
Tidewatch is a small coastal village built in the mouth of the Wearywater. It is relatively isolated from the trade and travels of the Coast Road. Tidewatch boasts a small but prominent academy built in the restored ruins of an ancient lighthouse, known as the Everflame College.


During the Age of Splendor, three renowned scholars were traveling the Coast Road in search of immortal relics and ruins. On a small island in the mouth of the Weary Water, they discovered a tall stone spire, at the top of which was a flame that couldn't be extinguished. When they approached the spire, the three of them heard distant whispers from the depths of the surrounding waters promising great power in return for absolute devotion. In time, the three scholars had acquired a devoted following and commissioned the construction of the Everflame College, with a prominent tower encasing the ancient, flaming spire. The college quickly grew in prominence, producing highly sought after Tidescholars that were capable of reshaping the seas and devastating naval fleets. As the college grew, great storms frequently ravage the nearby coast, making the land undesirable and uninhabitable for most.
  When the Spelldeath was introduced to Verdun, the Everflame College suffered significant damages like many other similar institutions. The college was reduced to rubble, but the flaming spire remained intact. The Tidescholars were forced to return to a mundane life, but many perished struggling to adapt. Over time, the storms became less and less frequent, making the coast once again habitable. The flaming spire made a natural beacon for sailors and attracted many to its shores. It wasn't long before permanent residences were constructed and a small outpost was formed for trade and passage of goods up the Weary Water.
  When the Spelldeath was reversed, it didn't take long before another curious explorer, Magna Ferry heard the whispers from the depths and devoted her life to the mysterious forces lurking deep below the waters. Over time, Magna's influence grew over Tidewatch and she was able to organize the restoration of the Everflame College. The college soon became the governing body for Tidewatch, and isolated the town from the influence of Jorundhamn through a treaty which states they will lend three Tidescholars to the Jarish army during times of war. The pattern of frequent storms slowly returned, but they remain far less severe than those of the past, resulting in fertile soil.


Tidewatch's ruling authority rests in the Everflame College. The headmaster of the college serves as the Lord Scholar over all of Tidewatch. The current Lord Scholar is Maer Atwater. Tidewatch has earned its independence from Jorundhamn, owing and receiving no services or benefits, in return for pledging three Tidescholars to Jorundhamn in times of war.


Tidewatch is built on the verdent shores of the White Sea along the mouth of the Weary Water. The beach is narrow and rocky and the surrounding waters are pockmarked with stony outcroppings. Several small stone islands rise form the waters just off the shore, once crowned with ancient ruins and now the foundation for the Everflame College. Due to the unnatural weather patterns of frequent rain, the land has become quite fertile and allows the town to remain largely self sufficient.

Notable Locations

College of Tidewatch is the preeminent academy occupying an offshore stone island.
Everflame Hall is a simple meal hall with a single room for rent.


  • Tidewatch
Keelwood Region
Maer Atwater (Lord Scholar)


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