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Comprised of skills including blacksmithing, alchemy, and mechanical engineering, artifcers are the artisans and innovators of society.



If he wants to have a hope of being a success, a professional artificer will need to have an understanding of mathmatics, metalurgy, mechanical engineering, chemistry, crystology, and even magic.

Career Progression

Most young artificers will start as an apprentice, either within a family shop under a relative or family friend or a manufacturing house.    Once they have a couple years worth of experience under their belt, an apprentice can petition the Craftsmen Guild to be recognized as a professional and licensed artificer.

Payment & Reimbursement

An established artificer in a private shop can earn a decent living.   Artificers working in manufacturing houses are typically paid less than they might make in their own shops, but many view it as a more secure source of income.   Should an artificer build and patent a successful design, they can license the design out to shops and manufcturers for a percentage of sales.

Other Benefits

The benefits that come with being an artificer come courtesy of the Craftsmen Guild. Any shop or house employing licensed artificers are legally required to meet a certain degree of safety standards to minimize the chances of injury to the workers.   The guild is also a major power in enforcing patents on artificer designs and that the terms of any licensing agreement for said designs are adgered to.



Artificers and their guild are the major source for technological innovation in society. They are tinkerers and artisans advancing everything from personal devices to enchanted tools to weapons.

Social Status

Artificstry is treated as a respectable occupation. Those how are able to make a name for themselves in the industry can begin to climb the social ladder by a rung or two.



The tools of a shop vary dependin on what they might specialize in, but staples of the trade include hammers, saws, and chisels along with an anvil and a sturdy workbench.


Woods and metals are a given to be found in an artificer's shop.   High-end shops may keep a supply of mana crystals on hand for repairing and tinkering with enchanted tools.


Artificers work out of shops in one form or another. Family owned businesses may be on the smaller side with their materials against one wall, a forge on the other, and their bench and tools stood inbetween.   Manufactuing houses are much larger with rows of workbenches and racks of materials while their artificers share the handful of forges on offer.

Provided Services

The services on offer may vary from shop to shop, but an artificer can be called for repair work, commissions for custom builds, designing, and of course manufacturing.

Dangers & Hazards

Occupational injuries are normal for artificers. Splinters from rough-cut wood and minor cuts from the metal are often a daily occurance. While the guild does what it can to prevent them, fires and burns from the forge are known to happen as well. Shops dealing in enchanted tools must remain even more vigilant when handling mana crystals for fear of unrestrained elemental interference or, spirits forbid, an unstable stone should find itself in their bin.   For some, their fellow artificers are to be wary of as well. In tight markets where competition is fierce, it is not unheard of for designs for a knew innovention to be stolen. Sometimes at the blade of a knife.
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Dec 8, 2023 14:55 by Marc Zipper

Cool article on artificer I love how you did the environment and social environment for the dangers of the job

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