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Hecate, Goddess of Evil Magic, Queen of Covens

Long ago, Hecate was but a simple Demigod, serving under Amava's tutorage. She would stand at the shores of the Arcane, watching their flow with an ever-growing hunger. It was her drive for power that Amava noticed and what helped Hecate to become one of Amava's best students. However, Amava was unaware of Hecate's true desires, and her betrayal was complete as Hecate conjured the first spells.

Over the years, Hecate's power grew in strength, and come the Age of Man, she had truly reformed herself into one of the Old Gods. Hecate often reached out to the mortals of Vesta, making them varying offers, all to tempt and ensnare them into her web of lies. However, this did not always work, as exemplified by great wizards such as Yen Sid, who was able to escape Hecate's lies and ascend to greatness.
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Domains: Evil, Knowledge, Law, Magic
Sub Domains: Corruption, Tyranny
Favoured Weapons: None
Divine Classification
Old God

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