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Fongir Irontusk

Fongir Irontusk

Fongir Irontusk is one of the council members of Highvale a large and powerful union and the current seat of The Republic of Strathmore. He is the leader of the police force and creates the current laws for the town. He is known for his harsh but fair rulings and the extensive lists of monsters that he has slain. He can be a bit gruff at times but his family taught him justice from injustice and he strives to uphold a standard that would meet their expectations.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Fongir possesses a magical spear made entirely of ivory known as The Ivory Verdict. It was given to him as a gift from Ashan and Izin when he excepted the job to be the head of the police force.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Fongir was born in New Swindon to a tribe of famous elephant hunters. His mother and father and older brother were all particularly good at what they did. Fongir was showing every sign that he was going to follow in their footsteps and become an even better hunter. But one day when his family was hunting in the southern hills they were attacked and slaughtered by a tribe of orcs that were rampaging through the area. When Fongir heard the news he begged some traveling adventurers to help him get revenge. Those adventures later became his best friends Ashan and Izin. They took on the entire tribe of orcs by themselves and Fongir finally got the closure that he wanted. He decided that he was going to continue to travel with Ashan and Izin. They all became very close friends and eventually founded the union known as Highvale.


Fongir was educated by his parent on what mattered most to them: how to survive in the wild and feed your family. He was never classically trained until much later in life when he needed those skills to work for the union.


Fongir is one of the council members of Highvale a well known and powerful union in The Republic of Strathmore.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Fongir has many accomplishments most of them coming from things that he has killed. Examples include:
  • Slaying a minotaur single handily
  • Taking out an entire orcish tribe
  • Slaying a famed white elephant

Personality Characteristics


Fongir does what he believes to be good and just based on what he learned from his family. He strives to honor his dead family by being someone that they would be proud of.
Neutral Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
1333 82 Years old
New Swindon
Current Residence
Brown, squinty
Medium length, dirty blonde beard
6' 11"
Aligned Organization

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