History of Verimytha

Age of Strife


The first events to be recorded by mortals. Everything that comes before is lost to time, and much of the events during this era have become lost or so entwined with legend it is near impossible to separate fact from fiction.

  • The Dawnwar
    The Dawnwar
    Era beginning/end

    Conflict amongst the gods spills out into the mortal realms, plunging the land into chaos.

  • 2950 AoStr

    Population Migration / Travel

    In an effort to save the mortal races from the destruction the war of the Gods was bringing to the land, a group of gods led by Helm, God of protection, helps many groups establish colonies on the continent of Myrthana.

  • 3880 AoStr

    Life, Supernatural

    Seeing the destruction the War of Dawn was causing in the mortal realm, a group of gods led by Medione, goddess of wisdom, cast a powerful spell that caused all the gods to become mortal, ending the War of Dawn.

  • 5000 AoStr

    Disaster / Destruction

    Whether for good or evil purposes is lost to time, but a conclave of mages performed a ritual meant to strip the gods of their power completely, making them no more powerful than a normal mortal. Instead, the spell severed all connection Verimitha had to the other planes and caused nearly all magic to cease functioning.

Age of Darkness

0 5000

The gods are forced into mortality, lessening their destructive power for a time. Magic becomes unstable or unusable, leading to collapse of much of the world's infrastructure.

  • 0 AoDar

    Disaster / Destruction

    Whether for good or evil purposes is lost to time, but a conclave of mages performed a ritual meant to strip the gods of their power completely, making them no more powerful than a normal mortal. Instead, the spell severed all connection Verimitha had to the other planes and caused nearly all magic to cease functioning.

  • 600 AoDar

    900 AoDar

    Gnomish Renaissance
    Technological achievement

    Without access to stable magic, gnomish inventors enter a period of great advancement. Dwarves and gnomes began working together and creating fantastic wonders of technology. This spawned a culture of cooperation between the races that lasts to this day.

  • 1200 AoDar

    The Underail
    Construction beginning/end

    The dwarven underground rail system begins construction around this time. With the assistance of gnomes, the dwarven holds are linked together using a vast underground railway system, connecting far away areas together with just a few hours travel.

Age of Destruction

5001 6922

  • 1 AoDes

    Faerarrn - Magicstorm
    Disaster / Destruction

    Sargonnas, god of vengeance and fire, finds a way to undo the Sundering; granting the banished gods access to their old power. In so doing, he also causes the realm of Verimitha to violently reconnect with the other planes of existence plunging the land into chaos.

  • 12 AoDes

    The Fall of the Underkingdoms
    Financial Event

    The Dwarven Underkingdoms, whose wealth came from trading minerals from it’s deep mines, suffers as the iron exported from their lands becomes brittle and unusable, souring relations with the rest of the realm.

  • 20 AoDes

    Underrails Overrun

    With the loss of outside support, The Dwarven Underkingdom fractures into smaller city-states as the underground railway system suffers from failures because of the iron shortage as well as a resurgence of hostile creatures newly empowered by the return of magic to the realm.

  • 40 AoDes

    14 Alturiak

    The Rise of the Whispering Tyrant
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A powerful lich rises in the east, turning a whole swath of forest into an undead wasteland. The area was home to a great many forest gnomes, and the race may never recover from the event.

  • 43 AoDes

    13 Davkur

    The Northern Alliance

    Feldin Grimmspar unites the city-states of the northwestern coast. Not wanting to take the mantle of king, he instead forms the Knight’s of the Lord’s Alliance who swear an oath to protect the north whatever the cost.

  • 57 AoDes

    19 Dayskarr

    Handheld Cannons
    Technological achievement

    A little known artifacer's guild in the Gnomish city of Tepeel pieces together the combination of black powder and metal forming to create the first firearms.

  • 70 AoDes

    25 Nightgal 16:00

    The Leader Falls
    Life, Death

    Feldin Grimmspar falls in battle when a band of northern orcs ambushes his party as they finish fighting off a mob of undead.

  • 89 AoDes

    14 Dhokkear

    The Rise of The Dawnfire

    The Northern Alliance becomes The Dawnfire Empire under the rule of The Immortal Empress after several brutal assaults from The Whispering Tyrant's undead minions.

  • 1084 AoDes

    2 Dhokkear 14:00

    Airships Arise
    Technological achievement

    The ability to build and maintain a flying ship is discovered by a The Dawnfire Empire with the assistance of the most advanced gnomish and dwarven guilds, as well as specialist from Vs'shtak Shehad. It is heralded as a sign of a new era of peace and cooperation.

  • 1921 AoDes

    Dawnfire Expansion
    Era beginning/end

    The Dawnfire Empire begins to aggressively expand its borders, claiming territory throughout Myrthana.

Age of The Dawnfire

6922 7130

  • 0 AoDaw

    Dawnfire Expansion
    Era beginning/end

    The Dawnfire Empire begins to aggressively expand its borders, claiming territory throughout Myrthana.

  • 190 AoDaw

    3 Xothlus 03:00
    208 AoDaw

    16 Vhitredia

    Mar Shaddan Expansion
    Military action

    The Dawnfire Empire officially launches sky-born forces to invade Mar Shaddan. The war pushes forward quickly, but is stymied by surprising resistance from the inhabitants of the island-continent. While the outcome seemed inevitable, Skyfall halted Dawnfire's advance and ended the war in a stalemate.

  • 197 AoDaw

    13 Alturiak

    Death of The Golden Harvester
    Life, Death

    Elimund, The Golden Harvester, is betrayed and murdered by a group of his elite forces in the small town of Cliffside. This gives rise to a short-lived but far reaching uprising among the populace of Mar Shaddan. To this day, the island continent is still one of the most unstable territories of The Dawnfire Empire's expansion.

  • 208 AoDaw

    16 Vhitredia

    Disaster / Destruction

    A great energy erupts from The Screaming Forest, the domain of The Whispering Tyrant. A blast of Fel energy is thrown into the sky, where it coalesces into blasts of green energy and necrotic rock that are thrust back down to the world below. Untold damage is done as this eruption both damages structures as well as causes other monstrosities to form in their area, mostly raising various forms of undead creatures.

Age of The Worm

7130 and beyond

The threat of undead rises as fallout from the summoning of Orcus to the mortal realm.

  • 0 AoTW

    16 Vhitredia

    Disaster / Destruction

    A great energy erupts from The Screaming Forest, the domain of The Whispering Tyrant. A blast of Fel energy is thrown into the sky, where it coalesces into blasts of green energy and necrotic rock that are thrust back down to the world below. Untold damage is done as this eruption both damages structures as well as causes other monstrosities to form in their area, mostly raising various forms of undead creatures.

  • 38 AoTW

    Gathering / Conference

    After years of expeditions and rebuilding, The Dawnfire Empire declares an end to the havoc brought on by the events of Skyfall. Though some kingdoms initially pushed back against re-integration into The Empire after becoming accustomed to their own autonomy, The Dawnfire's military was successful in forcing the issue.

  • 63 AoTW

    27 Dhokkear

    The Fall of Sternburg
    Military action

    A sudden surge of undead strike the city of Sternburg. It is only through the actions of The Immortal Empress that the city is ultimately cleansed of the monsters, though many lives were lost in the attack.   Though rumors persist about other creatures involved in the invasion, devils and demons foremost among them, there has never been any evidence revealed to substantiate these claims. Most of these rumors seem to come from a criminal organization and their collaborators that seem to have allied with The Whispering Tyrant in order to gain a power within the city.
