Old Castle Lake

In northern Navarre there lies a cold valley with a clear lake. With low grass hills all around, it is a beautiful place but also a forbidding one.   Next to the lake are the ruins of an old castle, its main tower looking ready to fall into the clear water. A mighty red dragon named Shale once called these ruins home but was slain some years ago. There are rumors of smoke curling up from the ruins once again, and travelers stay well clear of the lake for fear of the dragons return.  
"Shale swooped down low across Mearscon, breathing fire upon anyone that saw it. The flames made a terrible sound, like thunder and a a great steam. I watched the city burn, bBut then I saw, and I swear it, people conquering the dragon and riding it off north never to be seen again. Good riddance too." - Old drunk
Navarre Map


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