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Feris Ashblood (a.k.a. Ashan)

Feris Ashblood is the head council member of Highvale a great and powerful union in The Republic of Strathmore. He works through his union to fight the injustices of the world through whatever means necessary. He can at times be a bit harsh but he always has everyone's best interest in mind. He can make the tough decisions when necessary and live with their consequences.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Feris was born to a sickly mother and abusive father in a small village just outside Strathmore. His mother loved him very much but one day when Feris was about 13 years old his father got into a wild drunken rage and beat his mother to death. Feris, in a state of devastation and shock, killed his father and left his home forever. Feris became an orphan begging in the streets when he met a young half-elf roughly his age named Izin. Together they roamed the streets searching for food and adventure. They got into plenty of trouble and became a well-known headache in the little town, so much so that the local town elder took the two kids in himself so they would stop causing trouble. He grew up with the elder until the age of 17 when Feris decided he wanted to go out on and see the world. Feris and Izin left to New Swindon where they met up a new friend named Fongir. The three of them became fast friends and went on many adventures together. Eventually, the three of them realized that they wanted to do more than slay goblins and make money and so they began seeking out people in need and helping them with their needs. They did this for many years until one day they may have bitten off more than they could chew. Feris made a grave miscalculation on a mission causing the death and destruction of an entire village. Feris was incredibly remorseful for his actions and worked hard to atone for them. He branded himself with the name Ashblood so that he could never forget his mistake. Eventually, Feris tired of his life of adventure and settled down with Izin and Fongir. They bought a small store and used to sell items they had come across on their adventures. Things went well for a time but the need to help out others eventually called the three of them back out to more work. Feris then made the decision to turn their store into a union and get others to help them in their quest to help others. Thus, Highvale was born.


Feris was educated by both his birth mother and his adopted father in all things that any child should know. Feris had a naturally gifted brain and he took to his studies rather seriously.


Feris is the head council member of Highvale, the current union seat of The Republic of Strathmore.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Feris has many accomplishments most of them consist of killing Bollywugs and goblins to save farmers and villages, but he also has many larger accomplishments under his belt from his time with Hgihvale, such as:
  • Freeing Far Water from an oppressive druid
  • Dealing with an orcish invasion from the hills in the south
  • Infiltrating and assassinating an evil union leader

Personality Characteristics


Feris strives to be a force of good in the world as a way of atoning for how terrible of a person his father was. He also works to leave behind his emotional scarring from past mistakes through good deeds.
Chaotic Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
1339 76 Years old
Current Residence
Amber eyes
Short, messy, slightly curly hair
6' 3"
Aligned Organization

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