
Disaster / Destruction


Whether for good or evil purposes is lost to time, but a conclave of mages performed a ritual meant to strip the gods of their power completely, making them no more powerful than a normal mortal. Instead, the spell severed all connection Verimitha had to the other planes and caused nearly all magic to cease functioning.

While many commoners and the less-educated in the history of the world and the gods that have influence it will often talk of when the being called The Allfather stepped in and stripped the gods of their divine power, making them mortal, and separated the planes with powerful barriers. However, outside of some very specific writings that leave some doubt as to authenticity, there has never been a mention of a being more powerful that the gods, certain not a father of the gods.   However, what is documented shows that it was not some powerful daddy god or even a cabal of gods working together, caused the thousands year calamity known we have come to call The Sundering... it was a group of mortal wizards!   Their exact intent has been lost to history. Some say they were trying to stop the gods from tearing the mortal realm apart in their battles while others believe they were trying to steal the gods' power. While it is entirely possible their intent was to sever the mortal realm's connection to magic (and some scholars of venerable status will make quite a case for this if you get a few drinks in them) the real answers have been lost to time. It does not help the entire group were obliterated by the ritual.   The main consequence of this ritual was the near complete cessation of magic by mortals. Though much of seems to have been the sheer difficulty with channeling the energy necessary to cast a spell, many scholars believe it was mostly due to the consequences of spell casting during this time.   Several pieces of evidence have arisen the point to spells being cast but with potentially devastating consequences. This seems to have turned the populous against practitioners of magic to the point where those born with the ability to cast it were slaughtered outright in some areas. Those who studied the mystic arts were forced underground, or killed by their own spells backfiring.   Though much of the texts discovered speak of arcane magic, it seems divine and nature magic suffered just as much. Unfortunately, with the exception of the Priestesses of Ogmah, most practitioners of holy or natural magic are not known for their fastidious note-keeping.

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