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The Republic of Strathmore

Formed from the forge of civil war, The Republic of Strathmore is a verdant and bustling country of great wealth and importance. They are newly founded and not fully established. As a result, they lack a centralized police force. To make up for this the cities hire out various mercenary groups (known as Unions) that are charged with keeping the peace. The Republic is famed for its democracy which allows the citizens to vote for what laws come into being. They are constantly dealing with military skirmishes with the Garmach kingdom they are usually easily thwarted by their sizeable military and advanced guerilla warfare tactics. Many believe that the Republic is a beacon of hope in a time of turmoil.


Judicial Body

  Because The Republic of Strathmore is so newly formed, they lack a centralized police force and instead rely on Unions to carry out the laws. The unions follow their own rules and function as many different parts of society. For example, there me some sort of merchant union who sells goods to others or there may be a union who runs a coliseum, but most are just groups of adventurers looking for work. Through a public vote, one union is chosen to be the current Union Seat and they are in charge of passing judgment and sentencing people for crimes all within their own Union so the rules vary depending on what union is currently the Seat. For example, If someone is caught stealing from a store, one union may say that the penalty for theft is the loss of a finger. While another Union may say that the penalty is a period of time in jail depending on the item stolen. Some unions are hated by the people by having too harsh rules or being inconsiderate of the people etc. If this happens the people can petition a repeal of the current Union Seat and the CIB can decide if the union should be repealed or not. However, being the Union Seat is considered one of the highest honors that can be bestowed and the Unions are usually willing to do the best they can to be in charge for as long as possible. No Union lasts forever though because they are frequently rotated out to avoid causing a form of aristocracy from being the people in power.  

Legislative Body

  Laws come into being in two different ways in The Republic. They can either come from the direct ideas of the citizens, or they are created by the Governors of each city. The citizens either write in their ideas and send them to the Civil Intelligence Bureau, CIB for short, and the CIB meticulously goes through them to pick out ideas reasonable enough to actually become laws, or the CIB agents go around collecting ideas from the townspeople they meet. The governors are able to create a law idea and put it out to vote whenever they want. Once ideas are presented to all the governors and the Union Seat has gone through them, they are sent out to vote. The people vote for them to go through. If the people approve of the law the governors must approve the law. If the governors don't approve the law it is sent to the Union Seat who can then either agree with the people or the governors. If the governors do approve of the law it is sent for a final inspection by the Union Seat who can either yay or nay the law. If the Union Seat says yes it is passed. If the Union Seat says no it is then sent back to the people who get the final say.

Public Agenda

The Republic of Strathmore is a newly formed country that values highly freedom and the ability for anyone to have political power. They fight hard for their citizens to be able to live a life free of oppression and the crushing power of a monarchy.


The Republic has many assets due to the incredibly fertile land that they live in. Far Harbor is a vibrant port city with access to plenty of fish and whales that they hunt for oil. They are also in charge of the hilly region of the country and the mining villages set up there. The mines produce plenty of gold and Iron. New Swindon is placed in the center of a great plain that houses many horses and exotic furs like foxes. There are so many horses in the New Swindon Plains that almost 70% of the horses on the continent come from this area. There are also famed elephant hunters that use the tusks of the creatures for ivory. Strathmore is able to collect fish from Lake Daygar. They are also in the perfect climate for growing grapes and as a result, they make the most excellent wine on the Continent.


The Republic of Strathmore has a very short but bloody history. After the Garmach Kingdom expanded southward past the forest into a new undiscovered land and founded New Swindon, the citizens became aware of the potential in other parts of the continent and wanted to expand quickly to capitalize on the new land before The People of Novon had a chance to cross the sea. The King and Nobles in power didn't want to expand too quickly as they were worried it would cause an economic issue especially considering they had no idea what was farther south. This divide in ideology started a rift between the people. The aristocrats stomped out the hopes of the people, causing the rift to grow until the only option that the people had left was to revolt and fight. The common people that wanted to expand quickly won the war thanks to the efforts of a great hero known as Daygar, the Father of Freedom. They took New Swindon as their capital and fought to establish themselves. They expanded southward quickly founding the cities of Strathmore and Far Water. They set up a new political system where anyone could come into power and the ideas of the people were cherished instead of trampled. They became known as The Republic of Strathmore. Since then The Garmachians have tried many times to take back New Swindon but they are always thwarted by the advanced guerrilla-style fighting that takes massive advantage of the forest separating the two countries.

"Here to Stay"

Geopolitical, Republic
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Major Exports
  • Horses
  • Wine
  • Furs
  • Ivory
  • Iron
  • Gold
Major Imports
  • Cotton
  • Silk
  • Spices
  • Gems
  • Bronze
  • Silver
Neighboring Nations

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