Tormod's Anvil in Verdun | World Anvil

Tormod's Anvil

Tormod's Anvil is an ancient anvil located in the heart of Tallach Ord and is believed to have been crafted by the Forge Father, Tormod, himself. Use of the anvil is restricted only to the current Anvil-Thane of Tallach Ord as the items it produces posses legendary power and require centuries of apprenticeship to learn the art of the craft.  


In -5609 a small clan of dwarves, who called themselves the Krazuk, were searching for a mythical chamber depicted in ancient reliefs carved into the stone halls of Cairndubh, believing it to be a place of godly design. After years of excavation, they finally uncovered the gates to a great chamber of unsurpassed craftsmanship. The walls of the chamber flowed with rivers of magma. In the center of the chamber, suspended over a sweltering pool of magma, was a large anvil built from an unknown but powerful substance. The Krazuk settled in the halls around the chamber, building out Tallach Ord with Tormod's anvil at the heart.   During the Age of Fire, the Krazuk dwarves of Cairndubh successfully resisted the Flamescale Empire with the assistance of their legendary weapons and defenses.   During the Age of Shadows, the Anvil-Thane of Tallach Ord crafting a mighty axe imbued with such power, that it was able do deliver a crippling wound to the Avatar of Abaddon. The axe and warrior wielding it were destroyed in the battle with Abaddon and his forces, but the attack managed to buy precious time for the armies of Askalda to prepare a greater defense.   During the Spelldeath and Age of Shadows, Tallach Ord and the items crafted from the anvil were seemingly unaffected. Their legendary artifacts retained their power when all other items of power were rendered inert.


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