The Captain's Confederacy

Though by their very nature pirates are not ones for governance or rules, there does exist a few sets of guidelines depending on certain factions. At sea these are mostly ignored, but the more established pirate havens tend to be governed by one of these pirate factions or another. Though pirates that establish themselves at a certain location generally get along with those who reside in the same haven, conflict mostly arises when another pirate arrives at that particular haven who is not established there, and has not learned "the rules" of the established locals. Thus, they may have violated some of the local guidelines at some point and will have to face some sort of consequence for their perceived infractions.   This mostly comes down to payment to the locals in some form, though if any direct action was taken against established locals by the newcomer had taken place, there could be more violent forms of restitution required. Duels between captains are most common, not always to the death but it does happen.

Fortune favours the infamous.

Guild, Privateers
Training Level
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Controlled Territories


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