain, the voice of Beory speaks. We are but stewards of the Oerth, guardians of its cycles and protectors of its balance. Let our steps nurture the soil, our actions preserve the harmony, and our lives honor the boundless gift of nature. In contemplation and in deed, we serve not just the Oerth, but the web of life that it sustains. For in caring for the world, we ensure the prosperity of all its children. Let us tread lightly upon the land, for we walk in the presence of the Oerth Mother."
Flan Pantheon

Specialty Priest

  • Level 1: Same abilities of a Druid
Nature's Manifestation
Realm: Oerth (Material Plane)
Domains: Oerth, Nature, Rain
Symbol: either a green disk marked with a circle or a rotund, female figurine.
Divine Classification
Greater Goddess
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Beory breathes through the leaves, whispers in the wind, and dreams in the deep earth. In her embrace, we find the Old Faith—a path woven with the threads of life, ancient as the stones and eternal as the river's flow."
Aligned Organization
Beory holy symbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Beory by 3orcs


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