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Vikan Academy

History of Vikan Academy

Established in 1814 D.E, Vikan Academy began as a tertiary vocational school. However, it struggled to maintain its status over the years, eventually closing its doors in 2017 due to declining attendance and a lack of funding. In 2022 D.E, the Aradox Corporation purchased the school and the neighboring properties with the goal of developing the area as a school for the elite. Redesigned as a private college, Vikan Academy kept its original name and reopened in 2024 D.E.   Vikan Academy quickly turned into a magnet for influential families and ambitious students because of its high entrance and graduation rate at prestigious universities like Ora Sylva, Magna Artem, and Nexus. This allure of guaranteed advancement and prestige made Vikan Academy a top choice for those seeking to secure their place at the pinnacle of society. Over the years, the Myriad Syndicate meticulously crafted Vikan Academy to be a self-contained district that they could control by isolating its students from Azalea City.  

The Myriad Syndicate and Vikan Academy

Vikan Academy is a key asset for the Myriad Syndicate to indoctrinate and train its students for roles of power within the Daeva Empire and to control the criminal underworld. It is both a finishing school and a battlefield, where only the strongest and most worthy are released into the world to manipulate, control, and rise within the complex hierarchies of society. Located in the academic district of Azalea City—positioned between downtown and uptown—the academy operates as an accessible yet discreet center for shaping the next generation of operatives and advancing the Syndicate's interests.   The true extent of the Syndicate’s control over Vikan Academy is a meticulously guarded secret, maintained through layers of deception and misdirection. Only Myriad students are privy to the fact that many of their instructors are higher-ranking members. To the general student body and the outside world, Vikan Academy maintains a façade of being a prestigious and elite institution focused solely on academic excellence.   Publicly, there is no visible connection to the Syndicate, and any rumors of its involvement are dismissed as outdated conspiracies about a criminal organization believed to have died out long ago. This perception is carefully cultivated through strict control of information, strategic use of public relations, and a polished image of the academy as a neutral, world-class institution. Even normal students who hear whispers of the Syndicate's influence tend to disregard them as baseless myths, unaware of the intricate web of power lurking beneath the surface of their education.   For the Myriad Syndicate, Vikan Academy is the final testing ground for young members to prove their control over their abilites before being released into the higher dregs of society. They must demonstrate not only mastery over their abilities but their ability to control society and their unwavering loyalty to the Syndicate. Vikan Academy is one of the Syndicate's most intense trials to test their young members control, discipline, and readiness to ascend into the higher echelons of both the Syndicate and society. Failure at Vikan is not an option; students who cannot meet the Syndicate’s exacting standards risk demotion or worse—elimination from the organization altogether. For those who succeed, graduation from Vikan signifies their readiness to be integrated into positions of influence.  

Vikan Academy Faculty

Vikan Academy employs 90 faculty members, all carefully selected to further the Syndicate's hidden objectives. Six of these faculty members are high-ranking administrators who oversee the academy’s operations and safeguard Syndicate interests. The remaining faculty consists of teachers, counselors, and support staff, each playing an essential role in maintaining the academy’s daily functions. Regardless of their official roles, all Vikan Academy faculty members are charged with carrying out specific, often morally ambiguous, responsibilities for the Syndicate.  
Faculty Duties
  • Monitoring All Students: Overseers constantly monitor the student body to ensure that they adhere to academy rules and Syndicate expectations. This includes watching for signs of disloyalty or threats to Syndicate interests.
  • Assisting Myriad Syndicate Students: Overseers are obligated to assist Syndicate-affiliated students during trial challenges, though they may refuse if a request is deemed too risky or unreasonable.
  • Providing Training: Overseers must offer additional training in magic or combat to Syndicate members upon request. They retain discretion to decline inappropriate or impractical requests.
  • Suppressing Evidence: One of the most critical duties is the suppression of evidence related to magical or criminal activities within the academy. Overseers ensure that information damaging to the Syndicate stays hidden from non-Syndicate students, the Cerellean government, and the wider criminal underworld.
  • Administering Punishments: Faculty Overseers are responsible for disciplining students who violate academy rules or Syndicate directives. Punishments tend to be stricter for Syndicate students, reflecting the Syndicate's higher standards of loyalty and discipline.
  • Witnessing Pledges and Trials: Overseers act as witnesses during key Syndicate rituals, such as pledges of loyalty or trials testing a student's skills and resolve. Their presence guarantees the legitimacy of these events.
  • Student Club Advisors: Overseers may choose to serve as advisors for student clubs, facilitating student access to funds, locations, and resources beyond the academy’s grounds. This role allows the Syndicate to extend its influence into student life while maintaining a low profile.
  Every faculty member is bound to the Myriad Syndicate. While most are mid-level Syndicate members, a small fraction consists of non-Syndicate individuals who have been coerced into service through blackmail or other threats. These coerced faculty members live in on-site faculty apartments to ensure their compliance.   Faculty typically dress in business casual attire, often in neutral colors or the academy’s official black, gold, and royal purple, reinforcing a professional, uniform appearance that subtly reflects their loyalty to the Syndicate's cause.

Ab initio. Ab intra. Ad finem.

Founding Date
1814 A.D.E
Educational, University
Ruling Organization

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