Engoo Entrati

"Let's hope your threads are made of steel, Laeanna Lightsong."

A Tabaxi member of the The Black Badgers. Engoo was employed by Barlo Understone to protect Remos Lightsong's family after multiple attempts were made on his life.

Engoo seems to be the head of The Black Badgers cell in Lustria. He has been seen giving direct orders to all of the members along side his second in command Nyaii.

If one were to describe the expressions given by a stone when engaging it in conversation, the same description would be apt when describing Engoo. He is rarely seen caught off guard or out of his element, save perhaps when dealing with Laeanna Lightsong's antics.

Leader of a cell of Black Badgers Laeanna encountered protecting her family in Lustria.



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