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Izin Demoncaller

Izin Demoncaller

Izin Demoncaller is a council member of Highvale a great and powerful union in The Republic of Strathmore. He works with his friends and council members Ashan and Fongir to help others and stop injustice from happening in the world. He is an emotionally scarred man whos only real source of happiness in his life is to be with his family that he has found in the union. If he can find in himself to trust you he will have your back for the rest of time.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Izin was born in a back alley by a brothel worker in the slums of Swindon. His mom left him in a box outside some random nobleman's house and he took him in to work as a slave. Izin was made to work for this man whom he called father every day for 9 years while his "father" beat him and mentally abused him. Despite this Izin always kept a smile on his face because he had one close friend who he was able to sneak away to meet. A man by the name of Lok, who was a street magician, showed him his magic tricks and taught Izin how to unlock the powers of magic. Izin was quite talented as a wizard and he secretly worked very hard to become an even better wizard than Lok. This is how Izin lived, secretly learning from his one and only friend trying his hardest to become strong like him, until one fateful day where his father caught him studying magic. His father was terrified by his magic and saw it as a threat. He beat Izin and forced him to tell who taught him this magic. Izin's father went to the government and charged Lok with a fake crime that he didn't commit and got him executed. Izin's father then took Lok's head back to Izin's room where he hung it on the wall so Izin was forced to see it day and night. Izin was so devastated and hurt that all of his innate magical ability bubbled forth and burst a hole into the veil that separates the planes and out pored 2 demons who Izin commanded to kill his father. Izin has little memory of the time after this he just knows that somehow he wandered out of town and into the Garmach Kingdoms southern forest where he met a fey creature who took pity on him and guided him to a village outside of Strathmore. In this village, he met Feris, fellow orphaned boy, and they became fast friends. They went on all sorts of adventures together as kids trying to find food and live in the streets of this village. They caused so much trouble that the village elder decided to take them in just so they would stop causing trouble. There they lived until Izin turned 14 and daydreams of adventure called to the two young boys. They ended up leaving and going to New Swindon where they met Fongir who asked them to help deal with an orcish invasion that just took the life of his parents. They health with them all by themselves and afterward they all decided to travel together. They adventured for many years until they eventually settled down and formed a union known as Highvale.


Izin was educated, in all things both magical and practical, by Lok a street magician in Swindon.


Izin is a council member of Highvale, the current union seat of The Republic of Strathmore.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Izin has accomplished many things in his life but some of his standout moments are:  
  • Discovering and killing a necromancer
  • Raiding an ancient tomb in the southern hills
  • Freeing Far Water from and Oppressive druid

Personality Characteristics


Izin's only motivation is to be with the only family he has, Feris and Fongir. Unlike his friends, he holds no strong desire to save others or help everyone. He just wants to have fun with his friends and they have fun helping others so he does that too.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1342 73 Years old
Current Residence
Piercing blue eyes
Shoulder-length raven black hair
6' 0"
Aligned Organization

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