Verdun Verdun Timeline Timeline

Verdun Timeline

Age of Immortals

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The Age of Immortals marks the unknown span of time before the Curse of Mortality when the Gods ruled over Verdun. When the Curse of Mortality was introduced to Verdun, the Gods and Devils fled to their respective sanctuaries and ushered in the Age of Abandonment.

  • 100000

    The Creation of the Immortals

    Liva, the primordial of life, created the first gods to assist her with Folge's quest for cosmic order. This marks the beginning of the Age of Immortals.

  • 90000

    Corruption of the Immortals

    Kaaos, jealous of Liva's creations, stole a handful of gods, angels and dragons and began to study them to recreate his own. Their forms were warped and twisted and they were quickly transformed into devils, demons and evil dragons.

  • 89999


    Immortal Wars

    Kaaos unleashed his army of evil in an conflict known as the Immortal Wars. These battles devastated the planet, scarring the shattering the landscape.

  • 11999

    Doden - Primordial of Death - Is Born

    After millennia of watching the Immortal Wars, Kaaos finally grew bored and wanted to end it once and for all. He created the final primordial, Doden, the aspect of death. Doden scoured the universe like a poisonous miasma, stealing the life of anything in its presence.

  • 10400

    Doden's Arrival

    After a millennium searching the universe, Doden finally found Verdun and quickly set to work killing the immortals, both good and evil.

  • 10001

    The Curse of Mortality

    Tiden quickly saw what was taking place on Verdun and stepped forward to intervene. As the primordial of time, he blanketed the planet in a protective magic that was only able to slow the influence of Doden, creating what became known as the Curse of Mortality and the first mortal races.

Age of Abandonment

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The Age of Abandonment was marked by the introduction of the Curse of Mortality, creating the mortal races from the immortal beings that are known today. During this period, the fledgling races were forced to evolve and survive under conditions not yet experienced. While a few races have begun to develop primitive civilizations, such as the Dwarves, Humans, and Tieflings, it was the Elves who advanced the quickest. The end of the Age of Abandonment is considered to be when the elven kingdom of Myth'thelyn discovered an ancient relic of the gods, referred to as a Spellstone, which granted them magical powers.

  • 10000

    The Immortals Flee Verdun

    After witnessing the effects of the Curse of Mortality, the primordials created haven realms that were cut off from the other primordials where they could flee with their immortal forces and hide safely from death. Too afraid to take the new mortal races with them, they were left on Verdun to survive on their own. This marks the beginning of the Age of Abandonment.

  • 8100

    Myth'thelyn Is Founded

    The elven queen, Ithyriel, unites the elven clans on the Island of the Moon and founds the great city of Myth'thelyn.

  • 6900

    Khazakul Is Founded

    The dwarves of Vintara create the mountain stronghold of Khazakul.

  • 6600

    Human Tribes Formed

    Humans form organized tribes across Verdun.

  • 6200

    Orcs Emerge on Surface

    Orcs first make their first appearance on the surface world after following the large tunnels created by a rampaging purple worm.  

Age of Enlightenment

6000 4225

The Age of Enlightenment is the period following the discovery of the Spellstone and major expansion of the elven kingdom, Myth'thelyn, with the introduction of magic. As magical knowledge spread among the elven civilizations, a few groups took to sharing the knowledge with the other mortal races. During this age, the great red dragon, Kandakul - "the Red Death" - was born and brought the Flamescale Empire of dragonborn to its height and ushered in the Age of Fire.

  • 6000

    Elves Discover the Spellstone and Acquire Magic

    The elves of Myth'thelyn discover an ancient artifact created by the gods that grant them magic abilities. This marks the beginning of the Age of Enlightenment.

  • 5800

    Sur'thelyn Is Founded

    Elven kingdom of Sur'thelyn is founded on Askalda, bringing their magical knowledge to the continent.

  • 4800

    Dragonborn Organize on Nakanula

  • 4300

    Kandakul, the Red Death, Is Born

    The mighty red dragon, Kandakul, known as the Red Death, is born with unrivaled power as the result of a dragonborn ritual. Kandakul began to organize the dragonborn tribes into a massive empire known as the Flamescale Empire.


Age of Fire

4224 3020

The Age of Fire is marked by the birth of Kandakul and the rise of the Flamescale Empire. The Flamescale Empire expanded from the continent of Nakanula and laid waste to a number of prominent kingdoms. A human scholar and adventurer from the former continent of Akotia, Rohana, discovered a second Spellstone and was imbued with godly powers, becoming the first demi-god. With her new powers, she amassed an army and marched on the Flamescale Stronghold and defeated their army and killed Kandakul. She returned to Akotia and settled the sanctuary city of Sagaria to protect the Spellstone. Sagaria became the most advanced civilization on Verdun, fully building upon the powers granted by the Spellstone and beginning the Age of Splendor.

  • 4224

    Flamescale Empire Is Founded

    The Flamescale Empire is founded and ruled by the red dragon, Kandakul. They begin to invade the neighboring continents and raze everything in sight.


  • 3051

    Discovery of Second Spellstone

    A young orphan fleeing the terror of the Flamescale Empire on the continent of Akotia discovers a second Spellstone. Upon touching the spellstone, its powers are channeled into her and make her the second demi-god.

  • 3049

    Destruction of Kandakul and Flamescale Empire

    The demi-god Rohana and her army of survivors confront Kandakul and the Flamescale Empire, finally defeating them and ending their rule.

Age of Splendor

3019 1369

The Age of Splendor was marked by the death of Kandakul and the birth of the City of Splendor, Sagaria. During this period, a number of races made great advancements as their mastery of magic improved. While the goodly races of Verdun enjoyed the times of prosperity, several of the descendants of evil expanded their power from the shadows. The Age of Splendor was brought to an end when the first tiefling stole the Spellstone of Sagaria and corrupted it with dark power by summoning the devil king, Abaddon.

  • 3019

    Sagaria Is Founded

    The sanctuary city of Sagaria is founded to protect the second Spellstone, which becomes known as the Spellstone of Sagaria. This marks the beginning of the Age of Splendor.

  • 2700

    Black City Is Founded

    A great citadel is constructed on the coast of the Scar to defend against an overwhelming flood of demons.

  • 1445

    Spellstone of Sagaria Is Stolen

    The Spellstone of Sagaria is stolen by a Halivar.

  • 1440

    The Shadow Pact Is Formed

    The Shadow Pact is formed between the major civilizations of tieflings, drow, orcs and hobgoblins so that the neglected races can benefit from the Spellstone's power. Under the new alliance, the Shadow Pact leaders were able to use the Spellstone to propel their people to greatness.

Age of Shadow

1368 988

The Age of Shadow was the darkest period of Verdun, when the devil king, Abaddon, rained terror upon the planet. With the aid of his generals and demonic forces, Abaddon brought together massive armies of tiefling, drow, orcs and hobgoblins to wipe out or enslave the other races. He managed to capture and imprison the demi-god, Rohana, removing any hope of resistance. However, Rohana was able to escape her prison and, knowing that she couldn't defeat Abaddon on her own, stole back the Spellstone. Channeling all of her power into it, she destroyed herself and the Spellstone, which resulted in a cataclysmic explosion and destroyed Abaddon and his armies. Unfortunately, the destruction of the Spellstone and the eruption of power had an adverse effect on magic use in Verdun. All use of magic from that point forward resulted in an explosion of overwhelming arcane power, killing the user and anything in proximity, this was known as the Spelldeath. The city of Sagaria, built to be completely dependent on magic, was instantaneously destroyed in a massive arcane explosion, sinking the entire continent of Akotia with it. Several other cities suffered catastrophic damages while millions of magic users across Verdun died moments after. The use of magic was quickly outlawed and abandoned by the masses and the Age of Darkness had begun. Only Myth'thelyn survived the effects of the Spelldeath, due to the protections granted by their own Spellstone. Following the Spelldeath, they used the power of the Spellstone to enshroud their kingdom in protective magic that prevented outsiders from discovering them and they swore to live in isolation and keep the Spellstone hidden from those who would do harm.

  • 1368

    Avatar of Abaddon, the Devil King, Is Summoned

    The warlocks of the Black City summon the avatar of the Demon Lord of the Abyss, Abaddon, and usher in the Age of Shadows.

  • 1368

    First Tieflings Created

    When Abaddon was summoned, his first demand of the inhabitants of the Black City was to submit to his will or face immediate annihilation. All those who submitted were filled with fel energy that granted them great new powers, but warped and twisted their bodies into monstrous forms.

  • 1352

    Imprisonment of Rohana

    When Rohana, the demi-god and guardian of Sagaria, attempted to confront Abaddon and his armies, she was imprisoned deep beneath the Black Citadel. This was a major blow to the innocents of Verdun as they no longer felt there was any hope of defeating the Abaddon.

  • 988

    Death of Abaddon and Destruction of the Spellstone

    Rohana manages to escape her imprisonment in the Black City and steal back the Spellstone from its holdings. She fights her way to Abaddon's throne room and channels all of her power into the Spellstone creating an explosion of immense power, destroying herself, Abaddon and the Spellstone, as well as the Black City. A wave of immense energy washed over Verdun resulting in the Spelldeath, marking the Age of Darkness.

Age of Darkness

987 1

The Age of Darkness is a poorly documented period of time, marked by the destruction of the Spellstone and the resulting Spelldeath. During this period, magic was virtually extinct, and those who tried to use it were quickly torn apart by the untamed energies. All of the once great civilizations entered a period of rebuilding and discovery, as manual efforts had to replace what would once have been accomplished with magic. War, famine and diseases were common and major threats for those trying to adjust to life without magic. An elven scholar, Gelthuin, from Myth'thelyn saw the suffering that was taking place outside his kingdom and set out to find a way to remedy it. He traveled to the ruins of the Black City, where Rohana destroyed the Spellstone of Sagaria, in search of anything to reverse the Spelldeath. There, he found fragments of the Spellstone and returned with them to Myth'thelyn, pleading with the elder council to attempt to restore the shattered Spellstone using their own. After much debate, they agreed to his request used their own Spellstone to restore the Spellstone of Sagaria, albeit to a significantly weakened state. Gelthuin volunteered to be the first to test if the Spelldeath had been reversed, travelling outside the protection of Myth'thelyn and casting a basic spell. To his relief and the amazement of the council, there were no adverse effects other than a greatly weakened effectiveness of the spell. After rigorous testing and verification that magic was once again safe to outside of their kingdom, they sent messengers to their former allies informing them that the Spelldeath had been eliminated and magic was once again safe to use. Thus, the Age of Recovery had begun.

  • 987


    Following the destruction of the Spellstone of Sagaria, a wave of anti-magic energy spreads across Verdun to catastrophic effect. All use of magic from this point forward results in an explosion of uncontrollable power and the death of the caster, as well as significant destruction to their surroundings. Magical and enchanted items are rendered inert, more powerful items simply whither to dust. The city of Sagaria is instantaneously destroyed in an explosion so large that it sunk the continent of Akotia. With magic so widely adopted by most civilizations, a significant portion of the population is almost immediately annihilated as their first response to the devastation is to turn to magic for aid.

  • 986

    Myth'thelyn Enters Exile

    Myth'thelyn was protected from the Spelldeath by the power of their own Spellstone. Fearful of another catastrophic event occuring with the abuse of the Spellstone, they exiled their kingdom from outsiders, enshrouding it in magic that would prevent them from ever being discovered.

  • 841


    Banshee Plague Outbreak

    The Banshee Plague was the first pandemic to surface after the destruction of the Spellstone. The plague killed off nearly a quarter of the worldwide population.

  • 679

    Jorundhamn Is Founded

    Jorund Svärd and his band of raiders settle Jorundhamn to recover their fleet of longships.

  • 12

    Gelthuin Starts Journey to Reverse the Spelldeath

    Gelthuin, an elven scholar from Myth'thelyn is distraught at the suffering of the once great civilizations outside of Myth'thelyn. He sets out in search of a way to reverse the Spelldeath.

  • 2

    Gelthuin Finds Spellstone Fragments

    Gelthuin travels to the ruins of the Black City in search of anything from the destruction of the Spellstone that could be used to reverse the Spelldeath. There he finds a few fragments of the Spellstone of Sagaria. He begins his return journey to Myth'thelyn.

Age of Recovery

0 473

The Age of Recovery is marked by the end of the Spelldeath when the Spellstone of Sagaria was restored. Word quickly spread across Verdun and many began to try and practice magic once again. However, most were soon disappointed to find that they had no idea to control or use magic since it was had been abandoned for centuries. Even still, those who managed to harness their magical powers found that they did not live up to the stories that were passed down of great and tremendous power. Slowly, the different civilization began to regain their mastery of magic, creating great institutions to further improve their knowledge and skills.

  • 0

    Restoration of the Spellstone of Sagaria

    After pleading with the elder council of Myth'thelyn, Gelthuin manages to convince them to attempt to restore the Spellstone of Sagaria from the recovered fragments. Gelthuin tests his magic outside of the protection of Myth'thelyn and deems the ritual a success. The Spellstone is restored, albeit to a significantly weaker state and word quickly spreads across Verdun. Many are disappointed to find that they have no magical abilities at all, and the few that do realize they will never wield the same level of power as their ancestors. Magic slowly begins to re-enter society and the Age of Recovery begins.

  • 220


    Great Tomorkhan Invasion