
Life, Supernatural


Seeing the destruction the War of Dawn was causing in the mortal realm, a group of gods led by Medione, goddess of wisdom, cast a powerful spell that caused all the gods to become mortal, ending the War of Dawn.

The Dark Times

  Though the Gods were now mortal, they still possessed vast power compared to other mortals and they had not forgotten their enemies. Over the course of thousands of years, many of the gods were slain at the hands of other gods. Kingdoms were created and guided by these powerful beings, then used to wage bloody war against other kingdoms that were the domain of other gods. The gods are said to have bred with mortals, creating demi-gods whose power was near that of the now mortal gods themselves. The powerful beings would cause tremendous havoc when they fought, and it was all the mortal races could do but hope to stay out of their affairs.

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