Evangeline Nemorosum Character in Victus | World Anvil
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Evangeline Nemorosum

lady Evangeline Nemorosum

Evangeline was born in a wealthy family in Domum. She made several attempts to start her own venture to not be dependent on her father financially but had only limited success. Her latest venture in wine trading was again thwarted so she went back to the drawing board.

Mental characteristics

Failures & Embarrassments

On several occasions, Evangeline has tried to achieve financial independence from her father. This has often failed resulting in her licking her wounds and preparing to try again.

Evangeline was born in a wealthy family in Domum. She made several attempts to start her own venture to not be dependent on her father financially but had only limited success. Her latest venture in wine trading was again thwarted so she went back to the drawing board.

Character Location
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Current Location
Date of Birth
2nd of Vreisvalt 786, Age of Unity
Year of Birth
785 29 Years old
dark brown eyes
long curly brown hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
lightly tanned
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