What Drives mankind the Verge of destruction?

Battle for Eastern Europe

Round 1: Action!
The Battle for Eastern Europe was a four month long battle during the Great Grimoire War, fought over parts of land formerly under Russian control from before the war.

The Conflict


In July 12, 2098, the New Eden Republic began to expand Eastward to move closer to one of their enemies during the Great Grimoire War; Korea. Fearing what resources the NER might take from their Korean adversaries, the Witches of Archon followed them East and on July 14th, the first shots were fired. Within hours, the first trenches were dug, and for four months both sides were entrenched.


New Eden Republic

  The NER had deployed a large portion of their Infantry Division, as well as the Air Corps and a few key members of their Office of Military and Naval Intelligence (OMNI). There were plans to deploy the Armored Division, but the conflict in Southeast Asia was far more pressing at that time, so the Armored Division was never redeployed.  

The Witches of Archon

  The Witches of Archon deployed the 6th, 9th, 12th, 17th, 19th, 25th, and 30th Infantry Batallions, as well as the 2nd, 4th, and 6th Air Squadrons for close air support. Officially, these batallions were never swapped out until after the battle was over; they were simply issued replacement troops.


Both sides were heavily entrenched, with the closest each side got to one another for the majority of the battle being no less than 100 yards. Artillery, gunfire, magic spells, and airstrikes were used heavily in the middle of the entrenched side, dubbed No Man's Land.


The area began as a lush field of rolling hills and flat plains full of trees and grass, but quickly became a mass of mud, razor wire, and smoke.


The Witches of Archon claimed the strategic territory, by which became available means to build Forward Operating Bases for other theaters of war.


While the territory was claimed, it was a fruitless victory. The FOBs built along the former No Man's Land, though defensable, were unable to maintain their upkeep with the strained supply lines, and were promptly abandoned on February 12, 2099. In 2107, Russian refugees from the Northern reaches of the conflict had migrated down to the old FOBs and began to repurpose them and founded the town of Chrulova. As of March 14, 2169, the trenches from both armies are still visible, and the citizens are still finding discarded equipment and objects from the battle, 60 years after the fact.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
July 14, 2098
Ending Date
November 19, 2098
Conflict Result
The Witches of Archon overcame the entrenched NER troops, claiming the territory.


The Witches of Archon
NER Military


150,000 Witches
200,000 Soldiers


76,000 Dead
125,000 Dead


Claim Strategic Territory
Claim Strategic Territory


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