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Dwarven Stone/Steel

Regarded as the cornerstone of Dwarven civilization, their stone and metal have stood up against the test of time with little to no wear.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Dwarven stone was used in much of their construction projects, allowing for many of their structures to remain standing even to modern day.   In a simialr vein, dwarven steel resists wear and rust and has been shown to be a good conductor of mana, making it ideal for enchanted tools.

Cultural Significance and Usage

It is believed that the dwarves may have developed their stone to be a safeguard against other Ore mages. While Ore mages exploring dwarven ruins are able to use magic to survey their surroundings, the material has proven resistent against attempts to reshape or even examine it more deeply.   As for steel, historians theorize that the creation of the alloy was a means for dwarves to find a work around for their race only having access to Ore magic.

Manufacturing & Products

The exact manufacturing process of either material is unknown, such knowledge being loss with the death of dwarves as a race.   It is believed that dwarves would add mana crystals to the concrete mixure (stone) or during the forging process (steel). Unfortunately, no modern artificer has proven able to recreate the process, making the materials exceptionally rare.

Reusability & Recycling

It's not unheard of some industrious groups to try and harvest the stone from dwarven ruins and repurposed for new projects. However, the shear cost and difficulty in getting even a modest amount of stone out makes such attempts quite rare.   Some artificers have attempted to reforge poor-quality enchanted tools with mixed success. While some have succeeded in altering enchanted tools without compromising the steel, but all attempts to simply melt the devices down have been met with resounding failure.
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