Rezena Delmirev

Rezena Delmirev

Rezena's story: 
"I was born on the blood shores. Called the salt shores back then. There was a time when it was nice, or so I was told. All I remember of it were the raids."   "Dragon riders from the hold used to take what they wanted. Take who they wanted. I asked the lord once why we didn't fight back. 'They would have taken more.' is what he said. The king would have called us weak if we asked for help, so we took it."   "One day my family visited the port of Swil in Valencia to sell our salt. Riskier, but more lucrative. Didn't matter, the riders would take it anyway. My parents, my town, my lord, weak. I left them, I was maybe 16. Made my way to Dragon's Gate, and enrolled in the Wyr."   "I was going to get to him. To make their leader pay through strength. Or so a child thought. I rose through the ranks, apparently Avalonian strength puts Valencia to shame. Or maybe it was sheer misguided will."   "I got close to him. Close enough to hurt him. And that's when I learned who the raiders were. A secret group. 'The broken wing.' No one in the weyr openly admitted to it and officially, they were rebels. If caught, they'd be burned at the stake. I never saw a single inquisitor. Never found a single trace they were being looked for or investigated. I almost worked up the right moment to petition him officially when the Salt Coast became the Blood Coast."   "Turns out Dragon's gate and SwilPort had been having ... disputes... for some time. I never found out who planted the seed, who fanned the flames, but needless to say, a LOT of money changed hands after the massacre. By then I thought he had to have known. The corruption was so deep, so rooted in all aspects of the weyr, how could he not? So I left."   "I wandered. Trained, honed skills. And went back to kill him. Gods do I remember that day."   "The courtyard smelled of charred flesh and the screams of the bond mates echoed through the mountains. She personally tore each one apart, Parthinaux. I've never seen a more furious dragon in all my life. The rage was so...fresh. I don't even know if he had told her before that moment. And there he was astride her. Gave the order to burn the riders. Dared anyone to stand up for them."   "He had found every single one. He had been rooting them out for years. The broken wing. The scum of the weyr."     "Strange but I just felt... hollow. Empty. Of course, the nobles never suffered. The rich never do. But it was something. And I... left it all behind that day. Moved out to Portencia, found Heskan, and well... you know the rest."  


Heskan Delmirev


Towards Rezena Delmirev


Rezena Delmirev


Towards Heskan Delmirev


A barmaid in the town of Portencia. Or... is she?

Date of Birth
Heskan Delmirev (Husband)


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