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Movement of Reform

Reformists are a relatively new organized movement to try and repeal some of the power and prestige arbitrarily assigned to those with magic over those without.  


Most reformists come from tradesmen backgrounds where the laws favoring mages often put them at an unfair advantage.   Members higher up on the social and economic ladder join after expressing dissatisfaction with the barriers to joining high-society often blocking those without magic.   In a similar vein, some figures in government lean towards the meritocratic ideals the movement puts forth as they argue against their successors arbitrarilly needing to be mages.   The movement is oddly not without magical members who hope that the changes it works towards will include the abolition of mage conscription that is instituted in numerous kingdoms across Vestria.  

Public Perception

The movement is favored more in areas where trade and capital are value more than tradition as magical ability is already has less emphasis places on it.   Conversely, more traditional locales, especially ones with strong ties to the Church of Rosaris are muc more resiliant to the movement's demands. Matters are not helped by the actions of younger, more reckless members leading to violence the movement often ends up blamed for.


The movement is founded on the belief that magic should not have the power and prestige assigned to what members call an accident of birth.    They speak of awarding such privileges based on earned merits such as intelligence and skill.    Magic in general is looked down on as it is a skillset that one can only be born with, not acquired through time and effort.

Public Agenda

The movement's main goal is for laws automatically placing the majority of political power and authority in the hands of those with magic to be repealed and allow individuals selected by the people to have a voice in government.


The main resource the movement has to draw on is its members. Primarily citizens who which for fairer treatment as well as members of government and even nobility who disagree with laws requiring that their heirs possess magical talent.
Political, Activist

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