Esias Lawson Character in Vicious Circles | World Anvil
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Esias Lawson

Esias Lawson (a.k.a. Isa)

Esias Lawson is the main protagonist in the Vicious Circles series.  


Esias has medium-long, wavy, black hair and brown eyes. Esias usually wears his hair twisted in locs and tied back into a ponytail.  


Esias perceives himself as introverted, often finding solace in his own thoughts and personal space. Despite not considering himself to be outgoing, he still views himself as sufficently friendly when approached. Upon starting his first semester at Vikan Acadmy, Esias developed a strong aversion to confrontations, especially in his relationships due to past traumas.  


Prior to Vikan Academy, Esias lived most of his life in Xira with his widowed father. Despite his father's wish for Esias to attend a local school, Esias instead applied and enrolled at Vikan Academy.  

Enrollment Arc

An impossible choice. A dangerous deal.
  With the intention of passing the entrance exam for his dream university, Esias entered Vikan Academy with the determination to graduate with a good rank. When Esias discovered a group of students secretly tormenting another student, he soon loses control over his life. He is quickly framed for in a cheating ring by another student and threatened with immediate expulsion. Unable to cope with the sudden change of his reality, Esias unleashes an ability beyond even his own comprehension. Despite the matter being resolved, Esias can't shake the feeling that there are now eyes on him, and he is right.
Esias is now the latest target of the Myria, a supernatural syndicate that holds dominion over her cities and those gifted with supernatural powers. Shrouded in whispers and secrets, they are more deadly than any could imagine. Esias must now surivive their organization or face his death at the hands of its current leader.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

He often wears clothes that are modest and slightly too big for him.

Mental characteristics


Esias is bisexual. He does not favor ne gender moe than the other.

Mental Trauma

Esias feels that he’s not exceptional and is lacking in self-esteem and self-worth. His personal beliefs are that other people should come first because they’re more important. People like him can only have so much in life so he shouldn’t want more. He attempts to escape his pain by doing solo activities such as throwing himself into his school work.   Esias withdraws from other and feels suspicious of anyone who tries to reach out to him with romantic interest. He purposely chooses isolating activities that allow him to be alone because it makes him feel safe and secure.
Current Status
Vikan Academy Student
Current Location
Current Residence
Azalea City
183 cm (6 ft)


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