Farmer's revolt Organization in Victus | World Anvil
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Farmer's revolt

Enough is enough! How long must the people live in fear of their lands being claimed by some despot on a distant throne. Who are these men that fight for the throne if not vultures that fight for your property! It is time for the people to decide their own future! I will lead you there but is up to you, the people to take what is yours and to resist! *crowd cheers* Resist! *crowd cheers* Resist!
— Valna Woraw, leader of the people, during her first speech at the start of the revolution
On the evening of the 3rd of Vriesvalt in 796, a crowd gathered in a small town on the outskirts of Druden. The people had some complaints and gathered to form a comitee that would adres the senate. Again. Fields were being destroyed by armies, farmers attacked by bandits and livestock died of malnutrition. The meeting became hotheaded and nearly violent. It was at that point that Valna Woraw, former senatorial guard and above average orator, took the floor.   She talked to the imagination of the folks gathered. She told a tale of a land that was theirs without some noblemen controlling the future. How the corruptions of power have destroyed the bedrock of their nation and how they could not stop the people if they only grasped what was theirs.   The revolution started that day... It wasn't pretty. Guards were slaughtered and the host of farmers(nearly all human) began hunting down all non humans in the city. The city of Druden filled with smoke, ash and the scent of blood.


The Revolution works in different cells that all work independently towards the same goal. The final say or veto does go to the leader however. Not because she has the right to it but due to her truly frightful presence, none dare oppose her.

Public Agenda

The aim of the revolution is to overthrow the government and replace the empire with a peasant republic.

Foreign Relations

Founding Date
3rd of Vriesvalt 796, Age of Struggle
Political, Confederation
Government System
Power Structure
Provisional government
Related Ethnicities
History of the farmer's revolt

  • 796

    3 Vriesvalt

    The revolution begins

    leader Valna Woraw incites the peasants in Druden, only miles away from the capital.

    Additional timelines
  • 814

    12 Ecolier 08:00

    The revolt spreads to Pear trail

    Enthralled by the tales about the bravery of Rook Depotee, told by Aurmir , the people of Pear trail grasp their freedom and join the Farmer's revolt.

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    Pear trail
    Additional timelines
  • 814

    12 Ecolier 18:00

    The defence of Pear trail
    Military action

    The villagers of Pear trail assisted by some travellers and Ramas Nathandem fend off an Imperial assault.

    Pear trail
    Additional timelines
  • 814

    24 Ecolier 17:00

    24 Ecolier 19:00

    The defense of Korbund
    Military action

    The town of Korbund was attacked by Reinhart Krieg and his bandits. Several attempts to take the walls where made but by the assistance of some travelers, a band of mercenaries and some revolutionaries rushing to aid them the town was saved from sacking.

    Session Report
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